
Особенности перевода английских газетно-информационных текстов на русский язык

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Код 559879
Дата создания 2017
Страниц 70
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1.1. Some Lexical Features оf Newspapers 8
1.2. Grammatical and Syntactical Features оf Newspaper Style 20
1.3 Specific Stylistic Peculiarities оf Newspapers 24
1.4 Summary of Results 32
2.1 Lexical Transformations in Translation of Newspaper Style 33
2.2 Some Grammatical Transformations in Translation of Newspaper Articles from English into the Russian Language 45
2.3 Specific Stylistic Transformations in Translation of Newspaper Articles from English into the Russian Language 58
2.4 Results and Discussion 62


The importance of the linguistic study of newspaper texts is obvious, since, in spite of the strong development of mass media like radio and television, the newspaper continues to occupy an important place in modern society.
However, the practice of translation has long been criticized for being. More than often, unsatisfactory or even incorrection. Certainly, almost no translation is perfect even when the general text is conveyed. This is due to many linguistic and cultural differences between this language and that. Perfecting the practice of translation has been a great desire of generations of translators all over the world.
English is the language of billions of documents available in all fields, academic or popular.
There are so many different countries and people and all of them speak their own languages. Thus definite expression can sound different ways and has one meaning. There are some people, who are engaged in studying any special features of foreign languages, such as culture, grammar, punctuation and so on. But we think the most attractive is using of some styles of language in different fields. Any style of English can be interesting. We know that modern English isn't the same, as English returned by Chaucer and Wycliffe. The matter is, that during to Norman conquest there were three languages in England. Latin was the language of church and law. French was the language of kings and nobles, but English was only the language of the masses people and peasants. Such situation continued for 300 years and only in 1350 English became the language of law. It began to return to our life of English. And only some time later it became the main language of the country. The English language when it became into general use was not quite the same as it was before the conquest. The grammar remained but many words came into it from French language. In it modern language there were some styles of English, we know English literature, in which Shakespeare wrote his poems, modern literature of English, newspaper articles, business English and so on.
The objective of our research is to analyse different translation techniques of English newspaper texts into the Russian language. The research is based on the analysis of newspapers «The Times» and «The Guardian».
According to the objective of this bachelor paper, we can identify the following tasks:
• to describe some lexical features of newspapers;
• to consider the main grammatical features of newspaper style;
• to analyze stylistic peculiarities of newspapers.;
• to analyze lexical, grammatical and stylistic transformations in translation of newspaper style.
The topicality is explained by the profound interest to the peculiarities of different languages used in the newspaper texts translation and the importance of their study for the students who are interested in different ways of their translation in the fiction.
The scientific novelty of the bachelor paper is defined by the concrete result of investigation that can be useful for future studies.
The methods of investigations used in this bachelor paper are:
• descriptive method;
• the method of classification;
• comparative and translation methods;
• the method of component analysis.
The theoretical significance of the bachelor paper is based on the necessity of detailed analyses of difficulties of the newspaper texts translation from one language into another (English into Russian and English into Italian) in order to single out the peculiarities of different languages in the translation.
The practical significance of the research is defined by the results of the study, which can help to understand the features of the newspaper texts coined by one or another way of its formation as well as the dependence of the way of newspaper texts translation.
The present bachelor paper consists of an Introduction, Chapter 1 “Theoretical problems of translation techniques of English newspaper texts into the Russian language”, Chapter 2 “Different features of the translation of newspaper articles from English into the Russian language («The Times», «The Guardian»)”, Conclusion and References including the list of sources which were used in our work.
The introduction represents the main tasks of the research and the methods used to achieve these tasks.
Chapter 1 “Theoretical problems of translation techniques of English newspaper texts into the Russian language” is a general description of different lexical features of newspapers: grammatical and stylistic peculiarities of newspapers
Chapter 2 “Different features of the translation of newspaper articles from English into the Russian language («The Times», «The Guardian»)” is an analysis of different features of the translation of newspaper articles from English into the Russian language.
After having analyzed the articles from newspapers «The Times» and «The Guardian» we can say that the translation of the newspapers is distinguished by wide range of lexical and grammatical transformations. We have used many lexical and grammatical transformations. As for stylistic transformations, we have used much less transformations.
The proper names are translated by transliteration and translation. The geographical names are translated by their equivalents.
The material for our research is represented as:
• «The Times», 2015.
• «The Guardian, 2015.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Currently, it is absolutely impossible to imagine contemporary society without the mass media. Their role is so great, that the media is often called the "fourth power".
One of the oldest forms of mass media is the press. It is independent, has the potential to act as an independent force. The press has an important place in the cultural and political life of the country, helping people to navigate the surrounding reality.
Language functions, not simply as a device for reporting experience, but also more significantly, as a way of defining experience for its speakers. Language does more than simply describe reality, it serves to shape how we see. taste, smell, feel and hear. It also influences the way we mink about the people, ideas and objects around us. Language is not simply a formal system of sounds, words and syntactical structures, language also reaches into the domain of human interaction. The practice of translation dates back some two thousand years and ever since has existed until present days. It is generally believed that translation plays a key role in the universalization of human knowledge. It helps improve international understanding, socio-cultural awareness, professional communicative activities, implementation of technologies, and so much more. Translation is of undeniable significance to the development of the world culture and society.

Список литературы

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