
орган государственной власти

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Курсовая работа*
Код 232520
Дата создания 18 июня 2016
Страниц 39
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Глава 1. Понятие органа государственной власти и его признаки…………………….……………………………………..........................5
Глава 2. Конституционные принципы организации и деятельности органов государственной власти Российской Федерации……………………………...12
2.1. Принцип приоритета прав и свобод человека и гражданина………12
2.2. Принцип верховенства Конституции………………………………...15
2.3. Принцип разделения властей…………………………………………20
2.4. Принцип единства системы государственной власти………………23
2.5. Принцип законности…………………………………………………..26
2.6. Принцип гласности……………………………………………………32
Список использованных источников…………………………………………...39


Актуальность исследования. Одна из главных функций любого государства состоит в устройстве государственной власти, в создании определенной системы органов государственной власти. Создание такой системы предопределяет, что органы государственной власти должны действовать не обособленно друг от друга, а наоборот должны обеспечивать эффективность отправления функций государства, и, прежде всего защиту прав и свобод человека и гражданина во взаимодействии.
В курсовой работе я рассмотрю принципы организации и деятельности органов государственной власти в Российской Федерации. Очень важно иметь ясное представление о том, что собой представляет орган государственной власти и чем он отличается от разного рода органов, организаций и учреждений, которые с конституционно-правовой точки зрени я органами государственной власти не являются. Также исследую конституционные принципы организации и деятельности органов государственной власти Российской Федерации, то есть основные положения порядка образования и функционирования органов государственной власти.
Исходя из вышеизложенного, представляется, что изучение выбранной темы является в настоящее время весьма актуальным.
Объектом исследования являются конституционные принципы организации и деятельности органов государственной власти Российской Федерации.
Предметом исследования является закрепление основных принципов организации и деятельности органов государственной власти в Конституции РФ, федеральных законах и иных нормативно-правовых актах.
Цель работы: изучить современную нормативно-правовую базу, регулирующую деятельность государственных органов, подробно

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

They went out of the city, spread out the magic carpet, sat down and climbed above the clouds a walking; flew, flew and fell just at that dense forest, where their good horses left.Only had time to get off the carpet - it runs to the old man with an arrow. Ivan - the merchant's son gave him a cap of darkness. After that, he ran the other old man and got a magic carpet, and then the third - it went seven-league boots.Ivan says to his companions:- Get on, boys, horses; it is time to go on a journey.They immediately have caught the horses, saddled and rode them in their homeland.We arrived and were straight to the princess; that they greatly rejoiced, he questioned about his own Brats; he got married and soon to be home, eh?- What you - asked - reward for such a service?Responsible Ivan - themerchant's son:- Put me in prison, the old place.As his neither princess nor persuaded, he still insisted; we took his soldiers and was taken to prison.A month later, the prince came to the young couple; a solemn meeting was: the music played in the gun fired, the bells rang, people had gathered so many that even go over the head!Came the boyars and all ranks submitted to the prince; He looked around, and asked:- Where is Ivan, my faithful servant?- It is - say - sits in prison.- As in the prison? Who dare to plant?He said to him the princess:- You yourself, my friend, it opals and ordered to keep in strong confinement. Remember, you did about some dream asked, and he did not want to say?We lived a man but a woman. They had a daughter, so little son.