
Дискурсивное конструирование образа США в современной американской прессе

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Проанализировав три американских издания, мы можем сделать вывод, что главными темами являются события, связанные с ситуацией в Пуэрто Рико и предвыборной кампанией.
При этом во всем источниках отмечается одинаковая тенденция при оценки этих событий. Ситуация в Пуэрто Рико оценивается как финансово-сложная, ведущая к банкротству и сокращению рабочих мест.
Предвыборная же кампания иронизируется всеми изданиями, кандидаты в президенты и их поведение представляется как глупое и неосознанное. Все предвыборная гонка напоминает игру.
Стоит отметить, что издание Th New Times придерживается более официальной формы изложения и оценки происходящего, не допускает использование разговорной лексики.





В практической части нашей работы мы провели анализ дискурсивного конструирования образа США в современной американской прессе. Материалом для анализа послужили газеты USA Today, Daily News и New York Times.
Так как США в настоящее время захвачено предвыборной кампанией, то в американских газетах это является самой главной и чуть ли не единственной политической новостью.
Мы взяли следующие статьи из USA Today:

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Democratic officials replied with their own letter Saturday — saying they were “compelled to dismiss” the challenge because there was no allegation of rule-breaking.
Malloy is slated to co-lead the platform committee, while Frank has the same role with the rules committee.
События, описанные в этой статье, опять разворачиваются вокруг обнародования переписки Хилари Клинтон. Здесь очень ярко раскрываются эмоции политиков с помощью лексем, означающих огонь, пламя, выстрел, бросать вызов:
Bernie Sanders’ bid to bar two high-profile Hillary Clinton allies from holding key roles at the Democratic National Convention has gone down in flames.
The Sanders camp had fired off a letter to party officials insisting that the appointments of Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy and former Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank violated party rules.
"Both Governor Malloy and Mr. Frank have been harsh, vocal critics of Senator Sanders, and equally active supporters of his challenger, Hillary Clinton,” Sanders campaign counsel Brad Deutsch wrote in the Friday missive.
Donald Trump tells California, ‘There is no drought,’ insisting ravaged, arid state just needs to ‘open up the water’
California, the alarming statistics about your historic drought are not fooling Donald Trump.
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee — and quack meteorologist — denied the existence of California’s relentless drought Friday.
“There is no drought,” he told a crowd of Californians who have watched their state’s agriculture industry wither from years of excruciating dryness.
The Golden State is, in fact, in the midst of a record-breaking drought. The past four years have been the driest in the state’s history. Last year was so bad thatski resorts had to close early, lawmakers passed ultra-stiff standards on faucetsand Starbucks even moved water bottling operations out of the state.
But none of that seemed to faze the bombastic billionaire, who insisted at the rally that California’s “insane” water problem stemmed from state officials denying water to farmers, instead piping it out to the ocean in an attempt to protect “a certain kind of three-inch fish.”
“We're going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane. It is so ridiculous where they're taking the water and shoving it out to sea," Trump said at the Friday night Fresno event.
The apparent weather expert’s solution?
“If I win, believe me, we're going to start opening up the water so that you can have your farmers survive," he barked. “There is no drought. They turn the water out into the ocean.”
Trump appeared to be referring to longstanding federal laws designed to protect endangered fish by ensuring the species have enough water. The rules dictate how much water from the Sacramento River must run into the ocean.
Politically influential rural-water districts and well-off corporate farmers have harshly criticized those laws in the wake of the drought, arguing that more water should be captured and diverted to them.
The Delta smelt — likely the “three-inch fish” Trump blabbered about — is a native California species on the brink of extinction. The smelt has become an emblem in the state's battle over environmental laws and water distribution.
California is the country's No. 1 agriculture producer. The state's drought is raising the stakes in water disputes among farmers, cities, towns and environmental interests.
After the Fresno speech, Trump traveled to San Diego for a second Friday rally, where he was greeted by a crowd of about 1,000 protesters. At least 35 were arrested when the demonstration turned violent, with some anti-Trump activists throwing bottles and brawling outside the venue.
