
Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников в классе гуманитарного профиля.

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1.1. Иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция в современной лингводидактике
1.2.Формирование коммуникативной компетенции в классах гуманитарного профиля
1.3. Учет возрастных психологических особенностей старшеклассников при изучении английского языка
2.1. Тексты и упражнения
2.2. Серия уроков


Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников в классе гуманитарного профиля.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

1) ...
2) ...
Упражнение 5. a) Before reading the text do some preparatory exercises. Repeat the words after the teacher.
amount [ë"maunt] – количество
frequent ["fri:kwënt] – частый
relating [rû"leûtûÅ] – отношение
Repeat the following words and word-combinations after the teacher. Can you guess what they mean? Translate them.
Mediterranean countries
physical contact
b) Now start reading the text. While reading fill in the following map. Carefully think about how you will organize your information.
High-look cultures
Low-look cultures
One of the main cultural differences between nationalities is the amount of eye-contact between people. In countries where people stand close to each other, in Morris’s elbow zone, eye-contact is more frequent and lasts longer. Mediterranean countries, says Dr Collet, are “high-look” cultures whereas north European countries are “low-look” cultures. Children who grow up in a low-look culture learn that it is rude to look too long at another person. In a high-look culture, eye-contact, like physical contact and gestures, is a natural way of expressing your feelings and relating to other people. This explains why, for example, north Europeans visiting south European countries may feel uncomfortable at the way people look at them.
c) Let’s see how well you understand the text. Complete the statements according to the text then read them aloud.
1. ... is different between people of different nationalities.
2. The south European (Mediterranean) countries are: (name them) ... .
3. People of these countries belong to the ... .
4. The north European countries are: (name them) ... .
5. People of these countries belong to the ... .
Упражнение 6. As we know there are four types of questions: general, special, alternative and disjunctive. Let’s talk about the general ones today. This type of questions asks for information which is unknown, and it needs short (yes/ no) answers, not full ones. General questions usually start with auxiliary verbs (to be (am, is, are, was, were), to do (do, does, did), to have (have, has, had) etc., and the intonation in such questions is always rising ( ).
a) Match the beginnings of the questions on the left to the proper endings on the right. Do it in figures and letters.
1) Are there three
2) Do such countries as Spain, Italy, France and Greece
3) Do such countries as Holland, Germany, Belgium and Great Britain
4) Can postures be divided into
5) Does an open posture mean
6) Does a closed posture mean
7) Do the British
8) Do friends and family members in Great Britain
9) Can smiles be divided into
10) Is it possible to say that real
11) Do north European countries
12) Do south European
(Mediterranean) countries
a) belong to “low-look” cultures?
b) belong to the “elbow” zone?
c) two main types (open and closed)?
d) are honest/ sincere ones?
e) “Stay away” or “I’m deep in thoughts and not going to talk to you”?
f) belong to “high-look” cultures?
g) shake hands when they are first introduced?
h) “personal space” zones in Europe?
i) two main types (real and small)?
j) “I’m eager to talk to you”?
k) hug or kiss on the cheek when they see each other?
l) belong to the “fingertips” zone?
b) Practice reading them with the appropriate intonation.
Упражнение 7. a) Read the dialogues silently and find what exclamations are used there. What do you think they mean?
1. – As I know distance that separates people from each other while communicating is different for different nationalities.
Oh really? How do you know that?
I’ve read a book about it. As it says there are three “personal space” zones in Europe: the elbow zone, the wrist zone and the fingertip zone.
2. – What are you doing, Jane?
Reading an article.
What about?
The meaning of postures in our life.
Ah, that one is quite interesting. I think it will be rather useful for you.
3. – Do you know what the notion “eye-contact” means?
Oh no, but I’d like to know that.
Then listen. It’s the length of your look at other person/ people. All European countries can be divided into two blocks: “high-look” cultures and “low-look” cultures.
And what block does our country belong to?
I think to the second one.
That sounds interesting.
b) Check yourself. Read the definitions of the following exclamations.
Ah [ä:]
Oh [ëŠ]
used to express surprise, pleasure, admiration or sympathy, or when you disagree with sb.
Eg.: Ah, there you are.
Ah, this coffee is good.
Ah well, better luck next time.
Ah, but that may not be true.
1) used when you are reacting to sth. that has been said, especially if you did not know it before
Eg.: – I saw Ben yesterday.
