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1.1. The history of American language and culture
1.2 American and British English differences
2.1 Articulatory Description of Vowels
2.2 Vocal system of General American
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ʌ • ɔ
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The diphthongs in English language are the object of a sharp phonological controversy. However, most linguists define diphthongs as unisyllabic gliding sounds in the articulation of which the organs of speech start from one position and then glide to another position20. General American vowel system has five diphthongs, which are shown in Table 421.
Table 4. Diphthongs in General American
Offglide is a front vowel
Offglide is a back vowel
Opener component is unrounded
aɪ eɪ
Opener component is rounded
The American English vowel system includes diphthongs, which start with one sound and then glide to a second. For example, the pronunciationof the /o/ in coat is [oʊ] and the /e/ in gate is [eɪ]. This type of diphthong is considered homogeneous because both phases of the vowel are close in articulatory position and the lip rounding is the same. A second type of diphthong is heterogeneous (or true diphthong). They glide from one sound to the other moving up and across the vowel space. Lip rounding may not be the same in both phases. American English has three such diphthongs: / aɪ / (eye); / aʊ / (cow); and / ɔɪ / (boy) (Roca & Johnson, 1999).
The vowel list in Table 2 represents a generalization about American English vowels and their pronunciations22:
Table 2. Vowels used by American English speakers
AmE vowel
Words that have specific vowel pronunciation in American variant of English language
/i/ (beat)
crematorium, cretin, depot, inherent, leisure, medieval, reconnoitre, zebra, either, neither, Pleiades;
/ɪ/ (bit)
butyl, diverge, minority, primer (schoolbook);
/e/ (bait)
usually produced with a glide [eɪ]
amen, charade, cicada, gala, promenade, tomato, stratum, eta, beta, quay, theta, zeta, compatriot, patriot, patronise, phalanx, plait, repatriate, satrap, satyr, basil (plant);
/ɛ/ (bet)
anaesthetize, devolution, ecumenical, epoch, evolution, febrile, Kenya, lever, methane, penalize, predecessor, pyrethrin, senile, hygienic;
/æ/ (bat)
banana, java, khaki, morale, Nevada, scenario, soprano, tiara, Pakistani;
/ɑ/ (cot)
annato, Bangladesh, Caracas, grappa, gulag, Jan, Kant, kebab, Las (in placenames like Las Vegas), Mafia, mishmash, Natasha, Nissan, Pablo, pasta, Picasso, Slovak, Sri Lanka, Vivaldi, wigwam;
/ɔ/ (caught)
hexagon, octagon, paragon, pentagon, phenomenon, codify, goffer, ogle, phonetician, processor, progress (noun), sloth, wont, wroth, accomplice, accomplish, colander, constable, monetary;
/ʊ/ (book)
boulevard, snooker, woof;
/o/ (boat)
usually produced with a glide [oʊ]
compost, homosexual, Interpol, produce (noun), scone, shone, sojourn, troll, yoghurt;
/u/ (boot)
barracuda, puma, coupon, fuchsine, Houston;
/ʌ/ (but)
hovel, hover, because, of, from, was, what;
/aɪ/ (bite)
a true diphthong
dynasty, housewifery, idyll, livelong, long-lived, privacy, simultaneous, vitamin, albino, migraine. Also the prefixes anti-, multi-, semi- in loose compounds. Also the suffix –ization.
Список литературы
1.Crystal, David The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2003
2.Gimson A.C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. London, 1972
3.Jorgensen, J. G., Truzzi M., Anthropology and American Life, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1974
4.Leontyeva S.F. A Theoretical Course of English Phonetics. M., 2002
5.Merkulova Yelena M. English for University Students. Introduction To Phonetics. СПб, 2001
6.Naylor L.L., American culture: myth and reality of a culture of diversity? - Greenwood Publishing Group, 1998
7.Shopen T., Williams J.M. Standards and dialects in English. Cambridge, 1980
8.Wells J. C., Accents of English 3: Beyond the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, 1982
9.Wells, John C. Accents of English, vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, 1982
10.Шахбагoва Дж.А. Фoнетические oсoбеннoсти прoизнoсительных вариантoв английскoгo языка. М., 1982
11.Соколова М.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка. М.: ВЛАДОС, 2004
12.Торсуев Г.П. Вопросы акцентологии современного английского языка. М.–Л., 1960
1.Wells, John C. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. 2nd ed. Longman, 2000
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