In his second speech, Trump spent 12 minutes lashing out at the judge handling a lawsuit against Trump University, calling him a “hater” and accusing him of being Mexican.
Данная статья представляет большой интерес, так как автор явно насмехается над кандидатом в президенты и указывает на его неосведомленность и глупое поведение. Автор называет его «экспертом» по погоде и отмечает, что никто, ни историки, ни метеорологи, ни сама природа не могут одурачить Дональда Трампа. Кроме того он определяет речь кандидата как болтовню, пустой «обстрел» словами:
California, the alarming statistics about your historic drought are not fooling Donald Trump.
The presumptive GOP presidential nominee — and quack meteorologist — denied the existence of California’s relentless drought Friday.
But none of that seemed to faze the bombastic billionaire, who insisted at the rally that California’s “insane” water problem stemmed from state officials denying water to farmers, instead piping it out to the ocean in an attempt to protect “a certain kind of three-inch fish.”
The apparent weather expert’s solution?
The Delta smelt — likely the “three-inch fish” Trump blabbered about — is a native California species on the brink of extinction.
In his second speech, Trump spent 12 minutes lashing out at the judge handling a lawsuit against Trump University, calling him a “hater” and accusing him of being Mexican.
Donald Trump celebrates delegate win with McDonald’s burger, fries on board private jet
A Big Mac for a big win.
Donald Trump reached the number of delegates he needs to take the GOP presidential nomination Thursday — and he celebrated with an all-American dinner from McDonald’s.
The bombastic billionaire posted a photo of himself Thursday night stuffing his fingers into a carton of French fries on board his private jet as he looked pensively out of the window. A bottle of Diet Coke and an untouched burger sat on the table in front of him.
Trump has long touted his love of fast food, praising the hygiene standards of McDonald’s and Burger King outposts during a February CNN town hall.
"I like cleanliness. I like clean,” he told Anderson Cooper. “I think you're better off going there than maybe some place that you have no idea where the food is coming from.”
The Big Mac, the Quarter Pounder and the Filet-O-Fish are his standard orders at Mickey D’s, he said during the town hall, and admitted he frequently sneaks a bag of the greasy stuff onto his plane while traveling.
В этой статье автор вновь насмехается над действиями Дональда Трампа. Автор отмечает: Биг Мак для победителя. Он дает достаточно неприятное и отталкивающее описание кандидата в президенты, называя его «напыщенным мультимиллионером»:
A Big Mac for a big win.
The bombastic billionaire posted a photo of himself Thursday night stuffing his fingers into a carton of French fries on board his private jet as he looked pensively out of the window.
The Big Mac, the Quarter Pounder and the Filet-O-Fish are his standard orders at Mickey D’s, he said during the town hall, and admitted he frequently sneaks a bag of the greasy stuff onto his plane while traveling.
Donald Trump says he'll debate ‘dream’ Bernie Sanders — for $10M
While the burger and fries seemed to fall in line with Trump’s touted diet, one thing in his victory meal photo seemed off: The bottle of Diet Coke. Trump has previously mocked the soft drink — and the people who drink it.
“I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke,” he tweeted in 2012.
Здесь вновь появляется насмешка над Дональдом Трампов и его обеда в Макдональдс. Ему напоминают, что еще несколько лет назад он отрицательно относился к фаст-фуду. Здесь автор, скорее всего, хочет указать на тот факт, что-то из его действий было ходом с целью привлечения внимания:
While the burger and fries seemed to fall in line with Trump’s touted diet, one thing in his victory meal photo seemed off: The bottle of Diet Coke. Trump has previously mocked the soft drink — and the people who drink it.
Donald Trump backs down on Bernie Sanders debate challenge after saying he’d ‘love to debate’ Hillary Clinton’s Democratic primary opponent
WASHINGTON — After saying he wanted to debate Bernie Sanders one-on-one, Donald Trump chickened out of the whole thing on Friday.
Trump, in a statement, said “it seems inappropriate that I would debate the second place finisher,” referring to the Vermont senator.
“Therefore, as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders — and it would be an easy payday — I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be.”
