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Diversity management



Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

“I can’t think of a better person to hold the marketing reins of Chevrolet’s most dynamic products,” said Ed Peper, GM North America vice president, Chevrolet. “Karen’s vast business experiences make her a seasoned pro that’s needed most at this important time in the history of General Motors and Chevrolet,” added Peper.
Under Karen’s direction, her team is leading the introduction of the 21 st Century Sports Car – the all-new 2010 Chevrolet Camaro, coming to market this spring. She also leads a Corvette team that is on the cutting-edge of enthusiast marketing. In addition, Karen’s current assignment has her keeping the momentum going for the award winning Chevrolet Malibu and the best-selling domestic car in the U.S., the Impala.
Karen has been very active in racing Chevrolet Corvettes, Camaros and Pontiac Firebirds since 1987 and has won four U.S. National titles in SCCA Solo II competition and nine trophy positions. Karen completed her first 26.2 mile marathon at the Detroit Free Press Marathon on October 19, 2008.
Karen has worked for General Motors for 20 years and received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business/Communications from Carlow College in Pittsburgh in 1993 and a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Pittsburgh, Katz Graduate School of Business in 2001.
GM Ranks As One of the 50 Best Companies for Latinas to Work
WASHINGTON, DC (Feb 7, 2008) — For the 10th consecutive year, General Motors (GM) has been recognized by LATINA Style Magazine as one of the 50 best corporations in the United States for Latinas to work for. The annual LATINA Style 50 Report is one of the most respected national rankings of companies based on their policies and practices that promote the needs and aspirations of Latinas in the workplace. This prestigious honor comes fittingly as GM launches its 100th year anniversary celebration, affirming the automaker’s commitment to its employees and focus on the future.
“We appreciate this distinguished recognition,” said Roderick D. Gillum, vice president, GM Corporate Responsibility and Diversity. “As General Motors celebrates its centennial and looks ahead to the next 100 years, we recognize that a diverse workforce drives our success. Throughout our organization, we are committed to providing a supportive work environment for Latinas as their contributions make us stronger and provide GM a competitive advantage.”
Diane DeHoyos, president of GM’s Hispanic Initiative Team, will accept the award on behalf of GM at a ceremony on February 7 in Washington, D.C. The GM Hispanic Initiative Team provides Hispanic employees with opportunities to network within the corporation, serve as mentors to other Hispanics, act as liaisons to the Hispanic community and promote business goals by serving as resources for the company. Through her professional contributions as a cost reduction manager as well as ongoing advocacy for Latinos throughout the global organization, Ms. DeHoyos illustrates every day how Latinas make a difference at GM.
LATINA Style 50 Report is compiled based on survey responses from more than 1,000 prominent corporations. The questionnaire covers core areas of importance as identified by readers of LATINA Style Magazine, including educational opportunities, the number of fellow Latinas at executive levels and on the board of directors, mentoring programs, job retraining, employee benefits, childcare support, women’s issues and having relevant affinity groups.
The Director of NIH has taken several steps to show his commitment to diversity management. For example, 3 months after his arrival at
NIH in 2002, the Director signed the NIH policy on EEO and diversity management, which states that NIH “must offer opportunities for all
persons to develop to their full potential in the pursuit and support of science with diversity management integrated into all facets of the
NIH.” One NIH official said that the Director leads by example, having made several appointments from diverse groups to leadership
positions in the Office of the Director and in the institutes and centers during his tenure thus far. The NIH Director, the official said,
frequently discusses the importance of diversity in public meetings and to NIH employees and has created a more unified culture that
moves beyond the feeling that at NIH, “there are science people and then the rest of you all.” Another NIH official said that at “town hall”
style meetings and other public speaking opportunities,a the Director discusses diversity management, noting, for example, that the
Director had stressed the importance of diversity management at a meeting with Presidential Management Fellows.b The NIH Director
has also written an article on diversity for NIH’s newsletter. In October 2003, NIH’s Director was recognized for his commitment to
diversity management, receiving a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Leadership Award from Diversity Best Practices in recognition of NIH's
efforts to ensure a diverse workforce.c Of the 10 CEOs to be honored, NIH’s was the only award recipient representing a federal agency.
The U.S. Coast Guard has focused on the management of diversity since March 1993, when its Headquarters Human Resources
Coordinating Council chartered a “Managing Diversity as a Process” study. Since 1994, Coast Guard Commandants have included
diversity as one of the Coast Guard’s major priorities through the Commandants’ Directions, which establish the vision and priorities of
the Coast Guard. The first of the then-Commandant’s eight goals in the 1994 Direction was to provide leadership and a working
environment that enabled all to reach their full potential. The current Commandant reinforces the importance of a capable and diverse
workforce in his Direction as well as public speeches. For example, in a 2002 speech at the Coast Guard Academy, he stated that the
future of the Coast Guard demands a multitude of technical skills and capabilities that require people with broadly diverse talents and
backgrounds. In its diversity policy statement, the Coast Guard further states that “diversity in the workforce contributes measurably to
creative thinking and innovation so critical to excellence.” A Coast Guard official said that the Coast Guard has been integrating diversity
in all processes and has been working hard to “connect the dots.” The U.S. Coast Guard is another federal agency that has been
recognized for having implemented diversity management initiatives in an exemplary manner.d
Valuing diversity: diversity management at Commerzbank

