
The use of imagery in selected poems by Oscar Wilde

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Код 589364
Дата создания 2015
Страниц 14
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Introduction 3
1 The Function of the Imagery in Poetry 4
1.1 The Concept of the Imagery 4
1.2 The Types of the Imagery 5
2 Functions of the Imagery in Oscar Wilde’s Poems 7
2.1 The Visual Imagery in Wilde’s Poems 7
2.2 The Usage of Other Types of the Imagery in Wilde’s Poems 9
Conclusion 12
References 13



The imagery plays a prominent part both in prose and poetry, but its role in poetry is wider, because lyrical poetry mostly lacks the plot and characters, so the imagery is a very useful means for the influence on the reader.
The present research explores the use of imagery in selected poems by Oscar Wilde.
The objective of our research is to analyse how the imagery is used in the poems of Oscar Wilde.
According to the objective of this research, we can identify the following tasks:
1) to give a definition to the term “imagery”;
2) to describe the different types of the imagery in poetry;
3) to give a characteristic to the role that the imagery plays in Wilde’s poems;
4) to analyse the different types of the imagery in Wilde’s poems in comparison.
The topicality of our research clarify itself be the interest of the modern researchers to the works of Oscar Wilde, whose poetry now is less explored in comparison to his plays and novel.
The scientific novelty of our research is connected to the fact there is an obvious lack of the research in the field of Wilde’s poetry.
The methods of investigations used in this paper are:
• descriptive method;
• the method of classification;
• comparative method;
• the method of component analysis
The theoretical significance of the paper is based on the necessity of detailed analyses of the functions of the imagery in Oscar Wilde’s poems.
The practical significance of the research is defined by the results of the study, which can help to understand deeper the specifics of Wilde’s poetry.
The present research consists of an Introduction, a Chapter I, which is dedicated to the theoretical survey of the imagery and its types, a Chapter II, where we make an analysis of the usage of the imagery in Wilde’s poems. We describe the different types of the imagery which were used in the poems and its functions in the text. 

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In the conclusion we would like to give a brief resume of the work that has been done. According to the tasks we set in the introduction, we may sum up several points.
The first chapter of our research was dedicated mostly to the theoretical survey of the use of the imagery. The second chapter represents the practical analysis of the poems.
The term imagery refers not only to the visual perception, but to the perception with all our senses. It helps the authors to make their work more vivid and bright.
According to this there are five main types of the imagery.
The auditory imagery connected to the audible perception. Here we can name all the information we get from our ears, including the onomatopoeia, alliterations, direct describing of the sounds. Oscar Wilde used auditory imagery in his work. He not only described the sounds and used the alliterations, but also he used the auditory imagery to describe silence.
The visual imagery is used when it is necessary to describe the images we perceive through our eyes. This type of the imagery is the most wide used in the poetry of Oscar Wilde. He used many adjectives which describe colour and other visual characteristics. These types of imagery help Wilde to make a vivid picture in the poem and to translate the idea of feeling and thought by the means of colour and sound.
The kinesthetic and organic imagery is less used in the poems of Oscar Wilde, but we found several examples of them. They used in the poems in order to describes feelings and sensations of the author or of the characters directly.
Concluding our research we should notice that the predominance of the auditory and visual imagery in Wilde’s poems can be explained by the idea of the aestheticism, which pays more attention to the way the object looks like (in fine arts) or sound (in music), so Wilde tried to use this approach in the poetry.

Список литературы


1. Hopkins J. Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. 985 p.
2. Imagery. URL.: http://www.poetryarchive.org/glossary/imagery. (Date: 26.06.2015).
3. Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature. Merriam-Webster, Inc., 1995. 1236 p.
4. Oscar Wilde. URL.: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/oscar-wilde. (Date: 26.06.2015).
5. Wilde O. La Fluite de la Lune. URL.: http://www.poetry-archive.com/w/la_fuite_de_la_lune.html. (Date: 26.06.2015).
6. Wilde O. Requiescat. URL.: http://www.poetry-archive.com/w/requiescat.html. (Date: 26.06.2015).
7. Wilde O. The Grave of Shelley. URL.: http://www.poetry-archive.com/w/the_grave_of_shelley.html. (Date: 26.06.2015).
8. Wilde O. Theocritus. URL.: http://www.poetry-archive.com/w/theocritus.html. (Date: 26.06.2015).
9. Wilde O. Young Charmides. URL.: http://www.poetry-archive.com/w/young_charmides.html. (Date: 26.06.2015).

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