- Daughter, - said the mother - we'll go to work, take care of her brother! Do not go to court, is a good girl - we'll buy you a handkerchief.My father and mother were gone, and my daughter had forgotten that she had ordered: brother landed on the grass under the window, she ran into the street, began to play, go on a spree.Bumped geese, picked up the boy, carried away on the wings.He returned the girl, looking - no brother! I gasped, ran back and forth - no!She clicked it, tears poured, that the evil will of the father and mother - brother did not respond.She ran out into the open field and only saw: darted away geese and disappeared behind a dark forest. Then she realized that they carried her brother: about geese, swans long ago were once infamous - they play tricks, young children carried off.I rushed the girl to catch up with them. I run, run, saw - standing oven.- Stove, oven, tell me where geese flew?Stove her answers:- Eat my rye pie - will tell.- I'll become a rye cake is! My father and wheat are not eaten...The stove did not tell her. She ran the girl next - is an apple tree.- Apple tree, apple tree, tells me where geese flew?- Eat my forestry bull’s eye - will tell.- My father and garden are not eaten...Apple did not tell her. Girl ran further. - Eat my simple with milk - will tell.- My father and not eaten...For a long time she ran through the fields and forests. The day wore on, nothing to do - to go home. Suddenly he sees - is a hut on cure leg, one window, turns around him.And he is sitting on the bench brother, playing with silver apples.The girl went into the hut:- Hi, Grandma!- Hello, girl! What was in the eyes?- I'm on mosses, went through the swamps, dress, she came to bask.- Sit down while spinning flax.Baba Yoga gave her a spindle, and she was gone. Girl spins - all of a sudden out of the stove runs a mouse, and said to her:- The girl, girl, give me a porridge, I'll tell you pious.The girl gave her porridge, the mouse said to her:- Baba Yoga went to the bath sink. She'll wash-evaporated into the oven sit down, fry and eat; she rode on your bones.Girl sitting dead than alive, crying, and mouse to it again:- Do not wait, take your brother, run, and I for you tow popeyed.The girl took her brother and ran. And Baba Yoga come to the window and asked:- The girl, Pradesh it?Mouse she replies:- Strands, grandmother...Baba Yoga heated with a bath and went to the girl. And in the cabin there is none. Baba Yoga shouted:- Swan geese! Fly to the chase! Sister Brother took!Sister with brother ran to the dairy river. Sees - flying geese.- River, Mother, hide me!- Eat my simpleThe girl ate and said thank you. The river hid it under keenly river bank.Geese and swans cannot see, have flown by.Girl with brother ran again. And the geese turned again, flying to meet, is about to see. What to do? Trouble! - Apple tree, Mother, hide me!- Eat my forestry bull’s eye.The girl quickly ate and said thank you. Apple eclipsed its branches, covered with sheets.Geese and swans cannot see, have flown by.The girl ran again. Running, running, too far left. Here geese saw her, croaking - raid, wings beating that look, brother of pull up arms.Girl ran to the stove:- Oven, Mother, hide me!- Eat my rye pie.The girl soon - a pie in her mouth, and she with her brother - in oven, sat in the stoma.Geese and swans flew, flew, to shout-Shouted and flew away with nothing to Baba Yoga.The girl said thank you and the furnace along with the brother ran home.And then the father and mother came.Once there was a king Brandy, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.And there was the king's magnificent garden; grown in the garden apple tree with golden apples.He became someone the king's garden to visit, to steal the golden apples. King felt sorry for his garden. It sends it to the guards. King stopped, and eats and drinks, longed. Father sons console:- Our dear father, do not be sad, we ourselves become the garden to watch.The eldest son said:- Today's my turn; I'll guard the garden from.He went eldest son. How many have walked to the evening, nobody not follow, he fell down on the soft grass and fell asleep.In the morning the king asks him:- Well, not if me if you saw?- No, my dear sir, the night did not sleep, did not close the eyes, and no one saw.The next night the middle son went to guard and also slept all night, and next morning said that did not see.It's time to go watch his younger brother. Prince Ivan went to guard the garden of the fathers, and even afraid to sit, let alone lie down. As his sleep he Feeds dew from the grass, and sleep away from his eyes.Half of the night passed, and he fancies: in the light of the garden. The entire garden is illuminated. He sees - the apple tree village Firebird and the golden apples bite.Prince Ivan crept quietly to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. Firebird started and departed, left him in the hand of one feather from its tail.The next morning Prince Ivan came to his father.