
Word Order In English and Italian Languages

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Код 414858
Дата создания 2019
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1.3 The use of inversion in English and Italian languages
Chapter 2. Analysis and comparison of word order in English and Italian.
2.1 Material under research
2.2 Peculiarities of word order of sentence construction in English
2.3 Features of sentence construction in the Italian language
2.4 Common features of word order in English and Russian languages


I. V. Arnold interprets this concept as follows: "Violation of the usual order of the members of the sentence, as a result of which some element is isolated and receives special connotations of emotionality or expressiveness, called inversion." [I. V. Arnold "stylistics of the English language", 2009: p. 112] V. N. Komissarov tells about the inversion: "Inversion is a deviation from the usual ("direct") the order of the sentence, are used as an effective way of expressing the emotional features of the utterance."[V. N. Komissarov "Theory of translation (linguistic aspects)" 1990: p. 148].

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Список литературы

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8.Govorukha, R. A. Mode of speaking in Italian language, between rhetoric and grammar [Text]/R. A. Govorukha // Rhetoric Linguistics
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