
Passive constructions

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As the result of the research the following tense forms of the verb are registered in the Modern English and American texts: Present and Past Indefinite, which are the predominant tense forms in Modern English. Future Indefinite is found in equal quantity in English and American texts. As for Perfect forms, the number of their examples is limited.


Introduction 3
Chapter 1. The theoretical aspects of passive constructions’ definition 5
1.1. Thе саtegory of voice. Passive constructions 5
1.2. Types and Principles of Passive Construction 13
Chapter II. The analysis of passive constructions 24
2.1. Types of passive constructions 24
2.2. Direct passive of the verbs demanding two direct objects 37
2.3. Direct passive of the verbs demanding direct and indirect object 41
2.4. Direct passive of the verbs demanding direct and a prepositional object 43
2.5. Indirect passive 47
Chapter III. The description of passive constructions 52
3.1. Characteristics of the passive constructions 52
3.2. Analysis of passive forms 59
Conclusion 63
Bibliography 67

Список литературы

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