
Norhern Ireland (Северная Ирландия)

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Код 260757
Дата создания 17 июля 2015
Страниц 27
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Работа на английском языке. ...


Introduction 3
Chapter One. Northern Ireland: geographical, political, language and cultural aspects 5
1.1. Northern Ireland as a part of Great Britain 5
1.2. The ethno cultural peculiarities of Northern Ireland 7
1.3. The linguistic situation in Northern Ireland 8
Chapter Two. Linguistic and cultural characteristics of Northern Ireland
2.1. Assignments: Irish cultural identity 12
2.2. Assignments: Irish linguistic identity 14
Conclusions 18
List of bibliography 20
Appendix 1−522


The richness of Irish culture can be viewed not only in connection with the depth of the language history but also in the broadness of its geography. The Irish language has acquired a rich set of features that came to be unique to a certain group of people living in Northern Ireland.
The topic of this research is cultural and linguistic identity of Northern Ireland.
The subject of the research is the cultural and political peculiarities of Northern Ireland and the characteristics of Erse (dialect variant spread in Northern Ireland).
The aim of this study is the review the identity of Northern Ireland.
In order to reach this aim, we need to attain a number of specific goals:
- study Northern Ireland as a part of Great Britain;
- review geographical, political, language and cultural peculi arities of Northern Ireland;
- layout the assignments in order to enlighten the differences between the ...................

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Список литературы

• Бродович О.И. Диалектная вариативность английского языка: аспекты теории. Л., 1978.
• Жирмунский В.М. Национальный язык и социальные диалекты. Л., 1936.
• Crystal D. The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press, 2013.
• Hutchinson J. The Dynamics of Cultural Nationalism. The Gaelic revival and the Creation of the Irish Nation Sate. – London (Allen & Unwin) 1987, pp. 8-19.
• Farell Mark, Rossi Franca, Ceriani Regina. The World of English. Longman, 1995, pp. 15 – 17.Dawson H. An Alphabetical Listing of Word, Name and Place in Northern Ireland and the Living Language of Conflict. – Lampeter, 2014.
• Jenkin R. Rethinking ethnicity: arguments and explorations // SAGE Publications: London, 1997.
• McCrum, William Cran, Robert MacNeil. The Story of English. Faber and Faber Lmt., London, 1986.
• Murphy D. A Place Apart. – London: Penguin Books, 1979.
• Whyte J., FitzGerald G. Interpreting Northern Ireland. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.


• Northern Ireland Peace Agreement (The Good Friday Agreement) / Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Government of Ireland (1998)
• Brimson D. Billy's Log. London, Headline Book Publishing, 2014.
• Joyce J. Finnegans wake. L., 1964. Book 1-4.
• Galsworthy J. The Silver spoon. B. II. // A modern Comedy. M.: Manager, 2013.
• Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longmans Limited, 1992.
• Key Statistics for Northern Ireland // Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (December 2012) // Census 2011.
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