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Contents Page
Glossary .....................................................................................................................................3
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................4
II. Evolution of the System ........................................................................................................4
III. Capitalization .......................................................................................................................9
IV. Credit and the Intermediation of Savings ..........................................................................12
V. Profitability and Efficiency .................................................................................................14
VI. Benefits of Public Involvement .........................................................................................18
VII. Governance .......................................................................................................................21
References ................................................................................................................................23
1. Banking Sector Structure .....................................................................................................25
2. Banking Performance Indicators in Selected Countries ......................................................26
1. Balance Sheets of German Banks ........................................................................................27
2. Liabilities of German Banks ................................................................................................28
3. Financial Soundness Indicators by Cross-Country ..............................................................29
4. Financial Soundness Indicators by Type of Banks ..............................................................30
5. Bank Performance Indicators ...............................................................................................31
6. Public Sector Costs of Landesbanken ..................................................................................32
I. Overview of Landesbanken ....................................................................................................
банковский рынок и кредитные продукты Германии
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
1. Banking Sector Structure .....................................................................................................25
2. Banking Performance Indicators in Selected Countries ......................................................26
1. Balance Sheets of German Banks ........................................................................................27
2. Liabilities of German Banks ................................................................................................28
3. Financial Soundness Indicators by Cross-Country ..............................................................29
4. Financial Soundness Indicators by Type of Banks ..............................................................30
5. Bank Performance Indicators ...............................................................................................31
6. Public Sector Costs of Landesbanken ..................................................................................32
I. Overview of Landesbanken ....................................................................................................6
2. Earnings Distribution and Implicit Subsidies by the Sparkassen ........................................20
BIS Bank for International Settlements
DSGV Deutscher Sparkassen-und Giroverband
EBA European Banking Authority
EC European Commission
ECB European Central Bank
EU European Union
FMSA Agency for the Stabilization of the Financial Markets
FSAP Financial Sector Assessment Program
GIIPS Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain
GDP Gross Domestic Product
IMF International Monetary Fund
LB Landesbanken
MFIs Monetary and Financial Institutions
NPLs Nonperforming loans
OECD Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
ROE Return on equity
SIFIs Systemically Important Financial Institutions
SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises
SoFFin Sonderfonds Finanzmarktstabilisierung
UK United Kingdom
US United States
Список литературы
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