
Peculiarities of translation cognitive informative texts/Особенности перевода информационно познавательных текстов

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В данной работе содержаться таблицы и графики. ...



Chаpter I. Introduction to the key principles
1.1 Press Lаws in Force
1.2 The lаnguаge on TV
1.3 Historicаl News Trаditions
1.4 How regulаtes offensive lаnguаge
Chаpter II. The ideа of modern mediа
2.1 Formаtion lаnguаge television through technology аnd creаtivity
2.2 Lаnguаge television аs а fаcility of modern mаss communicаtions
2.3 Culturаl аnd educаtionаl function
Chаpter III. The essence of the influence of mediа on humаn consciousness
3.1 Method of semаntic mаnipulаtion
3.2 Stereotyping
Chаpter IV. А study on the exаmple of the problem being studied
4.1 Methods for the prаcticаl pаrt of the study, between students of Humаnitаriаn fаculty of ZHGU University


Modern society cаn be chаrаcterized аs аn informаtion society, the mаin weаlth is informаtion. Objective lаw of development of the society is the intensificаtion of informаtion processes: it increаses trаnsmission rаte, the аmount of informаtion trаnsmitted; аccelerаtes its processing. This process cаn hаve а negаtive impаct on the person, leаding to informаtion overloаded, which in turn reduces the аbility to think, to reflect.
Of pаrticulаr concern is the fаct thаt the impаct of modern mediа to the younger generаtion. It is fаct thаt the nowаdаys impаct is lаrgely negаtive, no longer contested. It is supported by existing reseаrch аnd the overаll situаtion in the society. Violence thаt hаs convulsed society, the growth of unwаrrаnted аggression, destruction of trаditionаl hu mаn vаlues, the lаck of morаl vаlues in young people, spirituаl leаders, reducing the threshold of sensitivity - аll of these, not leаst аffect the current stаte of the mаss mediа.

The purpose of this work is to exаmine аspects of the impаct of modern mediа on the minds of young people. This goаl is аchieved by utilizing the following tаsks:
1. consider the types of modern mediа;
2. identify the nаture of mediа influence on humаn consciousness;
3. mаke а progrаm of reseаrch;
4. conduct reseаrch аnd interpret the results;
5. mаke conclusions аccording to reseаrch.

The importаnce of this work is pаrticulаrly relevаnt todаy, when it comes to the lаck of control of the mediа mаrket, uncontrolled supply of informаtion to vаrious аudiences, which is ultimаtely detrimentаl to the formаtion of the morаl vаlues of the younger generаtion.
Mediа in the mаrket hаve lost their once-essentiаl functions of upbringing, personаlity formаtion, аnd educаtion. Todаy's mediа is а business whose mаin goаl is profit. Аchieving this goаl requires using аll meаns to аttrаct а mаss аudience.
My study is unique becаuse determines the impаct of mаss mediа on public opinion using the results of the survey conducted аmong the students.

Methods of reseаrch:
• аnаlysis of the scientific literаture;
• psychologicаl evаluаtion of the students;
• quаlitаtive аnd quаntitаtive аnаlysis of the study results.

The hypothesis
Mаss mediа entities of TV аnd the Internet influence the formаtion of stereotypes, public opinion аnd reаlity. They hаve the greаtest influence on the distortion аnd chаnges of the minds of students.

The object of reseаrch - the process of mediа influence on the minds of young people.

The subject of reseаrch - the mediа аs а tool to influence humаn consciousness.

Prаcticаl significаnce - experimentаl bаse is the Humаnitаriаn fаculty of the ZHGU University. The study wаs conducted by а written survey of 1st-4th grаde students whose speciаlty is "the trаnslаtion fаculty". The reseаrch involved 60 people.

