
Английский язык Практическое занятие 9. Задания 2-7

Рекомендуемая категория для самостоятельной подготовки:
Контрольная работа*
Код 512999
Дата создания 2022
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Оценка 15,00 из 15,00 (100%).


Вопрос 1

Выберите right или wrong :

  1. I work for my uncle. He is my employee. (?)

2. She’s only seven, but she’s very great for her age. (?)

3. A spider is a common insect in most countries. (?)

4. To make a phone call, pick up the receiver and dial the number. (?)

5. Who was the person who discovered the telephone? (?)

6. An owl is a type of bird. (?)

7. The daffodil is a common British spring flower. (?)

8. The opposite of expensive is dear. (?)

9. People who are very hungry often say "I could eat a horse!" (?)

10. He bought a new wheelbarrow for the garden. (?)

Вопрос 2

Вставьте правильный по смыслу глагол из списка:

1."Do you speak French?" "Not very well. But I (?) quite a lot."

2. "I think there’s too much violence on TV." "Yes, (?) ".

3. The safest place to (?) a busy road is at a pedestrian crossing.

4. "Mmm. You (?) nice." "Thank you. It’s a new perfume from Chanel."

5. "What colour shall we (?) the bathroom walls?" "How about blue or dark green?"

6. Could I borrow your pen please, John? I’ve just got to (?) this document.

7. "If I (?) my car, how much do you think I’ll get for it?" "About £3,000. Maybe £3,500."

8. (?) on the door to see if there’s anybody at home.

9. You have to be over eighteen to (?) this club.

Вопрос 3

Замените слова, данные в скобках, одним словом. В помощь даны первая и последняя буквы нужного слова. Например: The

window was broken (by accident). – accidentally

  1. It cost £2 for children to get into the exhibition and £5 for (grown-up people). – (?)

2.This knife is (of no use). It’s blunt! – (?)

3. James translated every word (without making a single mistake). – (?)

4. My (father’s brother) is called Andrew, – (?)

5. Colin asked the pop singer for her (name in her own handwriting). – (?)

6. I received a signed copy of the book from the (person who wrote it). – (?)

7. Three prisoners tried to (get free) at the weekend. – (?)

8. Driving a car without a driving license is (against the law) in this country. – (?)

Вопрос 4

Вставьте for или during:

1. It rained (?) three days without stopping.

2. I fell asleep (?) the movie.

3. I went to the theatre last night. I met Sue (?) the interval.

4. I felt really ill last week. I could hardly eat anything (?) three days.

5. The traffic was bad. We were stuck in a traffic jam (?) two hours.

6. Production at the factory was seriously affected (?) the strike.

7. Sarah was very angry with me. She didn’t speak to me (?) a week.

8. I don’t have much free time (?) the week, but I relax at weekends.

9. I need a break. I think I’ll go away (?) a few days.

10. The president gave a short speech. She spoke only (?) ten minutes.

11. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn’t eaten anything (?) the journey.

12. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn’t eaten anything (?) eight hours.

Вопрос 5

Переведите лексические единицы с русского языка на английский:


Рабочая тетрадь

Цветные карандаши



Вопрос 6

Дополните предложения, используя there would be, there used to be и т.д.

1. If people drove more carefully, (?) fewer accidents.

2. ‘Do we have any eggs?’ ‘I’m not sure. (?) some in the fridge.’

3. I think everything will be OK. (?) 3. I think everything will be OK.

4. Look at those clouds. (?) a storm. I’m sure of it.

5. There isn’t a school in the village. (?) one, but it closed a few years ago.

6. People drive too fast on this road. I think (?) a speed limit.

7. If people weren’t so aggressive, (?) 7. If people weren’t so aggressive,

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