
Общая теория систем – критический обзор

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Общая теория систем – критический обзор

Список литературы

1 . Ackoff R.L. Games, Decisions, and Organizations // General Systems. Vol. IV. 1959. P. 145–150.
2 . Ackoff R.L. Systems, Organizations and Interdisciplinary Research // General Systems. Vol. V. 1960. P. 1–8 (опубликовано также в: Eckman D.P. (ed.). Systems: Research and Design. New York: Wiley, 1961. P. 26–42; русский перевод см. в настоящем издании).
3 . Arrow К.J. Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences // General Systems. Vol. I. 1956. P. 29–47.
4 . Ashby W.R. General Systems Theory as a New Discipline // General Systems. Vol. III. 1958. P. 1–6 (русский перевод см. в настоящем издании).
5 . Ashby W.R. An Introduction to Cybernetics. 3rd. ed. New York: Wiley, 1958 (русский перевод: Эшби У.Р. Введение в кибернетику. М.: Иностранная литература, 1959).
6 . Ashby W.R. Principles of the Self-Organizing System // Foerster H. von, Zopf G.W. Jr. (eds.). Principles of Self-Organization. New York: Pergarnon Press, 1962. P. 255–278 (русский перевод – Эшби У.Р. Принципы самоорганизации // Принципы самоорганизации / Перевод с англ.; под ред. А. Я. Лернера, М.: Мир, 1966, С. 314–343).
7 . Attneave F. Application of Information Theory to Psychology. New York: Holt, 1959.
8. Beer St. Below the Twillight Arch – A Mythology of Systems // General Systems. Vol. V. 1960. P. 9–20 (опубликовано также в: Eckman D.P. (ed.). Systems: Research and Design. New York: Wiley, 1961. P. 1–25; русский перевод: Бир Ст. Кибернетика и управление производством. М: Наука, 1965. С. 275–314). [c. 78]
9 . Bell E. Oogenesis. C. P. Raven (review) // Science. Vol. 135. 1962. P. 1056.
10 . Bertalanffy L. von. Vom Sinn und der Einheit der Wissenschaften // Der Student. Wien. Vol. 2. 1947. № 7–8.
11 . Bertalanffy L. von. Zu einer allgerneinen Systemlehre. // Biologia Generalis. Vol. 19. 1949. S. 114–129.
12 . Bertalanffy L. von. An Outline of General System Theory. // British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 1. 1950. P. 134–165.
13 . Bertalanffy L. von. Biophysik des Fliessgleichgewichts (Translating by W. Westphal). Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1953.
14 . Bertalanffy L. von. General System Theory. // General Systems. Vol. I. 1956. P. 1–10.
15 . Bertalanffy L. von. A Biologist Looks at Human Nature // Scientific Monthly. Vol. 82. 1956. P. 33–41.
16 . Bertalanffy L. von. Problems of Life. An Evolution of Modern Biological and Scientific Thought (1952). New York: Harper, 1960.
17 . Bertalanffy L. von. Principles and Theory of Growth // Nоwinski W.W. (ed.). Fundamental Aspects of Normal and Malignant Growth. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1960. P. 137–259.
18 . Bertalanffy L. von. Modern Theories of Development: An Introduction to Theoretical Biology (1933). New York: Harper, 1962.
19 . Bertalanffy L. von, Hempei C.G., Bass R.E., Jonas H. General System Theory: A New Approach to Unity of Science // Human Biology. Vol. 23. 1951. P. 302–361.
20 . Bevelton R.J.H., Holt S.J. On the Dynamics of Exploited Fish Populations // Fishery Investigation. Ser. II. Vol. XIX. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1957.
21 . Boulding К.Е. The Organizational Revolution. New York: Harper, 1953.
22 . Boulding К.Е. Toward a General Theory of Growth // General Systems. Vol. I. 1956. P. 66–75.
23 . Bradley D.F., Calvin M. Behavior: Imbalance in a Network of Chemical Transformation // General Systems. Vol. I. 1956. P. 56–65.