– Oh yes, how is he?
Emma has a new job.
Oh, has she?
1) used to express surprise, fear, joy, etc.
Eg.: Oh, how wonderful!
Oh no, I’ve broken it!
2) used to attract sb’s attention
Eg.: Oh, Sue! Could you help me a moment?
c) Let’s see how well you understand the material given above. Work in pairs. Read the questions below and think of answers. Fill in the spaces with appropriate answers and exclamations if necessary. Practice reading them with the appropriate intonation.
1) – Did you like your visit to the United Kingdom?
– ... (yes/ no; why)
2) – Did anything impress you most of all while your stay there?
– ... (distance in communication; eye-contact etc.)
3) – Was the communication with the British pleasant?
– ... (yes/ no; why)
4) – Did you meet any difficulties while your stay there?
– ... (distance in communication; greeting customs etc.)
Упражнение 8. a) Look at the title of the text “Every Country has its Customs”. It’s a common proverb in English. What do you think it means? How can you translate it?
b) Think of the situations it can be used in (possible answer in ).
c) Complete the sentences given below. How does their meaning change?
has its/ his
d) Add three more sentences of your own to the list. Then read them to the class.
Упражнение 9. We are going to read an interesting text about Hogmanay, the Scottish way of New Year’s celebrating. What do you know about it? Would you like to know more? But first learn some new words concerning the topic.
a) Repeat the words after the teacher.
Hogmanay ["hégmëneû] – преддверие нового года
merrymaking ["merû‚meûkûÅ] – празднования
routine [ru:"ti:n] – рутинная, та, что постоянно повторяется, однообразная
in addition [ë"dûÐ(ë)n] – больше того
bill [bûl] – счет
currant bun ["kšr(ë)nt bšn] – сдобная булочка с изюмом
tangerine [‚tændž(ë)"ri:n ] – мандарин
toffee ["téfi] – тофи (конфета подобна ирису)
First-Footer ["fë:st "futë] – первый гость в новом году
alive [ë"laûv] – живой
ill-luck [‚ûl "lšk] – плохая удача
coal [këul] – уголь
to pour out [pé: aut] – наливать
b) What do you think, why some words in the list above are printed in bold? (Answer: they denote purely British notions).
c) Listen to the sentences with the new words. Translate them into .
1. Hogmanay is a Scottish name for New Year’s Eve, and is a time for merrymaking and giving presents.
2. In addition, all bills must be paid, letters written and taken books given back.
3. Most important of all, there must be many good things to eat: plum puddings and currant buns, tangerines and toffee etc.
d) Read the following word-combinations. Can you guess what they mean? Translate them into .
A dark-haired man, the person brings with him a gift, greets the family with “A Happy New Year”, after an exchange of greetings, a fair-haired man.
e) Now you can start reading the text. Be ready to show how well you understand it.
Every Country has its Customs
Part 1. Hogmanay Celebrations
Hogmanay is a Scottish name for New Year’s Eve, and is a time for merrymaking and giving presents.
Throughout Scotland, the preparations for greeting the New Year start with cleaning. No routine work can be unfinished. In addition, all bills must be paid, letters written and taken books given back.
Most important of all, there must be many good things to eat: plum puddings and currant buns, tangerines and toffee etc.
Many families prefer to meet the New Year at home, with music or dancing, cards or talk. As the evening goes on and the fire is high – for the brighter the fire, the better the luck. The members of the family seat round the table, and when the hands of the clock come to 12, the head of the house rises, goes to the main door, opens it wide, and keeps it open: he let the Old Year out and the New Year in. Then he shuts it quietly and goes back to the family. Now greetings and small gifts can be given, glasses are filled – and already the First-Footers are at the door.
Part 2. First-Footing
In parts of Northern Ireland and in Scotland the old tradition of First-Footing is still alive. Tradition says that the first person to come into a house on New Year’s Day should be a dark-haired man, otherwise ill-luck will follow. It is also good if the person brings with him a gift – a piece of coal, a fish, a bottle of whisky or a piece of bread are traditional presents. The First-Footer, coming into the house, greets the family with “A Happy New Year!” and pours out a glass from the bottle he brings with him. The head of the house must drink this then he pours out a glass for each of his visitors. A popular toast is: “Your good health!” The First-Footers must take something to eat as well as to drink, and after an exchange of greetings they go off. In a few other parts of the country, the First-Footer must be a fair-haired man!
f) Let’s see how well you understand the text. Complete the following statements according to the first part of the text and read them aloud.