Theoreticаl significаnce – аccording to the modern youth most of аll use Internet аnd TV.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Advertising - information distributed in any way, in any form or by any means, addressed to the public and aimed at drawing attention to the subject of advertising, the establishment or maintenance of interest to him and his progress in the market [21]. Advertising - is a part of our lives. It is being studied in many areas of research. Everyone is trying to make an analysis, how does advertising can influence the consumer so that he was subjected to suggestion, made by third-party information and rethinking as a result. Advertising effectiveness depends primarily on the degree of coverage of the audience, which is provided by a symbiosis of advertising. Modern mass media advertising - one of the main sources of income. However, this situation has one major negative point - the excessiveuse of advertising, instilling the idea that the acquisition of certain goods will make a person happier, more attractive, or will contribute to a higher status in society, leading to deformation of the system of human values, replacing the internal incentives and spiritual development incentives consumption.Review and analysis of the functions of any system of social activity - a key point of its theory.This is due to the fact that the processes occurring in each system of social activities are determined, in the end, so that it performs a specific function in the larger whole. In general, the media have a huge number of functions in completely different areas.For example, E.P. Prokhorov considering journalism multifunctional system, identifies the following six functions of journalism [17, p. 48-72]:1. communicative - the function of communication, networking, which the author calls the original function of journalism;2. direct-organization in which the best example is the role of journalism as the "fourth estate" in society;3. ideological (social orienting), associated with the desire to have a profound influence on the philosophical foundations and values ​​of the audience for how people, their ideals and aspirations, including the motivation of behavioral acts;4. cultural, educational, lies, in my opinion, to being one of the cultural institutions of society to participate in the promotion and dissemination in society of high cultural values, to educate people on samples of the global culture, thus contributing to the full development of man;5. advertising information related to the satisfaction of utilitarian demands of the world of hobbies different audience segments (garden, kitchen garden, tourism, collecting, chess, etc., etc.);6. recreational (entertainment, stress relief, pleasure).But it should be noted that it is unclear allocation author directly - organizational functions. After all, since journalism is and fourth power in society, which means that it affects the attitudes and views of people motivates their behavior. Therefore, this function can be combined with the ideological. However, the media manifest themselves in very different fields, in each of which the media perform their specific function.For example, S. G. Korkonosenko identifies four such areas: economic, political, spiritual, ideological and social[8, p. 53].In each of these areas, the media play their social roles:1. industrial, economic,2. regulatory,3. spiritual and ideological,4. information and communication.Thus, in the economic field, it becomes part of the production system, acquires quality goods. The social dimension is the main collection, accumulation, storage, processing and dissemination of information. In the spiritual realm the press fulfills cognitive, educational, training functions that are common to all ideological institutions.The author believes that the role-playing approach allows us to describe a complex set of functioning of the media. Perhaps, but the author believes that to be a commodity is a function of journalism - and it is likely an exaggeration, since the product - a product of labor, the ability to meet some human need and intended to change, but how journalism can serve as a product of metabolism . In this case it is not the function of journalism, and the function of the information processing journalism.As well as the collection, storage, etc. information, because it is too limited definition of the social sphere. The author also identifies entities that have an influence on the functions of the media.General subject to the journalism is society. To meet the needs of society directed integration features of cognition performed journalism. Separate social structures, as subjects, their needs in achieving and maintaining power determine such function of journalism as propaganda, agitation and organization. Personality defines the functions of orientation, moral and psychological satisfaction.For this specific type of social actors, as journalists, journalism performs service and professional and creative functions.However, the division itself is questionable subjects, as a journalist can perform not only creative and professional functions, but also use the press for their own interests.The author believes it is possible to distinguish between more and social purpose of journalism, or a general function, which is the regulatory and transformative impact on the social practice in accordance with the relevant public interest. But the author does not associate this with any subject.But these authors seem to equate the function of journalism and media functions. The functions of the media is more diverse and journalism does not exhaust the full range of media. However, various media activities outside the scope of journalism, such as the live broadcast on television meeting of any congress or parliament session, broadcast on television or radio ballet (ballet, pop concerts), publication (announcement) legislation decrees and other legal acts of public authorities, broadcast English lessons (or any other language), broadcast (publication) program schedules, weather reports, advertising another product. That is the concept of "journalism" may appear if and only if an assessment of the current event. Only under these conditions is a journalist commentator and comments - part of journalism.Thus, different authors have different views of the functions of the media. The simplest division of functions can be found in current research [18]:1. humanitarian functions media - information, education, entertainment, etc.;2. political functions of the media - the formation of mass public awareness and or to make an impact on a population.Apparently, these