Earlier in the day, the Sanders campaign had called out The Donald, saying the real-estate mogul was too afraid to take on the Vermont senator.
В этой статье автор говорит о трусости Дональда Трамна, причем употребляет глагол, образованный от слова «цыпленок». Его трусость автор связывает с отказом участвовать в дебатах. Также он уже не называет Трампа кандидатом в президенты, а просто «магнатом недвижимости»:
WASHINGTON — After saying he wanted to debate Bernie Sanders one-on-one, Donald Trump chickened out of the whole thing on Friday.
Earlier in the day, the Sanders campaign had called out The Donald, saying the real-estate mogul was too afraid to take on the Vermont senator.
Donald Trump’s Campaign Stumbles as It Tries to Go Big
BISMARCK, N.D. — A constant stream of changes and scuffles are unsettling Donald J. Trump’s campaign team, including the abrupt dismissal this week of his national political director.
A sense of paranoia is growing among his campaign staff members, including some who have told associates they believe that their Trump Tower offices in New York may be bugged, according to three people briefed on the conversations.
And there is confusion among his donors, who want to give money to a “super PAC” supporting Mr. Trump, but have received conflicting signals from top aides about which one to support.
On Thursday, Mr. Trump secured the Republican Party’s nomination for president, a remarkable achievement for a political newcomer. But inside his campaign, the limits of his managerial style — reliant on his gut and built around his unpredictable personality — are vividly on display, according to interviews with nearly a dozen Republicans inside and outside of the operation.
В данной статье автор отмечает нарастающую паранойю среди сторонников Трампа. Людей, вкладывающих деньги в его кампанию, автор сравнивает с донорами. И снова автор использует прилагательные для определения личности кандидата:
A sense of paranoia is growing among his campaign staff members, including some who have told associates they believe that their Trump Tower offices in New York may be bugged, according to three people briefed on the conversations.
And there is confusion among his donors, who want to give money to a “super PAC” supporting Mr. Trump, but have received conflicting signals from top aides about which one to support.
But inside his campaign, the limits of his managerial style — reliant on his gut and built around his unpredictable personality — are vividly on display, according to interviews with nearly a dozen Republicans inside and outside of the operation.
Наконец, мы проанализировали статьи из газеты The New York Times.
Donald Trump’s Energy Plan: More Fossil Fuels and Fewer Rules
BISMARCK, N.D. — Donald J. Trump traveled Thursday to the heart of America’s oil and gas boom, where he called for more fossil fuel drilling and fewer environmental regulations while vowing to “cancel the Paris climate agreement,” the 2015 accord committing nearly every nation to taking action to curb climate change.
Laying out his positions on energy and the environment at an oil industry conference in North Dakota, he vowed to rescind President Obama’s signature climate change rules and revive construction of the Keystone XLpipeline, which would bring petroleum from Canada’s oil sands to Gulf Coast refineries.
It was the latest in a series of recent policy addresses, including on Israel and foreign policy, intended to position Mr. Trump, the real estate mogul and reality show star, as credible on substantive issues now that he is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
But experts remain skeptical of Mr. Trump’s command of the complexities of the global energy economy. And he made claims, such as a promise to restore jobs lost in coal mining, that essentially defy free-market forces.
“Many of his proposals thus far don’t seem to appreciate the complex forces that drive the energy system,” said Richard G. Newell, an energy economist at Duke University who has closely followed Mr. Trump’s remarks.
Mr. Trump’s decision to set his speech in North Dakota was politically strategic. He began the day fewer than 30 delegates shy of clinching the nomination, and on Thursday, he reached the required 1,237-delegate threshold with the help of unpledged delegates in the state who moved to support him.
A central question confronting the next president will be how to address climate change. Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly denied the established science that climate change is caused by humans, vowed in his speech to undo many of Mr. Obama’s initiatives.
He did not explicitly address the scientific legitimacy of human-caused climate change, but said, “We’re going to deal with real environmental challenges, not the phony ones we’ve been hearing about.”
