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1.1 What is pronunciation and what is an accent………………………………….
1.2 Methods and approaches of teaching pronunciation…………………………..
1.3 The importance of teaching pronunciation…………………………………….
CHAPTER 2. EMPIRICAL STUDY………………………………………………..
2.1 Background information on the vowel systems of English, Russian………….
2.2 The comparison of Russian and English sound systems and some pronunciation mistakes of Russian learners……………………………………….
2.3 The research project of activities carried out in class ………………………...
LIST OF REFERENCES……………………………………………………………
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………….
APPENDIX 1. Spectrograms of the English, Russian and Estonianvowels……….
The role of the English language in the contemporary world has significantly changed over the last decades. In the new millennium it has become one of the most important means of international communication. The English language has become not only the language of the world community, which means that all nations can communicate with each other by means of English but also the means of scientific progress, which is extremely vital. English has become a lingua franca of the contemporary world. This means a growing number of exchanges between native speakers and foreign users as well as between non-natives with different first language backgrounds. These users have various degrees of competence resulting from their different goals and aspirations. As regards the phonetic level of the language some strive to sound like native speakers for professional reasons. Others have a strictly practical goal, treating pronunciation merely as a vehicle for getting their message across without hindrance.
The pronunciation of the Russian sounds has very specific features in comparison with the English sounds and that fact hinders the understanding of the English spoken by Russians. Consequently, according to Gilakjani (2012), “/…/ teaching pronunciation should be a priority because language is primarily a means of communication and this communication should be understood by all. If one does not strive for a common pronunciation, one runs the risk of not being understood by the target audience“. It can be frustrating and demotivating for students if they have repeated experiences where communication breaks down because of problems with their English pronunciation. This is perhaps especially true for those who have a good command of other aspects of language such as vocabulary and grammar.
The subject of this work is the English pronunciation and difficulties that occur while mastering it.
The object of this work is the common mistakes that Russian-speaking students do in mastering English pronunciation.
The aim of this paper lays in how Russian learners can perceive the front fully open unrounded English [æ] and the mixed mid-open unrounded long English [ɜ:] and improve their pronunciation skills concerning the abovementioned sounds. This choice has been made due to the frequent misunderstanding and misuse of those vowels. Furthermore, the paper is concerned with the perception and identification of the three following vowel contrasts [i:] / [i], [ɔ:] / [ɒ] and [ u:] / [u] as the length of vowels is not phonemic in the Russian language. The paper investigated how Russian learners can identify, and whether the identification and production of sounds help Russian students identify and produce English vowels.
To fulfill the aim of this work the following tasks occur:
To decide what is pronunciation and what is an accent;
To analyze the methods and approaches of teaching pronunciation;
To understand the importance of teaching pronunciation;
To get background information on the vowel systems of English, Russian;
To make the comparison of Russian and English sound systems and some pronunciation mistakes of Russian learners;
To present the research project of activities carried out in class.
The structure of the present paper is organized into two main chapters. The first chapter provides theoretical background of the research. The subchapter 1.1 gives the definition of pronunciation and accent. The subchapter 1.2 provides a theoretical overview of different approaches to teaching English pronunciation in the past and present, subchapter 1.3 highlights the importance of teaching pronunciation. The second chapter in the subchapters 2.1 and 2.2 gives the brief background information on the languages and the comparison of the Russian, English vowel, containing the common mistakes in mastering English for Russian learners
Список литературы
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