- Well, my dear, do you seen?- Dear sir caught catch and watched someone ruining our garden. Here of memory you brought. The king took this pen, and since then began to drink and eat, and sorrow not know. That's one fine day he changed his mind about this and about the Firebird.He called sons and said to them:- My dear children, you would be saddled good horses have traveled through the world, a place to learn, to not be attacked where Firebird.Children bowed his father, saddled good horses and went on their way: the elder one side, medium to another, and Ivan in the third direction.Or a short Went Ivan long. The day was summer. A Busy Ivan, dismounted, had confused him, and he fell to sleep.Are there many, if passed, little, awoke Prince Ivan sees - no horse. I went to look for him, went, went and found his horse - some gnawed bones.: Where without a horse to go this far?Well, the - I think - took - he does nothing.And he went on foot.He walked and walked, tired to.He sat down on the soft grass and become sad, sitting.From nowhere, it runs to the gray wolf:- What, Ivan, sitting become sad, hung his head?- How can I not grieve, Grey Wolf? I was left without a good horse.- It's me, Prince Ivan, ate your horse ... I feel sorry for you! Tell us what went into the distance, where the way you hold?- I sent my father to travel through the world to find the Firebird.- Fu, Fu, you're on his good horse does not get to the Firebird in three years. I alone know where she lives. So be it - ate your horse, you'll be faith-true. Sit on me so hold on tight.Ivan sat on his horse, and rode the gray wolf - blue forest past the eye passes, lakes tail sweeps. Long or a short, Reaches them to a high fortress. The gray wolf, and said:- Listen to me, Prince Ivan, catchy: crawl over the wall, do not be afraid - a good hour, all the guards are asleep. You will see a window in the mansion on the box is a golden cage and sits Firebird in the cell. You take the bird, put it in his bosom, but see the cells do not touch!Prince Ivan climbed over the wall and saw the tower - on the box is a golden cage sits the Firebird in the cell. He took the bird, put in his bosom, but staring at the cage. His heart and broke out: Oh, what gold, precious! As this does not take! And I forget that the wolf he chastised. Only touched the cage, went through the fortress sounds: pipes sounded, the drums beat, the guard woke up, grabbed Ivan and brought him to the king Afro.King Afro angry and asks:- Whose are you, where?- I Brandy king's son, Prince Ivan.- Ah, a shame! The king's son went to steal yes.- And what about when your bird flu, ravaged our garden?- Would you come to me and asked, I would have her conscience gave way, out of respect for your parent, king be rend. And now all the cities the forest not a good reputation about you ... Well, okay, the service has served me, I forgive you. In this realm, the king has a horse Busman. Bring him to me, and then I will give you the Firebird with the cage.Prince Ivan goes to the gray wolf. A wolf him- I told you; do not move your cell! Why not listen to my mandate?- Well, do you forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.- That's right; I'm sorry ... Okay, sit on me. Took up the plow, do not say that a pound.Again, I rode a gray wolf with Ivan. How long, they run so far to the castle; where there is a horse.- Climb, Ivan, over the wall, the watchman is asleep, go to the stable, take the horse, but look do not touch the bridle!Ivan crawled into the fortress, there is all the guards are asleep, went to the stables, the horse caught, so coveted bridle - the gold, precious stones removed; it horse just walk.Ivan touched the bridle; the sound went on the fortress: pipes sounded, the drums beat, and the guard woke up, grabbed Ivan and led to the king Kumauni.- Whose are you, where?- I am Prince Ivan.- Eke, for any stupidity took - horse stealing! On a simple man did not agree. Well, I forgive you, Prince Ivan, if you stood me in service. The king has a daughter Elena Dalmatia Lovely. Posit it; bring me give you horse with bridle.Another forest become sad, Ivan went to the gray wolf.- I told you, Ivan, do not touch the bridle! Do not you listen to my punishment?- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.