24 . Braу J.R. Notes Toward an Ecology Theory // Ecology. Vol. 9. 1958. P. 770–776.
25 . Bray H.G., White K. Kinetics and Thermodynamics in Biochemistry. New York: Academic Press, 1957.
26 . Buck R.C. On the Logic of General Behavior Systems Theory // Feigl H., Scriven M. (eds). Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 1. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1956. P. 223–238,
27 . Buhler Ch. Theoretical Observations about Life's Basic Tendencies // American Journal for Psychotherapy. Vol. 13. 1959. P. 501–581.
28 . Chorley R.J. Geomorphology and General Systems Theory // General Systems. Vol. IX. 1964. P. 45–55.
29 . Dost R.H. Der Bluispiegel. Kinetik der Konzentrationsablaufe in der Korperflussigkeit. Leipzig: Thieme, 1953.
30 . Eg1er F.E. Bertaianffian organismicism // Ecology. Vol. 34. 1953. P. 443–446. [c. 79]
31 . Feigl H. Some Major Issues and Developments in the Philosophy of Science of Logical Empirism // Feigl H., Scriven M. (eds.). Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. I. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1956. P. 3–37.
32 . Foster C., Rapоport A., Тrucсо E. Some Unsolved Problems in the Theory Of Non-isolated Systems // General Systems. Vol. II. 1957. P. 9–29.
33 . Gessner F. Wieviel Tiere bevőlkern die Erde? // Orion. 1951. S. 3–35.
34 . Geyl P. Napoleon for and Against. London: Cape, 1949 (1957).
35 . Gey1 P. Debates with Historians. New York: Meridian Books, 1958.
36 . Haire M. Biological Models and Empirical Histories of the Growth of Organizations // Haire M. (ed.). Modern Organization Theory. New York: Wiley, 1959. P. 272–306.
37 . Hаll A.D. A Methodology for Systems Engineering. Princeton: Nostrand, 1962.
38 . Hall A.D., Fagen R.E. Definition of System // General Systems. Vol. I. 1956. P. 18–28 (русский перевод см. в настоящем издании).
39 . Hall C.S., Lindzeу G. Theories of Personality. New York: Wiley, 1957.
40 . Hayek F.A. Degrees of Explanation // British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 6. 1955. P. 209–225.
41 . Hearn G. Theory Building in Social Work. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1958.
42 . Hersh A.H. Drosophila and the Course of Research // Ohio Journal of Science. Vol. 42. 1942. P. 198–200.
43 . Holt S.J. The Application of Comparative Population Studies to Fisheries Biology – An Exploration // Le Cren E.D., Holdgate M.W. (eds.). The Exploitation of Natural Animal Populations. Oxford: Blackwell, without year.
44 . Кamarуt J. Die Bedeutung der Theorie des offenen Systems in der gegenwartigen Biologie // Deutsche Zeitschrift fűr Philosophies. Bd. 9. 1961. S. 2040–2059.
45 . Keiter F. Wachstum und Reifen im Jugendalter // Kőlner Zeitschrift fűr Soziologie // Bd. 4. 1951–1952. S. 165–174.
46 . Kment H. The Problem of Biological Regulation and its Evolution in Medical View // General Systerns. Vol. IV. 1959. P. 75–82.
46a . Кreсh D. Dynamic Systems as Open Neurological Systems // General Systems. Vol. I. 1956. P. 144–154.
47 . Kremyanskiy V.I. Certain Peculiarities of Organisms as a “System” from the Point of View of Physics, Cybernetics and Biology // General Systems. Vol. V. 1960. P. 221–230 (на русском языке см.: Кремянский В.И. Некоторые особенности организмов как “систем” с точки зрения физики, кибернетики и биологии // Вопросы философии. 1958. № 8. C. 97–107).
48 . Lektorsky V.A., Sadovsky V.N. On Principles of System Research (Related to L. Bertalanffy's General System Theory) // General Systems. Vol. V. 1960. P. 171–179 (на русском языке см: Лекторский В.А., Садовский В.Н. О принципах [c. 80] исследования систем (в связи с общей теорией систем Л. Берталанфи // Вопросы философии. 1960. № 8. C. 67–79).
