
The Impact of Social Networks on the Beauty Sphere

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Код 559483
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1.1 Thesis structure 8
1.2 Theoretical basis 11
2.1 Determining the place of social media in modern business 14
2.2 Levers of influence on the consumer with the help of Internet resources 17
2.3 Advertising with bloggers to attract consumers 20
2.4 Motivation for the consumption of media content from the audience 26
3.1 Statement of the research question 32
3.2 Goal and stages of the thesis 35
3.3 Description of the hypotheses 38
3.4 Methodology of questionnaire 38
3.5 Methodology of semi-structured interview 40
3.6 Data Analysis Strategy 42
4.1 Survey Results 43
4.2 Results of in-depth interviews 67
Appendices 78



Modern processes taking place around us are changing the media space that has formed over the past few years and continues to be “updated”, changing modern processes, including our lives. Today, it is digitalization that explains the transformation of interaction between producer and consumer. Due to digitalization in the job market, a huge number of jobs offers in the field of SMM-Social Media Marketing have appeared. For example, over the past two years there have been quite a few studies whose authors explain their relevance by the fact that the digital sphere has firmly entered our daily lives, thereby opening up new professions in the job market. For example, a brand manager is a specialist whose competencies include analysis of the market and its segments, analysis of competitors, brand development in social networks. A PR manager is someone who is involved in attracting traffic or attention to a brand or product through social media.
The topic selected in this study, “The Impact of Social Media on the Beauty Sphere,” is very relevant today. Despite the fact that over the past few years, works have been published that examined the issue of the impact of social networks on entrepreneurship. The issue of the impact of SMM on the beauty industry in Russia has not been raised. The market of beauty services in Russia is very young relative to many other countries; it has existed for about 15 years. But thanks to active development, the market grows by 25% annually. Over the past 5 years, it has been established that the Russian beauty services market is the fastest growing in the world: the growth rate of the volume of services sold (hairdressing, manicure / pedicure, beauty services, etc.) is 10-15% faster than the growth rate in Western countries (Sergeeva, 2007). The significance of the work is also due to the fact that, despite the prospects for the market that were revealed to the public, the question remains still unsolved about how social media can influence the beauty industry and how it can change the trajectory of the “fashion” that used to be the task of designers and television.
It is worth noting that in the West in 2019 there was an article which considered the impact of collaboration of well-known cosmetics brands (Bobbi Brown) with YouTubers (Genç ans Öksüz, 2019). The study mentioned above was conducted in Turkey in 2019. Today is 2020 and so far there are no scientific works in Russia that would consider the similar impact of the collaboration, and also obtain results that would establish a vector for the development of Russian cosmetic companies in order to increase popularity, increase sales and improve marketing activities. What can the lack of a daily update of online content lead to today, without blogging, implementing interactive and without feedback? Thanks to this study, a connection will be established between the above actions and the popularity of beauty brands on social online platforms in Russia.
The main barrier to development, faced by all those who produce a product for consumption (in this case, it is about beauty brands) - feedback. How can it be predicted to become popular before the product is introduced to the masses? What needs to be done so that the dialogue with the masses is redesigned into a one-on-one conversation? And most importantly, is it possible to get feedback instantly, and if so, how?
Social networks today are a reliable tool that, when reasonably handled, can become an intermediary for instant feedback. With this tool, brands can build dialogue with the masses, increase demand for their products, as well as earn a reputation and build an image. Such opportunities have never existed before, so the marketing environment has used other, less effective methods of advertising. But today, the main mechanism for building relations between producer and consumer is social platforms. The current generation is “visuals”, which means that for people the “picture” is becoming as important as the quality. Collectively, it is a color ful advertisement with popular personalities, an unusual packaging of goods, decorated in a single style profile of the company in social networks. It is logical to assume that social media has become a powerful tool in the field of SMM due to mass involvement. Millions of people are registered on Instagram, according to official data in 2020, there were 1,200,000,000 users who were online at least once a month. According to one recent statistic, 41% of Instagram users do not watch television daily at all.
Thus, the relevance of our study can be determined by the emergence and rapid development of the importance of social networks, both in entrepreneurship in general and in the beauty industry in particular. Today, the online advertising market is one of the main levers of influence on the consumer in the beauty sphere, since it is this leverage that is better than the others to present numerical information in a form convenient for spectator observation in the visual. The need for a transition from a monologue to a dialogue with the consumer, as well as in obtaining instant feedback provoked this trend. The Internet today is one of the fastest growing marketing communications tools.
