
Translation of Economic Metaphor

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Table of contents

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Nature of Metaphor 6
1.1. Definition of the notion “metaphor”, its nature and functions 6
1.2. Problem of classification of metaphor 10
1.3. Linguistic means of creation of metaphor 14
Summary of Results 20
Chapter 2. Essence and Functions of Economic Metaphor 21
2.1. Classification of economic metaphor 21
2.2. Functioning of economic metaphor in economic discourse 23
2.3. Economic metaphor in the aspect of translation 28
Summary of Results 33
Chapter 3. Problem of Translation of Metaphor in the Economic Discourse 35
3.1. Practical application of metaphor in the English economic discourse 35
3.2. Means of translation of economic metaphor 46
Summary of Results 53
Conclusion 54
Bibliography 57
Appendix 65



Metaphor and its functioning in different discourses attract the scientists’ attention long ago, and the quantity of the scientific researches devoted to the notion of metaphorization is still growing. But in spite of the great amount of investigations in this field, some problems of the metaphor’s functioning in speech are still unsettled. For example, there is not any unique definition of the notion “metaphor”. Metaphor can be understood either narrowly as an expressive trope, or broadly as a two-dimensional indirect reflection of the reality. More over, the reflection of different concepts (in this case, economic concepts) with the help of metaphors is also of great interest today, because in this connection metaphor is considered to be not only an expressive stylistic means but also a definite means of the reality expression in the economic discourse.
The process of metaphors’ translation is very difficult in every functional style. Concerning the economic discourse, we can state that here metaphors have some additional functions (for instance, a nominative function) which are not observed in other styles of speech.
Based on the above, the theme of the present research is today very topical.
According to the topicality of the theme, we can define the aim of the research which consists in the analysis of means of translation of economic metaphors.
In order to achieve this aim, the following tasks must be solved:
1. To study the definition of the notion metaphor, its nature and functions.
2. To examine the problem of classification of metaphor and linguistic means of its creation.
3. To cite classifications of economic metaphor and its functions in the economic discourse.
4. To reveal the essence of economic metaphor in the aspect of translation.
5. To make an analysis of practical application of metaphor in the English economic discourse.
6. To investigate the means of translation of economic metaphor.
The object of the present research is economic metaphor.
The subjects of the research are the means of translation of economic metaphor.
The theoretical basis of the work consists in the scientific researchers of foreign and Russian investigators such as I.V. Arnold, N.D. Arutyunova, E. Black, M. Black, R. Bradford, S. Bratoz, A.A. Bykova, A. Deignan, R. Dirven, T. Dobrzynska, I.R. Galperin, V.V. Gurevich, R. Hoffman, L. Jeffries, Yu.N. Karaulov, G. Lakoff, T. Langer, N. Mandelblit, D. Mccloskey, V.P. Moskvin, M. Nader, P. Newmark, N. Norgaard, G.N. Sklyarevskaya, G. Steen, Yu.S. Stepanov, P. Verdonk, K. Wales and others.
The research is held on the material of articles taken from the popular newspapers of the USA and Great Britain, such as “The New Yorker”, “Project Syndicate”, “Bloomberg”, “The Washington Post”, “New Statesman”, “Watch”, and “Forbes”.
In the present research the following methods of investigation are used:
• observational method;
• quantitative method;
• method of empiric observation of the material of the research.
Theoretical relevance of the present research consists in the fact that the research of economic metaphor can be used in writing tutorials and different training materials on linguistics of English and the theory of translation.
Practical relevance of the present paper consists in the fact that the results of the present research can be relevant to the practical activities of translators and interpreters.
The structure of the present paper: the work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.
The introduction contains information about the topicality of the theme of the present work, the aim and the tasks, material and informational basis, theoretical and practical value of the research.
In the first chapter “Nature of Metaphor” the definition of the notion “metaphor” is studied, its nature and functions are analyzed, the problem of classification of metaphor is discussed and linguistic means of creation of metaphor are characterized.
In the second chapter “Essence and Functions of Economic Metaphor” the classification of economic metaphor is cited, its functioning in the economic discourse is characterized and the essence of economic metaphor is investigated in the aspect of translation.
The third chapter “Problem of Translation of Metaphor in the Economic Discourse” is devoted to the practical research of economic metaphor used in the English economic discourse. Here we analyze the practical application of metaphor in the English economic discourse and make a research of the means of translation of economic metaphor.
In the conclusion we summarize the information given above and make suggestions for future research.
In the bibliography there is a list of scientific works used in the present research.
Appendixes include the contexts of economic metaphors which are not mentioned in the text of the present paper.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