functions are called political, because political power to influence public opinion, creates a certain ideology to the masses, to attract the political ideas of the different groups of persons. Particularly strong influence on the process of public opinion is in a political election, when implemented, stereotypes are being placed on their goals and the person induced to specific action.Formation language television through technology and creativityTV - a complex system consisting of a huge number of elements. The viewer does not think about it, he sees only the final result and that result either like it or not, but in any case - it is an indispensable part of his life. How is this result?A lot of specialists works by creating a different world, and far out of reach. This world of television. His language is the images created by technologies become available only recently. When TV technology has become available in almost every house there were technologies of image management created on the screen, the construction of stereotypes and behaviors. There is no doubt that television today is the first commercial system in which all aimed to sell advertising space, information, etc. Technologies developed in this area, seek to influence the spectator to get him the desired behavior or response. Where is this system work? Creativity is needed to build the image. Without it, the technology can not act because the technology - it's a stamp that without creativity is not flexible and very quickly get bored. Specialist (director, writer, videographer, professional installation, presenter, reporter, etc.) on television - is a brick in the wall, part of the system on which it is based. Ideally, it represents a creative person with an educational base. Education - a system that explains the future specialist how to most effectively use technology in their operations. Professionals working in television, embody creative ideas using technology. For clarity, we compare them with the artists. In painting, there are a number of techniques that are known to artists. Tempera, oil, watercolor, etc. - Are materials that they are similar technique on television - video camera, computer, screen, microphone. The artist creates a work of art means, the system captures the world. He was aware of technology and this knowledge helps him to create a certain effect of the work that will have an impact on the viewer. It is easy to imagine this process without the talent of the author - these works are not recognized and are not known. Creating an image - it is a creative process based on the knowledge base technologies. Television can in this respect be likened to painting, but there is a huge difference in the objectives and structure.All of innovative and creative ideas to television with the passage of time becomes a technology - it's an ongoing process. Once upon a frequent change of the frame was the creative idea of ​​the author, that would convey the dynamics and tension of the situation today - it is a known technique used almost universally.Language television as a facility of modern mass communicationsThe functions of television in the system of mass communicationsTelevision is multifunctional. Its functions are based on the specifics of television as a means of mass communication. Consider the function in detail: Information functionPurpose of the media - to meet the information needs of man, society and the state. This also applies to television, which differs only in that is able to disseminate information better, faster, more authentic and more emotionally rich, compared to radio or print media. Speaking about the information function of television, you need to probably limited to a small and specific interpretation of the concept of "information". Receiving regular people's economic, political, social, and cultural information in the modern world it has become the norm. Hence the fact that news programs are the basic points of the broadcasting schedule of any television, and all other transmission are located in the intervals between the release of news. The desire to reflect the deviant phenomena in society can be regarded as such an "indicator", "pain sensation" of society. This informative function and operate television newscasts. This is a universal practice that prevents spoofing campaign. Another thing - to find the necessary tone for messages about disasters and wars. World standard, proven for decades: a news release, despite the abundance of bad news should not leave the audience mood of depression and hopelessness. Everything is good in moderation. For an instant update of events of this kind, which, of course, it is not known in advance, three conditions are necessary: ​​professional staff, technical equipment and broadcasting high level of organization.Cultural and educational functionAny TV show in some way attaches to human culture. Even news programs show the audience involved in the events leading to their communication style, the level of literacy, etc. All this affects the spectator and installation directly and as a negative sample. To a greater degree of perceived leading the benchmark programs. This, by the way, was and still is cause for alarm television critics, as the emergence of multiple channels at different levels gave rise, in turn, the abundance of uncultured and poorly educated leaders. Naturally, the cultural and educational function performs TV broadcast any cultural activities: performances, concerts, film and television. Speaking of familiarizing the audience for art through television, can not, of course, does not mention a kind of "inferiority" of such acquaintance with the beautiful, however, it must be admitted to the vast multitude of people is almost the only opportunity to get acquainted with various works of art. In the cultural and educational programs are often an element of didactics edification. The task of the authors - make it unobtrusive, very delicate.Integrative functionMedia support the normal functioning of the society to which they apply, the broadcaster must consciously work to strengthen this sense of belonging each to allSocio-pedagogical or administrative functionThis function involves direct involvement in a particular system impact on the population, to promote a certain lifestyle with the appropriate set of political, moral and spiritual values. The degree of involvement and measure the impact of television on the audience in the plane of this function depends on the system in which it operates this television media. If the system is meant by the state, the nature of the state, its degree of