- That's right; I'm sorry ... Yeah, okay, sit down on my back.Again, I rode a gray wolf with Ivanhoe’s in the fort in the garden walking with Elena the Fair Mammy, nurse. Grey Wolf said- At this time I will not let he goes. And you go back through-road, I will soon surge.Ivan - went back through-road, and the Grey Wolf jumped over the wall - so the garden. I sat down to a bush and looks: Elena the Fair came with his Mammy, nurse. Walked, walked only by way behind ambushed and nannies, Grey Wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, slung over his back - and heels.Prince Ivan goes through-road, suddenly catches his gray wolf, it sits Elena the Fair. Ivan rejoiced, but the Grey Wolf to him:- Sit on me quickly, as if it was not for us chase.I ran the Grey Wolf with Ivan, Elena Perfect way back - blue forest past the eye passes, rivers, lakes tail sweeps. Long or short, they run so far to the king Busman. Grey Wolf asked:- What, Ivan, primal, he becomes sad?- But how can I, gray wolf, do not be sad? How to part with such beauty? As Elena Beautiful horse will change?Grey Wolf says:- I'll do part with such beauty - hide it somewhere, and I turn around Elena the Beautiful, and you lead me to the king.Then they hid Yelena the Beautiful in the forest hut. The gray wolf has turned over his head and became a hair's breadth Elena the Beautiful. He took his Prince Ivan to the king Kumauni. The king was delighted, he began to thank him:- Thank you, Prince Ivan, which took me a bride. Get horse with bridle.Ivan sat on this horse and went for Elena the Beautiful. He took it, put on a horse, and they go through-road.And the king gave Busman wedding, feasted all day until the evening, but as we had to go to bed, he led Elena the Beautiful in the bedroom, but just lay her on the bed, staring - wolf snout instead of a young wife! The king of fright fell out of bed, and the wolf fled away.Scolding Grey Wolf Ivan and asked:- What are you thinking, Ivan?- How could I not think of me? It's a pity to part with such a treasure - horse, change it to the Firebird.- Do not worry, I'll help you.Here they get off to the king Afro. Wolf and says:- This horse and Elena the Beautiful You hide, and I turn around horse you lead me to the king Afro.They hid Yelena the Beautiful and horse in the forest. The gray wolf has spread across the back, he turned horse. Ivan took him to the king Afro. The king was delighted and gave him the Firebird with the golden cage.Ivan returned on foot to the forest, planted Elena the Fair on horse, took a golden cage with the Firebird and went by the road-side to their home.And the king commanded Afro bring to his gift horse and just wanted to sit on it - the horse turned gray wolf. King of fear where he stood, and fell there and the Grey Wolf took to his heels, and soon caught up with Ivan.- Now, good-bye, I could not go on.Prince Ivan dismounted and bowed three times to the ground respectfully thanked the gray wolf. And he says:- Do not ever say goodbye to me, I am still of use to you.Ivan thought: Where did you even come in handy? All my desire is fulfilled. He sat on the horse, and again they went with Elena the Beautiful, with Firebird. He reached up to its edges, it occurred to. Was he with a little bread? Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.Only Ivan fell asleep, he bunched his brothers. We went to other lands; they were looking for the Firebird, returned empty-handed. They ran over and see - Ivan all produced. So they conspired to:- Let's kill the brother; the whole production will be ours.Decided and killed Ivan. Sat on his horse, took the Firebird, sat on the horse and the Beautiful Helen frightened her:- Houses no man anything!Lays Ivan dead over it already crows fly. Out of nowhere, he ran and grabbed the gray wolf raven crow.- You fly on, Raven, for the living and dead water. Bring me alive and dead water, then let go of your crow.Raven, do nothing, flew, and the wolf is holding his crow. How long wills the raven flew briefly whether he brought lively and dead water. Grey Wolf sprinkled dead water wounds Ivan, wounds healed; He sprinkled his living water - Prince Ivan came to life.- Oh, I slept soundly same..!