
Simple and Continuous tenses

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Код 263989
Дата создания 11 июня 2015
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This work is devoted to the study of tense forms of the English language, according to their structural and semantic features. Categories of time, expressed in the form of inflection and derivation are grammatical criteria of a verb. ...


1.1. Time as a grammatical category 3
1.2. Modern Simple Tenses 4
1.3. Features of Continuous Tenses 9
2.1. Conjugation of verbs in the times of Continuous Tenses’ group 15
2.2. Conjugation of verbs in the times of Simple Tenses’ group 17
2.3. Examples of using of Simple and Continuous Tenses 19


Grammatical category of time passes for action to the moment of speech. Time category is the definition of time as a form of existence of matter. Accordingly, the verb can have forms of the present, past and future tenses.
Studying of English tenses has not only theoretical but also practical importance. The need for proper use of tenses in speech presupposes knowledge of their grammatical specificity. This determines the relevance of the theme of the term paper.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

to be + being + Participle II (Ved2 or V3f)
The Present Continuous Tense
She is not playing.
We are not playing.
She is not being played.
We are not being played.
Is he playing?
Are they playing?
Is she being played?
Are we being played?
The Past Continuous Tense
He was not swimming.
They were not swimming.
He was not being swum.
We were not being swum.
Was he swimming?
Were they swimming?
Was she being swum?
Were you being swum?
The Future Continuous Tense
will / shall be + IV
He is not doing.
They are not doing.
Is he singing?
Are they singing?
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
have /has been + IV
He has been working.
They haven’t been working.
Has he been working?
Have they been working?
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Had been + IV
She had been working.
We hadn’t been working.
Had she been working?
Had we been working?
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
will / shall have been + IV
He is not listening.
They are not listening.
Is he listening?
Are they listening?
2.2. Conjugation of verbs in the times of Simple Tenses’ group
I или II (-ed форма)
to be + III (-ed форма)
The Present Simple Tense
I / I-s
am / is / are + III
He tells.
They tell.
He is told.
They are told.
Does he read?
Do they read?
Is he read?
Are they read?
The Past Simple Tense
was / were + III
She asked. \ She didn’t ask.
We asked. \ We didn’t ask.
She was asked. \ She wasn’t asked.
We were asked. \ We weren’t asked.
Did she ask?
Did they ask?
Was she asked?
Were you asked?
The Future Simple Tense
will / shall + I
will / shall be + III
He will fight.
They will fight.
He will be killed.
They will be killed.
Will he fighting?
Will they fighting?
Will he be killed?
Will they be killed?
2.3. Examples of using of Simple and Continuous Tenses
Present Tenses
She is always grumbling!
She always grumbles.
Whenever I see her, she is always reading!
She always reads.
What are you writing? - I am writing a letter to a friend of mine.
I write letters to my friend every Sunday.
They are not working. They are on their holidays.
They don’t work anymore.
Is he reading a new book?
Does he read a new book?
Are we waiting for a bus?
Do you wait for a bus every morning?
They are not playing football now.
They don’t play football at all.
They are very busy.
They do a lot of things every day.
The student is filling the flask with some solution
Students fill flasks with some solutions every lesson
What are going to do tonight?
What do you usually do on Fridays?
I'm going to visit my parents.
I go to visit my parents every month.
She's going to have a baby.
She has a baby.
Look at the clouds! It's going to rain.
Rain comes here very often.
I’m listening to the radio.
I listen to the radio every morning.
He is driving a car.
He drives a car himself.
Marta is singing on a stage now.
Marta sings very well.
Igor is playing football in the yard.
Igor plays football every day.
Nastya is cooking a cake now.
Nastya cooks cakes very professionally.
Anna is going to school now.
Anna goes to school every morning.
My parents are celebrating their anniversary now.
My parents celebrate their anniversary every year.
Past Tenses
Whenever I met her, she was always reading!
She read a lot of books last month.
I was reading a book.
I read this book yesterday.
They were playing chess.
They played chess last Tuesday.
He was writing a letter.
He wrote a letter last evening.
Sue was working at ten o'clock yesterday morning.
Sue didn’t work yesterday in the evening.
It was raining when I went out into the street.
It was cold yesterday.
Little Mary came in. She was eating an ice-cream.
Little Mary ate an ice-cream.
He broke a tooth when he was eating a sandwich.
He ate a sandwich and broke a tooth.
My car broke down when I was driving to work.
My car broke down. I didn’t come to office at time.

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