democracy, etc. However, even in the most democratic countries in the television substantial part of its program serves as a vehicle of public policy. The most obvious feature TV management can be implemented in information and other socio-political programs. On TV talk as a means of control over the actions of the authorities of the people (to use the terminology of television - the audience for the system).Managerial function TV (or any other media) are not necessarily valid in the scheme of the "state - the media - the people." Television media can manage these or other party, financial oligarchs, regional, etc. grouping [22].Organizing functionTV itself sometimes becomes the initiator of a public action Educational function.By itself, this function relationships journalism almost does not matter. By means of the educational function of the TV broadcast of training cycles to help people who receive this or other entity (eg, didactic transmission for language learners to enter higher education, etc.).Recreative functionAlso has little to do with journalism. Recreation - it is rest, relaxation, rejuvenation. Journalists can participate in the creation of recreational entertainment focus as editors of leading.To implement these functions television as a means of mass communication uses the technologies associated with technological progress as such, and technology related to the field of psychology.The essence of the influence of media on human consciousnessPublic consciousness - a reflection of the material relations of people to each other and to nature in the people's attitude to reality. Media via an impact on society as a whole affect each person individually, forming some of the same emotions. Thus, thanks to the media to shape public opinion - the state of mass consciousness, involving a hidden or explicit attitudes of various social groups to the problems, the events of reality.Expressive function - the widest in its significance. Public opinion always takes a position with respect to the different political systems of the government, a global national or global issue. Thus, in the opinion of this function acts as some kind of controlling power to the institutions of power, that is, has a moral power, but this power is very efficient, because the processes of brewing discontent of society can lead to serious consequences, perhaps even some state changes.The second function - advisory. Society expresses its views on any issue, and thus may make the institutions of power to act in a certain way with respect to the solution of economic, ideological and political problems. But this function will have an impact on the institutions of power, only in the case if the government listens to public opinion. The spread of public opinion is largely due to the media, popular opinion any people.The third function - Policy, reflected in the fact that the public decides on various problems of social life, which are unconditional. For example, the expression of popular opinion in the election - in this case, the people not only have the credibility to a candidate, but also to express their opinion.Public opinion is largely determines social life and directs the activities of some social institutions, including the media. Since the media are trying to cover significant, topical social issues and largely view them in terms of public opinion, it can be concluded that public opinion can determine the media. But also the public opinion is influenced by various factors, in particular because of the spread of the ideology and propaganda, what can work and the media [5].In practice, the media is now widely used methods of subconscious influence, when the attitude of society to the different phenomena of the world shaped by stereotypes that are embedded in the flow of news, automatically causing the mass consciousness of either a negative or a positive response to a particular event.The task of the press in the process of persuasion - to create a strong, sustainable relationship to the phenomenon. Due to their biological nature of man is subject to suggestion, imitation and contagion.Suggestion consider the impact on individuals, leading to the appearance of a person against his will and consciousness of certain feelings or induce a person to perform certain actions. While under the influence of suggestion, the person has no control directed at the impact. The easiest way to convince a person that to which he is predisposed by virtue of their needs and interests. However, something can inspire and against his will, giving rise to certain feelings and states are pushing to commit the act, perhaps, it is not taken them out of the next rules and principles of conduct. By itself, the media, assigning the task to inspire something to society, are inhumane, because people can not control the direction of the impact on them and, accordingly, are powerless before such suggestions.The task of a journalist can be to a greater extent in achieving their own goals and the goals of the organization he represents. For targeting public opinion he needs to control the flow of information and manipulate it. Propaganda for many years worked a lot of techniques for manipulating public opinion, which is really effective and can influence the masses in a certain way. To influence the audience journalist uses certain techniques, for example, the method can distinguish disinformation. The idea is that at some point in the media "fed" information, which is often blatant lie.First, the misinformation fed, usually from different sources and sinks into the unconscious man, and secondly, misinformation is used when making any important decision, and when the truth came out - the purpose of disinformation is to be achieved. Thus, this method is quite effective. But the method of misinformation is frankly "coarse" and rarely used in modern media. We can say that the most stable is the information rationally and emotionally meaningful assimilates [25].Method of semantic manipulationInvolves careful selection and arrangement of special concepts that cause either positive or negative associations, which allows to influence the perception of information (we - the fighters for independence, Russia's prosperity - they are occupiers, oppressors of the people, for us all progressive mankind, the common people, for them - oligarchs, gangsters, government officials). Since the method is based on certain associations, it makes it easy to affect a person because of his habits and beliefs.When it is impossible to hide information, often used method of distraction.

Список литературы


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