
Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. Вариант 5.

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Контрольная работа по дисциплине: «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности». Вариант 5.

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В работе раскрыты вопросы и выполнены задания, представленные ниже, в оглавлении.


Вариант 5

Задание 1. Перепишите и переведите предложения с английского на русский.

1. Class «A» fires are best extinguished with water in the form of jets or sprays.

2. Sometimes dry powders are much more useful than other fire extinguishing agents.

3. After ten minutes burning in the neighboring room the living condition in the hall got much worse.

4. The quicker foam is delivered onto a fire the more successful the extinction will be.

5. It is interesting to know the organization of a fire department, including the various positions and jobs found in a fire department.

6. Firefighters are not responsible for the victim being in that situation.

7. The heat release rate is directly related to the amount of fuel being consumed over time.

8. Because matter and energy are conserved, any loss in mass caused by the fire is converted to energy.

Задание 2. Перепишите и переведите предложения с русского на английский.

1. Возгорание нефтепродуктов в резервуарах ликвидируется способом изоляции каждой емкости.

2. Ликвидировать горение самостоятельно можно лишь на ранней стадии развития пожара, как только помещение начинает интенсивно наполняться дымом, не пытайтесь тушить пожар: это создаёт угрозу вашей жизни.

3. Огнетушители, насосы, пожарные рукава и другие установки используются для подачи реагентов на пожар.

4. Каждое средство пожаротушения имеет свои уникальные свойства, от которых зависит их применение.

5. Применение различных реагентов для тушения пожара должно быть адаптивным, так как неверный выбор средства пожаротушения может нанести больший ущерб, чем сам пожар.

6. Химическая пена образуется в результате химической реакции, в то время как механическая пена представляет собой раствор, который требует нагнетания воздуха для образования пузырьков

7. Все пены характеризуются кратностью, под которой понимается процентное соотношение объема пены к объему воды и пенообразователя.

8. Такие химические вещества, как галоны, воздействуют на огонь химически, а не физически: связываясь со свободными радикалами, они не дают цепной реакции продолжаться.

Задание 3. Сопоставьте слова с определениями.

1) solution A) a process that produces soap, usually from fats and alkaline substance

2) saponification B) a type of foam produced by a chemical reaction

3) alkali C) a type of foam produced by the mechanical agitation of a diluted foam compound solution in the presence of air

4) pump D) volatile liquid compounds of the halogens

5) mechanical foam E) a chemical, usually a substance that contains oxygen and has a pH of less than seven

6) chemical foam F) a chemical substance that reacts with acids to form a salt and gives a solution with a pH more than seven when it is dissolved in water

7) nitrogen G) a machine that is used to force liquid, gas, or air into or out of something

8) halogenated agents H) chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7

Задание 4. Перепишите и переведите текст со словарём.

Methods of Extinguishment

Some extinguishing agents such as dry chemicals and halons, interrupt the flame producing chemical reaction, resulting in rapid extinguishment. This method of extinguishment is effective only on gas and liquid fuels аs they cannot burn in the smoldering phase of combustion. If extinguishment of smoldering materials is desired, the addition of cooling capability is required.

Another method of extinguishment, especially valuable in the extinction of fires involving oils and other inflammable liquids is the application of foam. Foam is a frothy product so light that it will float on any liquid and form a blanket that excludes air and cuts off the flames from the burning surface. It may be applied from portable extinguishers, foam engines, foam - making branches or fixed installations. High expansion foams are foam concentrates mixed into a 2 percent solution and then mixed with air to form high-air-content, good quality foams. High expansion foam is different from other foams since it is useful to fight fires in indoor structures and inaccessible places through a total flooding application.

Cooling is the most important method of extinction. The purpose is to reduce the temperature of the fire to below that necessary for combustion to continue. Thus, the fire is progressively cooled and, ultimately, extinguished.

Many extinguishing agents exercise a cooling effect to some extent, but water is so greatly superior to any other that when cooling is required no alternative needs to be considered. Water may be applied from first - aid appliances or hose branchers, or automatically by sprinkler installations.

Задание 5. Прочитайте и устно перескажите текст.

Fire Disaster in New-York

It was about 4:45 P.M. on Saturday, March 25, 1911. A fire started in a rag bin on the eighth floor. It spread rapidly through the mix of combustible cloth. One group of workers grabbed the standpipe hoseline and attempted to extinguish the fire. They quickly found that the hose was rotted and the valves frozen shut. The fire soon began to pass through the workers jammed into the loft building. Workers rushed toward the exits with which they were familiar. They were met with a wall of fire racing up the stairs. Others moved toward another exit, but were blocked by a locked door which opened inward. By this time, there were so many people pushing toward the door that the door was jammed shut. Bells in New York fire station began to toll the alarm. The streets were littered with bodies, making apparatus placement difficult. Ladders could not reach the fire or the roof. But once lines were in position, the fire was quickly extinguished. The horrible toll was 146 people who leaped to their deaths or were burned or crushed to death in the panic.

Задание 6. Письменно ответьте на вопросы на английском языке.

1. What is a fire? Is it a substance or process?

2. What three things are necessary to keep fire burning?

3. What are the stages of fire development?

4. What is called combustion?

5. What is evolved during the process of combustion?

6. What should be done in order to extinguish a fire?

7. What is fire tetrahedron? What elements does it include?

Задание 7. Дайте развёрнутый письменный ответ на английском языке, согласны вы или нет со следующими утверждениями, докажите свою точку зрения.

Используйте фразы: As far as I know; I don't really agree; Yes, but; I guess; I'm afraid; it's not correct; On the one hand…On the other hand; It's true; I wouldn't say that; I believe.

1. The more you study special subjects the better specialist in the field of fire science you'll become.

2. The most suitable method of class «B» fires extinguishment is blanketing.

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