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Table of Content
Table of Content 2
List of Abbreviations 3
List of Figures 4
Abstract 5
Background of the study 7
Research objectives 10
Research significances 13
1.1 Mainstream media versus new media 15
1.2 Social networks to social media: Facebook and Twitter 17
1.3 The role of social networks on political strategies 19
1.4 Social media in Indonesia 21
1.5 Previous study 23
2.1 Method and data collection 26
2.2 Data collection from expert interview 29
2.3 Data collection from social media 30
3.1 Social characteristic 32
3.2 Discussion of results from the interview 33
3.2.1 Result 1 33 Mainstream media in 2014, social media in 2019 35 The difference between two campaign: 2014 was about getting supporters, while 2019 was mostly about retaining them 36
3.2.2 Result 2 37 Social media facilitated digitalization campaign strategies in 2019 38 Digital campaign strategies from both candidates 39
3.2.3 Conclusion of the interview results 41
3.3 Discussion of results from social media data 41
3.3.1 Result of Facebook data 43 Facebook data of Joko Widodo 43 Facebook data of Prabowo Subianto 45
3.3.2 Result of Twitter data 47 Twitter data of Joko Widodo 47 Twitter data of Prabowo Subianto 49
3.3.2 Conclusion of the social media data results 51
4.1 Summary of results 52
4.2 Limitation and further research 54
4.3 Research implications 55
Acknowledgements 56
Bibliography 57
Appendix A: Interview guidelines 60
Appendix B: Social characteristics of informants 61
Appendix C: Brief definition and description 62
Appendix D: Transcriptions of expert’s interview 63
Appendix E: Twitter data of Joko Widodo 69
Appendix F: Twitter data of Prabowo Subianto 72
Appendix G: Facebook data of Joko Widodo 74
Appendix H: Facebook Data of Prabowo Subianto 79
Although considerable research has concentrated on digital campaigning, it is still unclear how candidates use different social media platforms during the election. Taking a focus on the presidential elections in Indonesia in 2014 and 2019 and the political strategies adopted. This research investigates the differences in presidential elections from two different years and then focuses on the digital campaign strategy in 2019 through two social media platforms, Facebook, and Twitter. Based on open responses from semi-structure interviews submitted to several experts in this field, the results of the interview are identified into several key results which then become the answers to the research questions to answer the main hypothesis. Then, to strengthening the main hypothesis, an analysis has been carried out at the stage of social media data on Facebook and Twitter through content and topics raised on the candidate's account on Facebook and Twitter. The analysis shows that the difference between the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections is the use of the mainstream media and new media. And through social media, both candidates have certain tactics in conducting digital campaigns to attract voter's attention.
Keywords: social media, elections, presidential elections, Indonesia, political campaign, digital campaign
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the role of social media on political strategies in Indonesian presidential elections in 2014 and 2019. This is an attempt to understand social media as a new communication technology in the modern era in politics, particularly in presidential elections. This research uses a variety of qualitative methods to examine the data. The data sources were agencies (several survey institutions), news, interviews, and some previously published research reports. The data analysis in the results of this study can be used to describe the different roles of social media on political strategies in Indonesia between two different periods of elections. It is believed that research on social media and election is interesting to be studied deeply from the side of two different periods of presidential elections in Indonesia. The two periods of the presidential election in Indonesia tend to be the same as general. This is because of both successive elections having the same two presidential candidates as the previous year from 2014 to 2019. Not only have the same candidate, but the role of social media also been seen since 2014 and continued into the 2019 election. However, whether social media have a more significant role in the 2014 election or 2019 election in Indonesia. Indeed, this is appealing to discuss the role of social media in campaign strategies of both elections.
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Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «SOCIAL NETWORKS AND ELECTIONS: EVIDENCE FROM THE INDONESIAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS»
Список литературы
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