
Стилистический анализ эмоционального высказывания на примере произведений Грэма Грина

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1. The theory of emotive charge
2. The analyze of G. Greene style
2.1 The biography of the author.
2.2 The analyze of the novels: “The Quiet American” and “The Heart of the Matter”


Стилистический анализ эмоционального высказывания на примере произведений Грэма Грина

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So the subject of this research is emotive charge in translations.
The object is the theory of stylistic translation.
The aim of this work is to analyze the emotive charge in literature on the material of G. Greene’s novels “The Quiet American” and “The Heart of the Matter”.
The aim determined the tasks of this research:
-                    To explain the term of emotive charge and style in literature.
-                    To find and determine the statistical ways of translations.
-                    To make analyze of two novels, and give the best examples of the emotive charge.
2 Conclusion
Stylistics is to study the style of learning. Style the broad and narrow sense. Narrow sense of the style refers to the literary style, including the style of each writer. Style refers to the broad language of the various types of sports, including the spoken and written physical body, but in between, there are a number of transitional type of style. Literary style is also included in the broad sense among the style. Stylistics task is through observation and description of the language of several major stylistic characteristics, that is, its own voice, vocabulary, syntax, and the characteristics of chapters, so that learners can better understand the style to be expressed in the content and the expression of specific way to learn at an appropriate occasion to use the appropriate style.
Despite the existence of a wide range of style, but the real usage represents a special style words and phrases are very few. Truly large-scale use or the use of those methods in accordance with common basic vocabulary, basic sentence patterns and basic expression. This is the so-called common core language (the common core), which constitute the language of habitual use of conventional (norm), while the use of a particular style rule is a variation of this routine (deviation). Below, through the various elements of language, namely, voice, vocabulary, syntax, discourse analysis of the structure set out in their daily conversation, an impromptu explanation of what to say and how to say this issue on the role.
Graham Greene is perhaps the most perplexing of all the literary converts whose works animated the Catholic literary revival in the 20th century. His visions of angst and guilt, informed and sometimes deformed by a deeply felt religious sensibility, make his novels, and the characters that adorn them, both fascinating and unforgettable.
The literary critic, J.C. Whitehouse, has compared Greene to Thomas Hardy, rightly asserting that Greene's gloomy vision at least allows for a light beyond the darkness, whereas Hardy allows for darkness only. Chesterton said of Hardy that he was like the village atheist brooding over the village idiot. Greene is often like a self-loathing skeptic brooding over himself. As such the vision of the divine in his fiction is often thwarted by the self-erected barriers of his own ego. Only rarely does the glimmer of God's light penetrate the chinks in the armour, entering like a vertical shaft of hope to exorcise the simmering despair.
«The Quiet American» tells the story of two men in 1950s Vietnam. The French are just leaving the country and the Americans have yet to arrive en masse. The story is told by Thomas Fowler, a cynical, world-weary British journalist, who has chosen this part of the world in which to escape. He has carved out a nice life for himself. His salary goes a long way in Saigon; he has few demands of him as a journalist; and he has taken a lovely Vietnamese mistress -- Phuong -- with whom he lives. Sure there is war, and bombings, but all is mostly right with Fowler's world until Alden Pyle, whom Fowler dubs "the quiet American" arrives.
The underlying plot of The Quiet American is drawn from Graham Greene’s experiences as a reporter in Saigon during the early 1950s and to a lesser extent on his time as a British intelligence agent in Sierra Leone in the 1940s. Upon publication, the book’s unflattering depiction of the Americans and American intervention in the early stages of the Vietnam conflict prompted some reviewers to denounce Greene as anti-American and to claim that he had used the character of Thomas Fowler as a mouthpiece for his own leftist sympathies.
Though one might suspect that Greene took a bit of pleasure in using Fowler to skewer some of the more egregious behaviours and attitudes he had observed during his time in Saigon, a closer reading of the text suggests that Greene found Fowler an equally unsympathetic character, one among the many unsympathetic characters in the novel.

Список литературы


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