
Trends in translating english terms in russian tourism industry

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Introduction 3
1. Theoretical Part 7
1.1. Terms and their peculiarities. Terminology. 7
1.2. Methods of translation of terms. Non-equivalent vocabulary. 12
1.3. The notion of borrowing. 15
1.4. Tourism industry in Russia: modern situation 18
1.5. English terminology of tourism 21
1.6. Russian terminology of tourism 23
2. Practical Part 28
2.1. Methodology of the research 28
2.2. Results 32
2.3. Methods of translation 33
2.4. Suggestions 40
Conclusion 42
References 44
Appendix 1 51
Appendix 2 59

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The following paper consists of the introduction, the theoretical part, the practical part, the conclusion, and the references.
The Introduction shows the relevance of the research, stating the current trends in tourism and presenting some information on the previous studies. It describes the purpose of the research, its object and subject and the research questions. The methods of the research and the structure of the paper are also clarified in the introduction.
The Theoretical part presents the key notions of the current topic, which form the basis for the research. The section defines the notion of term and terminology, translation and methods of translation, and it investigates trends in modern tourism. The current condition of Russian and English tourism terminologies is also described. The part is divided into 6 sections, in accordance with the notions mentioned.
The Practical part comprises 3 parts.

1.1. Terms and their peculiarities. Terminology.
Terms constitute the core of lexical supply of any professional language, including the scientific one. The notions of term and terminology are pivotal for science; the term provides precision, clearness and understanding of a scientific thought. However, there is no commonly-acknowledged definition of the term, grammatical expressiveness, and requirements to a term are discussed, etc. (Zagorovskaya, O. V., Lantyukhova, N. N., Litvinova, T. A., 2013).
Nowadays, the notion of the term has diverse interpretations in accordance with different points of view in linguistics. It is necessary to begin with one of the most prominent Russian linguist and terminologist Vladimir Moiseevich Leychik, who presents a thorough analysis of terms. In his book, headlined “Terminovedenie. Predmet, metody y struktura” (2009), it is stated that there is no commonly acknowledged definition of the notion of “term”.

1.2. Methods of translation of terms. Non-equivalent vocabulary.
Translation should be defined in a way that describes the goal of conversion of one text, written in one language, into another. According to Komissarov V. N., translation means language mediation, entirely oriented at the original text (Komissarov, V. N., 1990). Consequently, the aim of translation is to provide such a type of interlanguage communication, in which the target language presents not only the full communicative substitution of the original text, but is also equated with the latter in function, structure and context. Meanwhile, translation is defined as the activity that implies the differentiated reformulation, recoding of text in one language into another language, realized by a translator (Alekseeva, I. S., 2004). The translator creatively selects an option, depending on variable language resources, type of translation, aims of translation, the text type and taking into account own individual nature.

1.3. The notion of borrowing.
Some methods of translation for non-equivalent vocabulary (transcription and transliteration) lead to the increasing number of borrowings, appearing in target language. Due to the globalization processes in the modern world, borrowings have entered the majority of spheres, including the tourism industry. Features of culture, sciences and professional spheres are shared between countries, and thus, states improve their development and position in the world, and in the market. As a result of this process, terms are borrowed into the scientific domain and various professions (specialists in the sphere of tourism, translators, etc.) in the Russian language, in order to fill lexical gaps. The notion of borrowings is defined as addressing the lexical stock of other languages, in order to express new notions, further differentiate already existing objects and denote unknown things (Akhmanova, O. S., 1968).

1.4. Tourism industry in Russia: modern situation
Before shifting to the terms in the sphere of tourism, the current condition of this field in Russia should be investigated to justify the necessity of their translation. Officially, tourism means that a person, who is a tourist, should leave its permanent location on a temporary basis and go to another location or country (Birzhakov, M. V., 2006). In general, tourism is considered to be the principal element of the world economy, as it constitutes the major part of financial incomes of both well and less developed states (Costa, J., 2017; Inkson, C. & Minnaert, L., 2012; Mason, P., 2015). In the modern world, tourism options are diverse in conditions and destinations. According to Sheresheva, M. & Kopiski, J., “a lot of different resources and competencies are needed to provide tourists with a combination of experiences, and, thus, to make a destination attractive” (Sheresheva, M. & Kopiski, J., 2016).

