
Substantivisation of Adjectives and Adverbs in English and Spanish Languages

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Introduction 4
1 Substantivation as Lingual Phenomenon 5
1.1 Substantivation and Conversion 5
1.2 Phenomenon of Substantivation in Linguistics 8
1.3 Substantivation in Synchrony and Diachrony 14
2 Substantivation in English 18
2.1 Substantivation of English Adjectives 18
2.1 Substantivation of English Adverbs 21
3 Substantivation in Spanish 24
3.1 Substantivation of Spanish Adjectives 24
3.2 Substantivation of Spanish Adverbs 25
Conclusion 26
Bibliography 28



Substantivisation is a significant part of language, since it helps it to invent new words which are not only fresh but help to save time in pronunciation, as it has been mentioned by several linguists. On cannot deny the fact that every language has its peculiarities on every language, which are reflected by various fields of knowledge, from phonetics to lexicology. Therefore, it seems relevant to study substantivization in two languages that have enough different features as well as common ones. Furthermore, in recent decades linguistics study language elements, events, links, laws largely based on material of the main lexical and grammatical word classes, called parts of speech. For instance, English adjective belong undoubtedly to the cardinal parts of speech, as compared to the parts of speech such as a noun and a verb, investigated less thoroughly and systematically. Consequently, relevance of the research is proved by importance of substantivization as a part of language and linguists’ interest.
The subject of the research is substantivization in the English and Spanish languages; it can be concluded that the object of the research is substantivization of adjectives and adverbs in the mentioned languages.
According to the subject and object, the aim of the research can be laid down, which is to study substantivization of adjectives and adverbs in the English and Spanish languages. This aim determines more specific objectives of the research:
- to describe substantivization as a lingual phenomenon;
- to look at existing differences among substantivation and conversion;
- to analyze substantivation in synchrony and diachrony;
- to carry out empirical study of substantivization of adjectives and adverbs in the English and Spanish languages.
In order to form a theoretical base of the research, we have analysed works of V.I. Kodukov, V.V. Babaytseva, V.N. Migirin, E.C. Cubreacov, V.M. Nikitevich, V.V. Lopatin, E.P. Kalechits, V.V. Bogdanov, A. Bondarenko, N.D. Arutyunova, V.V. Lopatin and many other significant thinkers. As for the sources written in Spanish, works of Pérez Rioja J.A., Francisco Matte Bon, José Roca Pons were considered to be central.
The Internet has been used as source of emperical objects used in the term paper to be analysed. To study substantivization in the English language, Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and BYU-BNC: British National Corpus were used to provide actual material and shortly study the main concept.
The used methods are defined as purposive abstracting, content-analyse and use of national corpuses of the English language.
The given work can raise interest in the students interested in linguistic studies as well as learners of the English and Spanish languages. The practical future of research’s results may include preventing any misunderstanding in the given field of knowledge.
The structure of the term paper includes introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


Conversion and substantivization occupy a special place in English word formation system as the ways to create new words (lexemes). These two ways of word formation have attracted attention of many researchers, speaking English and other languages of the world. However, definition and characterization of these methods were different and sometimes represent contradictory points of view. On the other hand, specificity of the syntactic behavior of adjectives is their ability to move into the category of nouns. The process of moving into the category of nouns is traditionally called substantivation. There are also other terms: transposition, migration, functional shift, conversion (which can be easily mistaken for the reasons, pointed above). Substantivation is treated in the dictionary of linguistic terms as a process of transition in the name of the category of nouns from other parts of speech as a result of the acquired ability to directly indicate the subject.
One of the common types of the transposition process is substantivization. The term substantivation derived from the Latin ‘substantivum’ which means Noun is the transition of words from other parts of speech into nouns discharge. The most significant bit of words, converted to noun class, is adjectives and participles. Research substantivizing process in the Russian language has a long history. However, it is common not only for the Russian linguists; thus, we can find various definition given by German, Italian, Spanish and American researchers of the given problem. Many essential observations in this area were done by linguists in XIX - early XX centuries. Therefore, substantivation is a dubious process, which can be easily mistaken with other phenomenon of any language; we have proved in the given research that different languages have not common results on the topic.
Nouns and adjectives are close to each other in origin; as it often happens in many European languages, the adjective stood out later, and many of them come from nouns. English nouns are commonly used as functional synonyms for the corresponding adjective, and very often they are used in the absence of the corresponding attributive adjectives relative. For example, it can be proved with a collocation a platinum card, where the noun platinum is attributive. As it has been mentioned above, the term ‘substantivization’ usually means transition of adjective into noun, with all its features, including morphological. It usually occurs at a steady ellipse in attributive noun phrase: a private (soldier), a native (inhabitant).
English adjectives do not have concordance with forms of nouns, but only a small part of word is made by a special word-formation suffix among relative adjectives. The absence of morphological parameters makes it possible to use a noun as a definition of the subsequent noun. In this model, the first word on semantic and syntactic characteristics reminiscent of a relative adjective, but it can hardly be regarded as indisputable adjective. Thus, in the English language boundaries between the parts of speech are blurred. At the same time, it is possible to make a conclusion that it is typical for substantivation in the English language to be based exceptionally on adjectives. Adverbs cannot participate in this process and, consequently, cannot become a noun in the given, if it is not intended as figure of speech or any other author’s occasionalism.
Along with the adjective, participle, adverb, pronoun, often exposed substantivizing Spanish infinitive, which many regard as Hispanics verbal noun expressing an abstract name of an action. The fact that the infinitive combines the properties of the verb and the properties of the name defines the various approaches to its study and is reflected in the definitions of the infinitive, which are offered in Spanish grammars. The named properties of infinitive manifested in its ability to substantivize. It should be noted that the phenomenon of morphologic substantivizing observed in modern Spanish is less than phenomenon of partial or syntactic substantivizing, realized in particular speech act, at which most infinitives is substantivized partially acquiring symptoms characteristic category noun temporarily, only under certain conditions, in particular context. An important feature of Spanish substantivized adverbs design is that it is substantivized in the same manner as adjectives.

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