
Stylistic features of the use of metaphors in Shakespeare 39 s sonnets

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Код 582352
Дата создания 2019
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Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
Chapter 1. Metaphor as one of the stylistic device ………………………..5
1.1 The notion of metaphor ………………………………………………..5
1.2 Scientific theories of the study of metaphor ………………………….8
1.3 Definition of metaphor and the process of metaphorizing the meaning of words ……………………………………………………………………………..16
Chapter 2. Characteristic of a metaphor and its stylistic functions ………22
2.1The structure of a metaphor ………………………………………….22
2.2 Types of metaphors ……………………………………………………24
2.3 Functions of metaphors ……………………………………………….28
Chapter 3. The analysis of metaphors in Shakespeare's sonnets …………39
3.1 Classification and analysis of the peculiarities of the use of metaphor..39
3.2 The role of metaphor in the creation Shakespeare's sonnets …………46
3.3 Stylistic features of the use of metaphors in Shakespeare’s sonnets ..58
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………65
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….66


Metaphor, which is one of the ways of understanding the world, is an integral part of the language. From ancient times to the present day it attracts special attention as an object of scientific research. In previous periods, the metaphor was considered as a means of creating imagery in the language, a stylistic device, a way of "decorating" speech. However, in recent years, the study of metaphors has moved to a qualitatively new level. The number of works on this topic has increased dramatically, which can be explained by new prospects for considering metaphors not only as an element of language, but also as an element of thinking. Currently, metaphor is increasingly being studied within the framework of cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoculturology and other borderline Sciences.
This thesis is devoted to the study of metaphors in the sonnets of William Shakespeare.
The relevance of the topic is determined by the enduring nature of the value of Shakespeare's language, as well as due to modern trends in the study of metaphors in the light of cognitive theory, that is, the consideration of linguistic phenomena in relation to man, his activities and thinking. Metaphor is one of the main ways of figurative modeling and reflection of reality, including space. In cognitive linguistics metaphor is defined as everyday conceptual reality; it permeates the daily life of a person, structuring perception, thinking, activity, it is embedded in the conceptual system of a person. Therefore, at present, the metaphor is considered by linguists, its study is engaged in the framework of Sciences that study human cognitive activity, such as philosophy, psychology, and others (M. black, A. A. Richards, D. Davidson Vico and others).
The main purpose of this work is to reveal the linguistic features of the metaphor and its functions in Shakespeare's sonnets, since today the metaphor is considered not only as an artistic technique and a means of nomination, but also as a special way of thinking, when "a person learns the world through the awareness of his subject and theoretical activity in it ", through "thinking through" the knowledge gained before, when a new concept is created through the use of "literal" , "superficial" meaning of expression.
In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks are expected to be performed:
1) consider the concept of metaphor of a General linguistic nature;
2) determine the meaning and classification of metaphors in stylistic theory.
3) identify cases of the use of metaphors and examine their nature in the sonnets by W. Shakespeare
4) to analyze the functional significance of metaphors in W. Shakespeare's sonnets
5) summarize the results
The object of our study is a metaphor, as one of the main worldview categories.
The subject of the research is the stylistic and artistic originality of the metaphors in Shakespeare's sonnets.
The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the materials and observations presented in it may be of interest not only for language theorists, lexicologists, translators, but also for literary critics and other specialists engaged in the study of material in the field of metaphor theory, linguoculturology, functional stylistics, phraseology, etc.
The practical significance of the work is determined by the ability to use the results of the study in courses on lexicology, ethnolinguistics, cultural studies, in the practice of teaching foreign languages and Russian as a foreign language, in lexicographical and translation practice.
The main methods used in the work are the descriptive method, which includes observation, generalization, interpretation and classification, as well as methods of contextual linguistic and cultural analysis.
The theoretical basis for the study was the work of V. G. GAK, D. Davidson, D. Lakoff, V. N. Telia, M. Johnson, N. D. In studies on the problem of metaphor, the author emphasizes its important role in the construction of conceptual and verbal systems of man, its active participation in the categorization of language, the processes of thinking and perception.
This work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion and bibliography.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
Chapter 1. Metaphor as one of the stylistic device ………………………..5
1.1 The notion of metaphor ………………………………………………..5
1.2 Scientific theories of the study of metaphor ………………………….8
1.3 Definition of metaphor and the process of metaphorizing the meaning of words ……………………………………………………………………………..16
Chapter 2. Characteristic of a metaphor and its stylistic functions ………22
2.1The structure of a metaphor ………………………………………….22
2.2 Types of metaphors ……………………………………………………24
2.3 Functions of metaphors ……………………………………………….28
Chapter 3. The analysis of metaphors in Shakespeare's sonnets …………39
3.1 Classification and analysis of the peculiarities of the use of metaphor..39
3.2 The role of metaphor in the creation Shakespeare's sonnets …………46
3.3 Stylistic features of the use of metaphors in Shakespeare’s sonnets ..58
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………65
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….66

Список литературы

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