
Лингвистические маркеры стилистического приема метафоры в романе Дж. Голсуорси "Человек-собственник"

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Linguistic markers of the metaphor stylistic device
1.1. Metaphor in modern linguistics
1.1.1 The problem of the metaphor definition
1.1.2 The metaphorized devices
1.1.3 Common types of the metaphor
1.2. Features of J. Galsworthy`s novel "The Man of Property"
1.2.1. Subject features of the novel
1.2.1. The metaphor part in the images construction in the novel of J. Galsworthy «The Man of Property»
Chapter 2. Linguistic markers of the metaphor in the novel of J. Galsworthy "The Man of Property"
2.1. Linguistic markers of the metaphor "life"
2.2. Linguistic markers of the metaphor "property"
2.3. Linguistic markers of the metaphor "love"


Лингвистические маркеры стилистического приема метафоры в романе Дж. Голсуорси "Человек-собственник"

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

It is necessary to understand the position of the metaphor in creation characters and estimated images. And also what kind of the linguistic markers contribute to their realization in the text. It`s also the purpose of our work.
To study this problem in detail is necessary for us because we must consider features of the metaphor and possible linguistic markers of this device. It is important to consider features of the novel "The Man of Property" to understand the meaning of such means of expressiveness such as a metaphor in creation of images and characters of the given text.
We will consider theoretical aspect of a metaphor that distinguishes this device in the text from other fiction means.
Our work consists of two chapters: theoretical and practical one. We will talk about featuresof the metaphor as the mean of fiction expressiveness in the theoretical part. And next we will consider linguistic markers of the given device. Then, we will investigate the actual problems connected with transfer of a metaphor by example of Galsworthy`s novel «The Man of Property».
Summing up the thesis, it is necessary to notice that we had been reached the main objectives and tasks in view are executed.

Список литературы


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