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Практическое задание №2 по дисциплине "Иностранный язык 2" за 5 семестр.
Part A. Grammar
Reported Speech
Direct speech is the exact words someone said. We use quotation marks in Direct speech.
He said, “I’ll wait for you”.
Reported speech is the exact meaning of what someone said but not the exact words. We don’t use quotation marks in Reported speech.
He said that he would wait for me.
We use say in Direct Speech. We also use say in reported speech when say is not followed by the person the words were spoken to. We use tell in Reported speech when tell is followed by the person the words were spoken to.
Expressions with say
Say good morning etc, say something, say one’s prayers, say so
Expressions with tell
Tell the truth, tell a lie, tell a secret, tell a story, tell the time, tell the difference, tell sb one’s name, tell sb the way, tell one from another
Reported Statements
1. The report statement we use a reporting verb (say, tell, advise, explain, promise etc.) followed by a that-clause. In spoken English that may be omitted.
2. Pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning.
Direct speech: He said, "I can't fix it myself."
Reported speech: He said he couldn't fix it himself.
3. Certain words change as follows:
Direct speech: this/these, here, come
Reported speech: that/those, there, go
He said that was his book. "This is my book," he said.
4. When the reporting verb is in the Past the verb tenses change as follows:
Direct speech
Reported speech
Present Simple
"I can't remember his name," she said.
Past Simple
She said she couldn't remember his name.
Present Continuous
"She's speaking to Joe," he said.
Past Continuous
He said she was speaking to Joe
Present Perfect
"I've bought you some flowers," she said.
Past Perfect
She said she had bought me some flowers.
Past Simple
"He lost all the money," she said.
Past Perfect
She said that he had lost all the money.
“I’ll see you later,” he said.
He said he would see me later.
5. Time expressing change as follows:
Direct speech
Reported speech
tonight, today, this week/month/
now that
yesterday, last night/week/month/year