
Языковые и функциональный особенности рекламных текстов на базе англо-американской прессы

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Код 588964
Дата создания 2016
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1 Linguistic and functional features 3
of advertisung texts 3
1.1 Advertising Discourse, its Characteristics and Functions 3
1.2 Linguistic Characteristics of persuasive language 7
1.3 Persuasive figurative language 8
British and American Press. Short characteristics and functions of advertisements there 18
3 Linguistic analysis in print advertisements in British and American Press 20


Advertisements today have become an inseparable part of communication between the producers and the buyers. Advertisements may have various marketing purposes, but their main targets have always been and remain convincing customers to purchase the product. In other words, the main goal of the advertising is to persuade a customer to buy. . In print advertisements of beauty products, apart from the eye-catching images, there should be a persuasive message addressed to the buyer, as it is the direct communication between the seller and the customer. In order to persuade a particular customer group to buy a certain product or service, different types of persuasive linguistic means are used. The present writing focuses on the persuasive language of print advertisement text and their functional features basing on print materials from British and American newspapers and magazines. s of beauty products. As this industry has a strong competition, the methods of persuasion differ, so the selected advertisements are of different famous worldwide known beauty brands in order to find out which persuasive means are used in contemporary advertising.
The goal of this paper is to identify which persuasive linguistic means are used in print advertisements of beauand ty products and which of tfunctions of advertising texts hem is the most frequently used means to persuade the target audiencefrom British and American press..
The enabling objectives to achieve the research goal are as follows:
• to select and study the literature on advertising discourse and persuasive language to establish the framework for the analysis;
• to find printed advertisements of beauty products;and to analyse the persuasive linguistic means used in them and functions of the texts;
• to draw conclusions
The research questions to be answered during the research are:
• What language means are used in the print advertisements of beauty products?
• What language means is the most frequently used in the selected advertisements?
The research methods:
1) literature review and analysis of relevant theories on advertising discourse and persuasive language
2) text analysis of print advertisements of beauty products and frequency analysis.
The theoretical framework of the present paper includes the study of literature provided by such authors as Cook, Arens, Goddard, Crystal, Kalmane, and others. The empirical research represents the analysis of 3 print advertisements taken from the official websites of beauty product companiesBritish and American newspapers and magazines.
The present paper comprises 3 chapters. Chapter 1 provides the discussion on advertising discourse and persuasive advertising and linguistic means of persuasive advertising.. First, it defines advertising and advertising discourse. Second, it provides characteristics of beauty product advertisements.
Chapter 2 describes characteristics of persuasive language used in advertisements.describes British and American press and language used in it. Chapter 3 presents the discourse analysis and discussion of the results of the empirical research and main conclusions.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The advertising discourse has a main feature of very metaphoric language that allows to give it such a broad meaning and have a persuasive effect. The generalizations governing poetic metaphorical expressions are not in language, but in thought: they are general mappings across conceptual domains. Now we may see that ordinary everyday English is largely metaphorical, dispelling once and for all the traditional view that metaphor is primarily in the realm of poetic or “figurative” language, metaphor is a major and indispensable part of the ordinary, conventional way of conceptualizing the world, and that the everyday behavior reflects metaphorical understanding of experience.
Print advertisements of beauty products appeal a lot to people’s emotions and cultural attitudes. They also try to involve young audience to social activities related to beauty products usage. All analysed advertisements tried to imply that their products are maximum natural, healthy and will make you beautiful really quickly.
The persuasive effects of the analysed advertisements were achieved by using assessing words (mainly adjectives and adverbs) and metaphors. Among metaphors we have met the type of LIFE-IS-A-JOURNEY and image metaphors.
As well as metaphors there were used comparisons and hyperbolic expressions.

Список литературы

1. Chand, P., Chandhary, S. (2012) Advertising discourse: Studying creation and perception of a meaning. International Journal of English and Literature. Vol 3 (2), pp. 40-49
2. Cook G (2001). The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge.
3. Crystal, D. (1997) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
4. Crystal, D. (2003) Revised edition of a Dictionary of linguistics and phoenetics, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
5. Debashis Aikat (2014) Hey, Kids, This is Advertising: Metaphors and Promotional Appeals in Online Advertisements for Children. Studies in Media and Communications. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.Vol. 6. pp. 159-194
6. Efimenko, I., Ivanova Y. (2014). Persuasiveness representation through verbal and non-verbal language units in presentation discourse. Vestnik MGOU. Vol. 2. – pp. 25-31
7. Geeraerts, D. (ed.) (2006) Cognitive linguistics: basic readings. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH and Co.
8. Hoepfner YA (1996). Available at: http://www.discourseanalysis.de/media/pdfs/Hoepfner%202006%20Dove.pdf [Accessed 2 December 2016]
9. Kansal, P. (2013) Information vs attractiveness cues in advertisements: OTC drugs in India and USA. Journal of Asia Business studies. Vol. 7. Iss. 2. pp. 140-152
10. Kellner D (1995). Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism and Media Culture. In Dines, G. and Humez, J.M. Gender, Race and Class in Media. A Text Reader. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
11. Norreklit, H., Scapens R. W. (2014) From persuasive to authoritative speech genres: Writing accounting research for a practitioner audience. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journ. Vol. 27. Iss. 8, pp. 1271-1307
12. Stewart D.W., Scotte K. (1989) Executional Factors and Advertising Effectiveness: A Replication. Journal of Advertising, 18(3), pp. 21-32.
13. Toncar M.F., Munch J.M. (2001). Consumer Responses to Tropes in Print Advertising. Journal of advertising. Vol 30, pp. 55- 65.
14. www. Student-life2005.narod.ru British and American Press.
15. www. nytimes.com

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