1. Hogmanay is a Scottish name for ...
2. On this day people must ...
3. They cook a lot, so tables are full of food: ...
4. People like to meet ...
5. At 11.55 the head of the house rises, ...
6. He let the new year ...
g) Now match the parts of the statements according to the second part of the text. First do it in figures and letters. Then read the statements aloud.
1. Traditionally a dark-haired man
2. A bottle of whisky, a fish, a piece of
bread or coal
3. “Your good health!”
4. First-Footing is an
5. When the First-Footer comes into a house,
a) old tradition of some parts of Northern Ireland and Scotland.
b) he usually says “A Happy New Year”.
c) must be the first to enter a house on the first of January.
d) are traditional gifts on this day.
e) is a common/traditional toast on this day.
Следует отметить, что ниже представленное упражнение направлено на овладение учениками как формулами речевого этикета, так и маркерами социальных отношений.
Упражнение 10. Every country has its culture, traditions in meeting and greeting people also. We’ve read the text about different non-verbal ways of greeting people in different countries (see the text above). Now let us talk about their verbal shape.
a) Below is the text about the way the British people usually say to each other while meeting. Read it carefully and remember the information given there.
How often do people greet each other during a day? Lots of times. What are the ways they do it? It depends on the speaker.
There are three main types of communicative styles: formal, neutral and informal. The first one, formal, is usually used while speaking with people, whose social status is higher than yours (e.g.: your headmaster, boss, teacher etc.). Informal style is used while speaking to people whom you know perfectly well and who know you well too (members of your family, relatives, close friends etc.). Neutral style is often used while talking to shop assistants, postmen, neighbours etc., those people who are neither close to you, nor so “high and important”.
Therefore greetings can also be divided into formal, neutral and informal, and they are used in accordance with the communicative status of your interlocutor.
Good morning (until about lunch-time – 12 midday to 1 p.m.)
Good afternoon (till tea-time or just after – 5 to 6 p.m.)
Good evening (till 9 to 10 p.m.)
– How are you?
– How are you?
– How are you?
Fine, thank you
All right, thank you
Fine, thanks
All, right, thanks
People usually answer in the same way. But note: it’s impossible to say Good day. Do not use Good evening when leaving. Here Good night is used.
When you know the person a little better, you may say How are you? The answer will be Very well, thank you or (less formal) Fine, thanks. Remember that the Thank you or Thanks should end the phrase, not begin it. If you are not well and wish to make this known, say Not too well, I’m afraid.
b) Read the following greetings. Whom do you think they refer to? What communicative style do they belong to? What would your answers be?
How do you do
Good evening
Good afternoon
How are you?
c) What will your greeting be:
● if you meet somebody at 8.30 p m; 11 a m; 3.30 p m; 12 midday;
● if someone asked you How are you? and you were feeling unwell;
● at a first meeting.
2.2. Серия уроков
Тема: «Еаst or West – Home is Best? »
Класс: 9
Цели урока:
Развивающая – развитие способности к комбинированию и трансформированию речевых единиц, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
Воспитательная - воспитание чувства гордости за родную страну и место, где ты живёшь;
Учебная – совершенствование речевых навыков;
Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Ход урока
I. Введение в атмосферу урока.
Беседа о роли английского языка в жизни людей.
T: Hello, boys and girls! You are welcome to our English lesson. You have been learning English for 5 years. Aren’t you tired of it?
Ps: No, we are not.
T: I’m glad to hear that you are not tired of learning the English language. I’m sure it will help you in your future life, won’t it?
P1: Yes, it will. In our time it is very important to know English. I hope English will help me to get a good job and then earn good money.
T: And what do you think, P2?
P2: I know that English is an international language. It helps us to understand the other people from different countries.
T: P3, I know you are very interested in Information Technology. Do you need English?
P3: Yes, I do. Today English is a computer language. It helps me to work with my computer and use the Internet.
T: We live in the village. There are no business centers, big factories and no foreigners here. English in the countryside? Isn’t it strange?