However, the next president will not have the legal authority to unilaterally rescind the climate rules, which are now being litigated in federal courts. If, as is widely expected, the case goes to the Supreme Court, the justices, rather than the president, will determine its fate. But if elected, Mr. Trump could nominate a new Supreme Court justice to help strike down the rule.
В первой статье автор анализирует речь Дональда Трампа относительно климатических изменений и глобального потепления, после чего с иронией отмечает, что тот не в силах что-либо изменить. Автор использует слово «судьба», выражение «решить судьбу», отмечая таким образом, что кандидат в президенты претендует на роль Бога:
But experts remain skeptical of Mr. Trump’s command of the complexities of the global energy economy. And he made claims, such as a promise to restore jobs lost in coal mining, that essentially defy free-market forces.
A central question confronting the next president will be how to address climate change. Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly denied the established science that climate change is caused by humans, vowed in his speech to undo many of Mr. Obama’s initiatives.
However, the next president will not have the legal authority to unilaterally rescind the climate rules, which are now being litigated in federal courts. If, as is widely expected, the case goes to the Supreme Court, the justices, rather than the president, will determine its fate. But if elected, Mr. Trump could nominate a new Supreme Court justice to help strike down the rule.
Die-Hard Bernie Sanders Backers See F.B.I. as Answer to Their Prayers
ANAHEIM, Calif. — Senator Bernie Sanders may be trailing Hillary Clintonby hundreds of delegates, and Mrs. Clinton may be treating the Democratic nomination as hers, but Julie Crowell, a stay-at-home mother and a die-hard Sanders supporter, is holding out for an 11th-hour miracle: divine deliverance at the hands of the F.B.I.
Во второй статье продолжается тема божественности, но здесь она уже связана с правосудием и Федеральным бюро расследований. Используя тему божественности, автор опять иронизирует ситуацию:
Clinton may be treating the Democratic nomination as hers, but Julie Crowell, a stay-at-home mother and a die-hard Sanders supporter, is holding out for an 11th-hour miracle: divine deliverance at the hands of the F.B.I.
California Looking Less Like a Sure Thing for Hillary Clinton
On Wednesday, after days of looking, Karen Furia, 65, finally found what she was searching for: a “Hillary” bumper sticker, at a Clinton campaign rally in Salinas, Calif.
“I keep hearing Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, or seeing Bernie fliers,’’ said Ms. Furia, a retiree. “I am sort of tired of hearing him.’’
She was referring, of course, to Senator Bernie Sanders, Mrs. Clinton’s Democratic opponent, who is pouring energy and resources into California’s June 7 primary.
His efforts appear to be paying off.
For months, the Clinton campaign exuded confidence about California, a diverse state in which 30 percent of the Democratic electorate is Latino, with a primary rather than a caucus, a format that tends to favor Mrs. Clinton. She defeated Barack Obama there by 8.3 percentage points in 2008 and had hoped the state could serve as the victorious bookend of a turbulent primary race.
But now, Mrs. Clinton’s lead in California has evaporated, going from seven percentage points over Mr. Sanders in March to two percentage points, within the margin of error, in a poll released Wednesday night by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California.
That has created the possibility of an embarrassing defeat here for the Clinton campaign and complicated Mrs. Clinton’s plans to turn her focus to the general election against the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump.
She dedicated this week to traversing the state for campaign events and fund-raisers and will return next week. Despite earlier signals that her campaign would avoid spending on expensive advertising in California, the campaign will begin running television ads in the Los Angeles, Fresno and Sacramento markets on Friday.
В данной статье автор говорит о том, что кандидаты складывают много сил и энергии в кампанию, при этом употребляя глагол «наливать, заливать». Автор отмечает тот факт, что все усилия окупятся. Так он делает акцент на том, что, скорее всего, усилия и энергия представляют собой материальные вложения:
She was referring, of course, to Senator Bernie Sanders, Mrs. Clinton’s Democratic opponent, who is pouring energy and resources into California’s June 7 primary.
His efforts appear to be paying off.
Despite earlier signals that her campaign would avoid spending on expensive advertising in California, the campaign will begin running television ads in the Los Angeles...

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