1.5. English terminology of tourism
Tourism, like any professional domain or science, has its own special terminology. The tourism industry has not been paid significant attention in scientific sphere, as its rapid development began in the last century (Denisova, G., Drozd A. & Romanovich R., 2011). The historical impact of tourism can be considered as an extra linguistic factor. There are 3 main stages: 1) from the travel of Moses to the Promised Land and the trip of Marco Polo to China in 1200 until the end of the 19th century; 2) the “Golden Age” of tourism from the end of the 19th century until the middle of the 20th century; 3) from the middle of the 20th century to the present time (Denisova, G., Drozd A. & Romanovich R., 2011).
The first stage brought into the English language the following terms: trip, inns, Pilgrimage journey. Moreover, spa tourism is not a new term, though it has become widespread today.

The Conclusion summarizes the results, obtained in Theoretical Part and Practical Part of the paper.
Lastly, The References presents the list of the sources, used in the paper.

1. Theoretical Part
1.1. Terms and their peculiarities. Terminology.
Terms constitute the core of lexical supply of any professional language, including the scientific one. The notions of term and terminology are pivotal for science; the term provides precision, clearness and understanding of a scientific thought. However, there is no commonly-acknowledged definition of the term, grammatical expressiveness, and requirements to a term are discussed, etc. (Zagorovskaya, O. V., Lantyukhova, N. N., Litvinova, T. A., 2013).
Nowadays, the notion of the term has diverse interpretations in accordance with different points of view in linguistics.

2.1. Methodology of the research
The study combines quantitative and qualitative methods. The data of the research has been collected through a large professional glossary of tourism terms, compiled by Moshnyaga E. V. (2008). This dictionary is used, because:
1. It comprises 2 parts, namely, English-Russian and Russian-English equivalents. Thus, if necessary, it is possible to check whether some terms possess more than one meaning in one of the languages;
2. There are more than 10.500 terms, presented in the dictionary, which tries to cover the whole industry of tourism, including hotel services;
3. The author has managed to transfer the meanings into Russian, without using English borrowings, and vice versa. Thus, it helps to understand, whether a certain tourism organization in its glossary has used a Russian equivalent, simply provided a definition or introduced a borrowing.
While selecting the terms, the method of continuous sampling was applied.

1.2. Methods of translation of terms. Non-equivalent vocabulary.
Translation should be defined in a way that describes the goal of conversion of one text, written in one language, into another. According to Komissarov V. N., translation means language mediation, entirely oriented at the original text (Komissarov, V. N., 1990). Consequently, the aim of translation is to provide such a type of interlanguage communication, in which the target language presents not only the full communicative substitution of the original text, but is also equated with the latter in function, structure and context. Meanwhile, translation is defined as the activity that implies the differentiated reformulation, recoding of text in one language into another language, realized by a translator (Alekseeva, I. S., 2004). The translator creatively selects an option, depending on variable language resources, type of translation, aims of translation, the text type and taking into account own individual nature.

2.4. Suggestions
Taking into consideration the results described, it is observed that transcription and transliteration prevail in translation of tourism terms from the English language into Russian by tourism organizations. As this is closely connected with the enrichment of the Russian lexical fond with borrowings, the number of original words in Russian tourism may be reduced. This creates an issue of the loss of specific character and distinctiveness of the language. Primarily, it is important for the Russian tourism terminology because in addition, it can cause misunderstanding among Russian tourists.
Thus, on the one hand, borrowings in the Russian language contribute to international contacts and intercultural communication, especially, in business. On the other hand, they may decrease the level of understanding, if Russian native speakers are considered. In order to mitigate this problem, the following series of 3 measures, can be suggested by the author of the paper:

Lastly, The References presents the list of the sources, used in the paper.

1. Theoretical Part
1.1. Terms and their peculiarities. Terminology.
Terms constitute the core of lexical supply of any professional language, including the scientific one. The notions of term and terminology are pivotal for science; the term provides precision, clearness and understanding of a scientific thought. However, there is no commonly-acknowledged definition of the term, grammatical expressiveness, and requirements to a term are discussed, etc. (Zagorovskaya, O. V., Lantyukhova, N. N., Litvinova, T. A., 2013).
Nowadays, the notion of the term has diverse interpretations in accordance with different points of view in linguistics. It is necessary to begin with one of the most prominent Russian linguist and terminologist Vladimir Moiseevich Leychik, who presents a thorough analysis of terms. In his book, headlined “Terminovedenie.

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