P4: Certainly, not. Nowadays many joint factories are built in the countryside. Some of them are English or Canadian. For example, in our region there is a Canadian cattle-farm. To work together with foreign specialists and use Canadian technologies we need knowledge of English.
T: And what would you tell us, P5?
P5: I know that English is used in tourism. It is an international language. As for me I’ m going to visit other countries. That’s why I study it at school.
T: I wish your dream came true. But while visiting other countries don’t forget your native place. There is a proverb … Just wait a bit. We shall read it in a minute. Look at the screen! Here you can see 20 British symbols. Put together the first letters of each symbol and read the proverb.
(Открываются картинки с видами Британии и по первым буквам составляется пословица East or West – Home is Best).
E – Elisabeth II
A- Admiral Nelson
S- St. Paul’s Cathedral
T- Trafalgar Square
O- Oxford Street
R- Ravens
W- Westminster Abbey
E- Edinburgh Castle
S- Shakespeare 
T- Tower
H- Houses of Parliament
O- Oxford University
M- Maze
E- Eton College
I - Imperial War Museum
S- Stonehenge
B- Big Ben
E- English Channel
S- Sherlock Holmes Museum
T- Tower Bridge
T: (объявляет тему урока) East or West – Home is Best. This proverb will be the topic of our lesson.
II. Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков
А) Предваряющее задание перед чтением
T: Certainly, there are many other reasons why people learn English.
Look at the screen. This is a Russian girl. Her name is Olga. She is a pupil of the 9th form. After leaving school she is going to continue learning English at the university. Got any idea why she needs English.
P1: I think she needs English to communicate with people of the world.
P2: I think she wants to do business.
P3: I’ sure she hopes to get a better job.
P4: Maybe she wants to be an English teacher.
P5: I’m not sure but I think she wants to live in another country.
P6: I consider she is going to be a travel agent.
T: Read Olga’s opinion about learning English and say what her idea about it is? You have 5 minutes for reading it.
В) Чтение 1- го высказывания
I’ m sure, it is very important to know foreign languages in our time. Learning languages is a good exercise for the intellect. It expands our horizons, for example, it gives us a chance to visit other countries. As for me I learn English. Frankly speaking, I learn it not because this language is easier than French or German and not because it sounds like music. The English language will be connected with my future life. I have made up my mind to leave Russia for one of the English- speaking countries after getting a higher education. I’m not sure I will have a good chance to realize myself in our state. I would like to live in Great Britain. It has been attracting me more than other countries since I took part in an exchange program some years ago. Beyond any doubt, this country is marvelous! Firstly I am interested in history and art. That’s why I am not indifferent to British ancient towns with old cathedrals, British museums and galleries. More than that, the standard of living in Britain is very high. But the most important reason for my choice is that I hope to find a well-paid job. Isn’t it great to earn much money and to buy everything you want?
T: Your time is over. Now look at the screen. Here is a task for you.
1. Choose from the statement the one which completes the idea the best.
1) Olga learns English because - it is easier than French or German
- English is a necessity for her future life.
- she wants to take part in an exchange program
2) English is connected with Olga’s future life because
- Olga wants to visit England
- She has made up her mind to leave Russia for another country
- She wants to find a well-paid job in Russia
3) Olga hopes - to meet British customs and traditions
- to visit British ancient towns, museums and galleries
- to earn much money
P1: I think that the following statement completes the idea best. Olga learns English because English is a necessity for her.
P2: I think English is connected with Olga’s future life because she has made up her mind to leave Russia for another country.
P3: I think that Olga hopes to earn much money.
2. Find in the story the sentences to prove the following ideas.
1) Olga understands that knowledge of foreign languages is very useful in our time.
2) Learning English is a necessity for Olga.
3) Britain attracts Olga in spite of the fact she has never been to this country.
4) Olga thinks that Britain is a great.
5) The girl hopes to become wealthy.
T: To make your answer more logical use the following phrases:
Olga says (that) …
It proves that…
P1: Olga says that it is very important to know foreign languages in our time. It proves that Olga understands that knowledge of foreign languages is very useful in our time. 
P2: Olga says that the English language will be connected with her future life. It proves that learning English is a necessity for Olga.
P3: Olga says that English has been attracting her more than other countries since she took part in an exchange program some years ago. It proves that she has been to this country.
P4: Olga says that this country is marvelous. It proves that Olga thinks Britain is a great.

Список литературы


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