The aim of the present research was to analyze the means of translation of economic metaphors. In order to achieve this aim, we, first of all, have studied the definition of the notion “metaphor”, its nature and functions. We have revealed that metaphor is understood in modern Russian and foreign linguistics in two ways: as a purely stylistic means of expressiveness and as a means of modeling the surrounding reality. According to its two-dimensional character, metaphor performs different functions. It can be a source of nomination and additional information. In other reflections metaphors have the functions of evaluation and symbolism. They express emotions and feelings of the speaker.
The problem of classification of metaphor is very topical today, because linguists suggest different types of metaphors grouped in various ways. The most common aspects for metaphor’s classification are its semantics, structure, relations between main and secondary object of metaphorical comparison, its functions, relation towards time and space. The means of formation of metaphors in the English language are also various. Metaphor reveals some common features with other stylistic tropes (simile, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, irony, etc.). Metaphor can be formed with the help of analogy, reference extension, transfer of denotation or imagistic paraphrase.
The problem of economic metaphor is also examined in the present paper. First of all, we have drawn a conclusion that economic metaphors can be grouped differently, dependent on the aspect of their investigation. Metaphor’s types are revealed according to their donor and recipient domain, novelty or functional level. There are several binary oppositions of economic metaphors which are built on the basis of contradictions. A type of an economic metaphor influences its functions in the economic discourse. Some figurative functions of economic metaphors are just the same as the other metaphors used in different functional style. Besides, economic metaphor can perform a nomination and explanation function, it helps to make a composition of an economic text.
Multifunctional character of economic metaphor leads to the appearance of different classifications of the means of its translation to the other languages. The most common law for the translation of economic (and other) metaphor is its preservation, or the usage of its equivalent or word-for-word translation. Sometimes it can be replaced by the metaphor of the other type or by the other trope, or just omitted in the text.
Practical analysis of economic metaphors used in the English newspaper articles on the economic theme and their translations to the Russian language helped to confirm the theoretical backgrounds of the present research. Having analyzed the types of economic metaphors, we have disclosed ten groups of metaphors according to their donor domain: inanimate objects, objects of nature, anthropomorphisms, healthcare, transport, biblical / mysterious objects, sport object, colour symbols, war objects and zoomorphisms. The most frequent types of economic metaphor are metaphors with the donor domain of inanimate objects and objects of nature.
Semantic classification of economic metaphors showed the usage of dead and original metaphors with the little prevalence of original metaphors. Classification of economic metaphors according to the level of semantic remoteness of the main and secondary objects showed the domination of external metaphor, while internal metaphor is used only once in the analyzed material.
Investigation of the means of translation of economic metaphors used in the English newspaper articles and translated to the Russian language helped to understand the main means of its translation in the modern Russian language – equivalent or word-for-word translation. The dominating character of this means of translation is stipulated by the main law of the metaphor translation – the law of its preservation. Translators use also other metaphors (metaphors with other donor domains) for the transmission of the English economic metaphors. In some cases an economic metaphor is replaced by the other stylistic trope (for example, epithet). The usage of description is rare, but still sometimes it is necessary to use it during the translation of economic metaphor in order to fully depict the economic situation in the country. Occasional authorial metaphors are translated, as a rule, with the help of analogous occasional word-combinations or neologisms with metaphorical meaning. In one case we have observed the integration of a commentary.

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Resources of Practical Material

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