In this study, various methods of data collection will be used, both qualitative and quantitative: in-depth interviews, secondary data and survey, respectively. Literary sources will help to make sure that the topic we have chosen is relevant and has not been studied in Russia before, thanks to the articles read, a “base” will appear, which will be supported by additional information collected and not previously studied. Survey and in-depth interviews will allow us to confirm or refute our hypotheses. Thanks to the data obtained, it will become known what is the relationship between users, social media and the beauty industry in the Russian market. It will also be established what “levers” of demand management are used by beauty brands and what needs to be done to remain at the peak of popularity and demand. It will be found out what specific methods of influencing the masses are used by representatives of beauty brands - employees of various beauty companies with competencies in SMM. Expected results from the study: the hypotheses put forward in the study regarding the assumption that today the influence of social networks on the development of the beauty industry in Russia is enormous will be confirmed. And cosmetic brands will be able to use this work as a guide and a “guidebook,” which can help any company to gain popularity and relevance.
The object of this work is the influence of the media, the subject - how the media influence the perception of the brand by the client.
The aim of the study is to determine how cosmetic brands affect consumers through social networks and how effective this influence is.
The main issues of research-What does the customer think about cosmetic brands that use social networks to attract attention to the brand? How are cosmetic brands able to influence purchasing habits, for example: what do companies do to expand their audience and make customers a regular consumer of products?
Since there are several research questions in this paper, it would be useful to clarify which section of the methodology each of them relates to. The first question allows us to evaluate the problem from the point of view of consumers. How they relate to the manufacturer of beauty products, which uses social networks to attract attention to their products. To do this, a quantitative data collection method, survey, will be implemented in the methodology. The second research question relates to manufacturers of cosmetic brands. The second part of the methodology will relate to 2 research questions. In this part, a qualitative method of data collection will be used - interviews in which representatives of cosmetic companies will be interviewed.
In accordance with the purpose of the work, the following tasks were set:
1) Learn literature about the interaction between social media and beauty brands;
2) Develop a design study that will include research proposals, key elements and expected results;
3) To study examples of Russian companies that have integrated advertising in social networks;
4) Select the target audience of the respondents, as well as find ways for employees of cosmetic companies who will agree to be interviewed;
5) Collect consumer and manufacturing data through survey and in-depth interviews, respectively;
6) Identify the impact of cosmetic brands on customers through social networks;
7) Assess customer attitudes to this type of influence;
8) Analyze the data, recode it for further work in a specialized SPSS program;
9) Explore trends in successful marketing of cosmetic representations on social networks;
10) Highlight the importance of SMM in Internet marketing.
The results of the study will be useful for marketers of Russian cosmetic companies. This knowledge can be used to increase efficiency and significantly increase the profit of any cosmetic company, which is beneficial for employees and attractive for consumers. In addition, this study will be of academic value for future research and will help fill the gap in the literature on this topic. New articles may focus on the impact of certain types of advertising management in the Russian beauty industry to get more specific and accurate results.

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Nowadays social media marketing (SMM) is an integral part of any business. Despite this, background on SMM is still either too generalized or fragmented enough. At the moment, in Russia, the topic of the influence of social networks on the beauty industry has never been subjected to in-depth study. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to determine how cosmetic brands affect consumers through social networks and how effective this influence is. To research the topic, an electronic survey was distributed among users who visit social networks on a regular basis in order to study in detail the attitude of consumers of beauty brands to advertising on social networks. The collected data of 267 respondents were analyzed in Excel and SPSS using several types of analysis. In-depth interviews were used to find out the opinions of beauty brand manufacturers on how to promote their companies. This study uses a qualitative approach to develop a strategic framework that will become a real fundamental basis for further in-depth study of this burning topic. In addition, heads of beauty companies will be able to use this system to promote their brand and increase customer loyalty.
Keywords: Digital marketing, social networks, advertising, marketing, influence maximization

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