49 . McClelland Ch. A Systems and History in International Relations: Some Perspectives for Empirical Research and Theory // General Systems. Vol. III. 1958. P. 221–247.
49a . Menninger K. Psychological Aspects of the Organism under Stress // General Systems. Vol. II. 1957. P. 142–172.
50 . Meyer R.L. Preface // General Systems. Vol. VI. 1961. P. III–IV.
51 . Miller J.G. et. al. Symposium. Profits and Problems of Homeostatic Models in the Behavioral Sciences // Chicago Behavioral Sciences Publications. № 1. 1953.
52 . Naroll R.S., Bertalanffy L. von. The Principle of Allometry in Biology and the Social Sciences // General Systems. Vol. I. 1956. P. 76–89.
53 . Netter H. Theoretische Biochemie. Berlin: Springer, 1959.
54 . Oppenheimer R. Analogy in Science. // American Psychologist. Vol. 11. 1956. P. 127–135.
55 . Patten В.С. An Introduction to the Cybernetics of the Ecosystern: The Trophic-Dynamic Aspect // Ecology. Vol. 40. 1959. P. 221–231.
56 . Prigogine I. Etude thermodynamique des phenornenes irreversibles. Paris: Dunod, 1947(русский перевод – Пригожин И. Введение в термодинамику необратимых процессов. М., 1960).
57 . Rapoport A. The Promise and Pitfalls of Information Theory // Behavioral Science. Vol. I. 1956. P. 303–315.
58 . Rapoport A., Lewis F. Richardson's Mathematical Theory of War // General Systems. Vol. II. 1957. P. 55–91.
59 . Rapoport A. Critiques of Game Theory // Behavioral Science. Vol. 4. 1959. P. 49–66.
60 . Rapoport A. Fights, Games, and Debates. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960.
61 . Rapoport A., Horvath W.J. Thoughts on Organization Theory and a Review of Two Conferences // General Systems. Vol. IV. 1959. P. 87–93.
62 . Rаррароrt D. The Structure of Psycho-analytic Theory // Psychological Issues, 2. Monogr. 6. 1960. P. 39–64.
63 . Rashevskу N. The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Rates of Cultural Development // Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics. Vol. 14. 1952. P. 193–201.
64 . Rosen R. A Relational Theory of Biological Systems // General Systems. Vol. V. 1960. P. 29–55.
65 . Sсhulz G.V. Energetische und statistische Voraussetzungen fűr die Synthese der Makromolekule im Organisrnus // Zeitschrft fűr Elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische Chemie. Vol. 55. 1951. P. 569–574.
66 . Thompson J.W. The Organismic Conception in Meteorology. // General Systems. Vol. VI. 1961. P. 45–49.
67 . Toynbee A.J. A Study of History. Vol. XII: Reconsiderations. New York: Oxford University Press, 1961.
68 . Tribus M. Information Theory of the Basis for Thermostatics and Thermodynamics. // General Systems. Vol. VI. 1961. P. 127–138. [c. 81]
69 . Vickers G. Control, Stability and Choice // General Systems. Vol. II. 1957. P. 1–8.
70 . Watt K.E.F. The Choice and Solution of Mathematical Models for Predicting and Maximizing the Yield of a Fishery // General Systems. Vol. III. 1958. P. 101–121.
71 . Weaver W. Science and Complexity // American Scientist. Vol. 36. 1948. P. 536–544.
72 . Whittaker R.H. A Consideration of Climax Theory: The Climax as a Population and Pattern // Ecological Monographs. Vol. 23. 1953. P. 41–78.
73 . Weiss P. Experience and Experiment in Biology // Science. Vol. 136. 1962. P. 468–471.
74 . Wiener N. Cybernetics. New York: Wiley, 1948 (русский перевод: Винер Н. Кибернетика, М.: Советское радио, 1958; 2-е изд. – М., 1968).
75 . Zасharias J.R. Structure of Physical Science // Science. Vol. 125. 1957. P. 427–428. [c. 82]
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