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Курсовая работа*
Код 448126
Дата создания 2020
Страниц 35
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Introduction………………………………………………………………… 3
1. Word-formation as a means of language development …………………4
1.1 Definition and features of word-formation ……………………………4
1.2 Productivity of word-formation …………………………………………5
2. Types of word-formation …………………………………………………6
2.1 Affixation ……………………………………………………………….6
2.2 Conversion ……………………………………………………………..11
2.3 Shortening ……………………………………………………………..13
2.4 Word-composition ……………………………………………………..15
2.5 Secondary ways of word-formation …………………………………..16
3. Practical research of word-formation …………………………………...19
3.1 The use of word-composition ………………………………………….19
3.2 The use of affixation ………………………………………………….22
3.3 The use of conversion ………………………………………………….28
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………33
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….34


Language is a means of formation and accumulation of ideas as reflections of a reality and an exchange of them during the whole life. Language has a quality of sociality by its nature; it is inseparably connected with people who are its founders and users, it grows and develops together with development of a society.
The lexical structure of the language constantly changes. The English lexicon constantly replenishes with a stock of new words from which everyone chooses what is necessary for him in a concrete situation. Some words go out of use, die off; other words appear and fill up dictionary structure of the language. Distinctive feature of any language is its ability sensitively to react to the slightest changes in a public, cultural and daily life. Updating of the lexicon occurs in various ways: by means of creation of new words from already existing, expansion of semantic structure of already existing words and formation of homonyms, loan of new words from other languages or from a dialect of the same language.
New words in language are created on the certain models – on the types developed in language: with the help of productive word-formation morphemes, affixes, with the help of a composition when two or more bases are united in a single one, by means of conversion. Each of these ways has the typology which depends on the general typological characteristic of language.
The structure of a word is closely connected with word-formation. In lexicology the problem of word-formation is actual, because of its value in language formation and expansion of lexicon, and various ways of word-formation are frequently used in the English texts and oral speech.
The aim of the course work is: to reveal main types of the word-formation in the modern English language.
Object of the research: lexical level of the s of word-formation in the English language.
Subject of the research: types of word-formation in the English language.
The aim, object and subject have demanded the decision of the following problems:
– to study theoretical and practical sources on the problems of the research;
– to give definition of word-formation in the English language;
– to consider various types of word-formation and their peculiarities;
– to make a practical research of using various types of word-formation
Methods of research: scientific analysis of the information sources and references, description, comparative analysis and interpretation of sources, conceptual analysis of the literature, synthesis, study, content-analysis.
The course work consists of the introduction, three chapters (2 theoretical and practical), the conclusions, bibliography.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Introduction………………………………………………………………… 3
1. Word-formation as a means of language development …………………4
1.1 Definition and features of word-formation ……………………………4
1.2 Productivity of word-formation …………………………………………5
2. Types of word-formation …………………………………………………6
2.1 Affixation ……………………………………………………………….6
2.2 Conversion ……………………………………………………………..11
2.3 Shortening ……………………………………………………………..13
2.4 Word-composition ……………………………………………………..15
2.5 Secondary ways of word-formation …………………………………..16
3. Practical research of word-formation …………………………………...19
3.1 The use of word-composition ………………………………………….19
3.2 The use of affixation ………………………………………………….22
3.3 The use of conversion ………………………………………………….28
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………33
Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….34

Список литературы

1. Zykova I. V. a Practical course in English lexicology. - Moscow: publishing center "Academy", 2007. - 288 p.
2. A Course in Modern English Lexicology \ R. S. Ginzburg, S. S. Khidekel and others. – M.: Vyssaya Skola, 1979. - 269 p.
3. Modern English Lexicoligy / L. E. Grinberg. - M., 1980. - 238 p.
4. Arnold I. V. Lexicology of modern English. – Ed.3rd: Higher school, 1986. - 295 p.
5. English lexicology in extracts and sayings \ S. S. hidekel et al. - L.: Enlightenment, 1975. - 238 p.
6. Andrushina G. B. Lexicology of English: Textbook. a manual for students / G. B. Andrushina, O. V. Afanasyeva, N. And. Morozov. - Moscow: Drofa, 1999. - 288 p.
7. Escholz, P. Language Awareness / P. Escholz, V. Clark, A. Rosa. - 5th edition. - New York: St. Martin Press, 1990. - 482 p.
8. English lexicology in extracts and sayings \ S. S. hidekel et al. - L.: Enlightenment, 1975. - 238 p.
9. Word formation: Handbook of English language. - M.: AST, 2003. - 366 p.
10. Karashchuk P. M. word Formation in English. - Moscow: Higher school, 1977. - 303 p.
11. Arbekova T. I. lexicology of the English language (practical course). - Moscow: Higher school, 1977. - 240 p.
12. Dubenets E. M. Modern English. Lexicology: a Manual for students of humanitarian universities. - Moscow: GLOSSA, 2004. - 192 s
13. Ultranova Z. R. Closeservicehandle word-formation in modern English language // English. - 2005. - N4 (22). - P. 8-12
14. Some Novelties in English Word-Formation. Focus on Language // English. – 2001. – N25. – С. 12
15. Григорьев В.А. Префиксально-суффиксальный способ словообразования в английском языке / В.А. Григорьев // ИЯШ. – 1977. – N2. – С. 24–30
16. Хлебникова И.Б. Основы английской морфологии: Учеб. пособ. 2-е изд., стереотип. – М.: ЧеРо, 2001. – 128 с.
17. Jespersen O. Growth and Structure of the English Language. – Oxford: McMillan, 2005. – 376 p.
18. Akhmanova O.S. Lexicology: Theory and Method. – M.: Prosvescheniye, 1999 – 216 p.
19. Burchfield R.W. The English Language. – Lnd.:McMillan, 2008. – 276 p.
20. Canon G. Historical Changes and English Word-formation: New Vocabulary items. – N.Y.: Hilton Ltd, 2006. – 345 p.
21. Howard Ph. New Words for Old. – Lnd.: Oxford University Press, 2007. – 311 p.
22. Halliday M.A.K. Language as Social Semiotics. Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning. – Lnd.: Oxford University Press, 2005. – 298 p.
23. Potter S. Modern Linguistics. – Lnd.:McMillan, 2008. – 276 p.
24. Schlauch, Margaret. The English Language in Modern Times. – Lnd.: Oxford University Press, 2007. – 267 p.
25. Sheard, John. The Words We Use. – N.Y.: Hilton Ltd, 2006. – 345 p.
26. Maurer D.W., High F.C. New Words – Where do they come from and where do they go. – N.Y.: Hilton Ltd, 2009. – 245 p.
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