Employee diversity is a significant success factor for the future development of Commerzbank. For this reason, the bank promotes an open, fair and respectful working environment within the scope of its diversity management system and supports its employees in achieving harmony between individual work and life plans.
Employees of Commerzbank AG by gender
in %
A multi-facetted corporate culture
People from more than 90 nations work for Commerzbank worldwide. The various talents, experiences and perspectives these employees bring to the table enable them to react to customer requirements in a flexible manner.
Over the course of almost 20 years, Commerzbank has established a comprehensive system of diversity management with the aim of establishing a sustainable multifacetted corporate culture. Commerzbank has also publicly committed itself to this objective by being one of the first signatories to the “Diversity Charter” in March 2007. We regularly engage external experts to monitor the progress we have made within the scope of such procedures as the “berufundfamilie” audit. In June 2009, Commerzbank’s human resources policy received the TOTAL E-QUALITY Award for equality of opportunity in the workplace for the fifth time running.
Diversity at all levels
The advancement of women is an important aspect of diversity management. Given the proportion of female staff at the bank as a whole, women are not yet appropriately represented in the top echelons of management at Commerzbank. For this reason, a number of measures are in place to support the professional development of female employees. Ten years ago, Commerzbank launched the very first nationwide cross-mentoring programme for women in conjunction with a number of other companies. The programme involved the provision of one year of mentoring support for talented young female staff by a manager from a partner company. During this period, the female participants were given the opportunity to attend workshops and engage in networking. More than 200 mentees and mentors from Commerzbank have already taken part in the programme. The Self-Mentoring System, which provides women with training and support in undertaking their own search for and selection of a mentor, and the women’s network “Courage” (see here), which celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2008, are further examples in this area. In 2009, the bank launched a project aimed at increasing the proportion of female involvement in specialist, project management and leadership tasks at a senior management level.
The gay and lesbian employee network “arco”, founded in 2002, and the “Focus on Fathers” network, a working group which represents the interests of fathers and seeks to establish a new form of male role model, are also engaged in a wide range of activities to promote acceptance of individual life backgrounds. Commerzbank also supports the group-wide exchange of experiences on diversity and continuing training on diversity-related topics via such measures as the “ForumDiversity” series of events and the Diversity Portal in the Internet to be launched at the end of 2009.
Proportion of male (m) and female (f) employees at Commerzbank AG
in %
Managers and executives

Список литературы


1.Balthazar, Carol. Career Futures. Winter 1991. Disillusioned with the Decade of Diversity.
2.Barnard, Clay and Lentz, Glenda. Journal of Career Planning and Placement. Spring 1992. Making Diversity a Reality Within our Profession.
3.Blanchette, Donald. Industrial Management, Jul/Aug 2004, v36n4. Technology transfer in a culturally diverse workforce (part 1.)
4.Bunzel, John H. Public Interest, SPring 2007. Diversity or Discrimination? Asian Americans in College.
5.Carnevale, Anthony P. & Stone, Susan C. Training & Development, October 1994. College of Business Administration, Univ. of Iowa. Diversity. Beyond the Golden Rule.
6.Davis, George. The Black Collegian. March/April 2004. Cultural Diversity and Corporate America. Commitment or Smokescreen.
7.Elliott, John A. The magazine of the Graduate Management Admission Council, Autumn 2004. Enhancing Diversity in Business Doctoral Education.
8.Foster, Jackson, Cross, Jackson and Hardiman. Training and Development Journal, April 2008. Workforce Diversity and Business.
9.Lawlor, Julia. USA Today, April 24, 2002. Diversity Provides Rewards.
10.Meyer, Gary. HR Magazine, April 2007 v36n4. Review: Assessing Diversity and Culture on the PC. (Cultural Audits via Computer)
11.Noonan, John. The Sunday Star Ledger. March 15, 2002. Diversity is the Byword in Shaping a College.
12.Powell, Gary. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications 2004. Gender and Diversity in the Workplace.
13.Rubin, Barry Louis. HR Magazine, January 2007 v36n1. Europeans Value Diversity.
14.Special Supplement to the New York Times, October 23, 2003. The Diversity Challenge.
17.http://www.bredin.ab.ca/ImmigrantServices/Employment Preparation/Cultural

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