- Firmly you were asleep - said the gray wolf. - If I had not I would not quite awake. Siblings killed you and your entire booty was taken. Sit on me quickly!They rode to the chase and caught up with the two brothers. Here their gray wolf tore to pieces and scattered field.Prince Ivan bowed to the gray wolf, and said goodbye to him forever.Prince Ivan returned home on horseback zlatogrivom brought his father, Firebird, and me - bride Elena the Beautiful.King Brandy glad became a son to ask. Became Prince Ivan to tell how he helped the gray wolf to get the prey, but as brothers killed him sleepy, but as the gray wolf devoured them.Brandy grieves the king and soon comforted. And Ivan married Yelena the Beautiful, and they began to live happily ever after but grief did not know.There was a merchant; he had two sons, Dmitry Yes Ivan.One evening my father said to them:- Well, kids, anyone that dream, tell me in the morning; and who taught his dream, it'll have to execute.Here comes the next morning the eldest son, and said to his father:- I dreamed my father, if his brother Ivan was flying high on the skies so the twelve eagles; so even if you lost your favorite sheep.- And you, Vanda, that dreamed?- I will not say! - Replied Ivan.What father or urged him, he rested on all the same repeated admonitions: Do not tell! I cannot say yes! The merchant was angry, called his assistants and brought a rebellious son and tied to a pole on the high road.The clerk grabbed Ivan and, as mentioned, tied him to a pole tightly. Poor good fellow had the sun bakes it, hunger and thirst tormented.It happened to go down that road to the young prince; He saw the merchant's son, took pity and told him to release him along in his clothes, brought to his palace, and began to ask:- Who are you tied to a pole?- Mother's father was angry.- What are you guilty?- I did not want to tell him that I dreamed a dream.- Oh, how stupid is your father, for such a trifle but so cruelly punished ... And what did you dream?- Not to say, the prince!- How not to say? I saved you from death, and you want me to be rude? Speak now, not something bad will!- Father did not say and will not tell you!Prince ordered to put him in prison; soldiers immediately ran and took him to a prison cell.A year has passed, even think the prince to get married, he gathered and went to State propose to Elena the Fair. In addition was the sister of Prince, and soon after his departure she happened to walk right beside the prison.He saw it in the window, Ivan - the merchant's son, and cried with a loud voice:- Have mercy, Princess, let me at will! Maybe I was of use to. After all, I know that the prince went to woo Elena the Fair; only without me he was not married and did forfeit his head. Tea, she heard some tricky Elena the Fair and many suitors to the light show out.- And you take to help the prince?- Would have helped, but the wings of a falcon tied.Princess immediately gave the order to release him from prison.Ivan - the merchant's son got himself comrades, and it was all of them, and with Ivan twelve people, and similar at each other likes brothers - an increase in growth, the voice in the voice, the hair in the hair. Alongside them in the same kaftans, one measure sewn, sat on good horses and went on their way.We drove there, and two, and three; the fourth approaching the dense forest, and they heard a terrible scream.- Hold on, my friends! - Ivan says. - Wait a bit; I'll go to the noise.He dismounted and ran into the woods; He looks - three in the meadow old curse.- Hello, old! - Oh, boy we received an inheritance from his father in three rarities: a cap of darkness, the magic carpet and seven-league boots; yes these seventy years as a dispute and cannot share in any way.- Would you like me you will share?- Do me a favor!Ivan - the merchant's son pulled his taut bow, put three arrows and put in different directions; one old man tells him to run to the right, another - to the left and the third is sending directly:- Which one of you will bring the first boom, to cap of invisibility will get; who will be the second, the flying carpet will receive; and the latter shall take seven-league boots.Old men ran after the arrows, and Ivan - the merchant's son took all the curiosities and returned to his companions.- Brothers, - he said - let their good horses on will let sit me on a magic carpet.Hurry sat all on a magic carpet and flew to the realm of Helen.Arrived to its capital city, fell from the gates and went to look for prince. They come to his yard.- What do you want? - I asked the prince.- Take us good fellows, to his service; will you be willing to oblige and goodness of heart.

Список литературы

1. Конституция российской Федерации. Принята всенародным голосованием 12.12.1993 (с изм. от 14.10.2005). – Справочная система гарант.
2. Закон «О статусе судей в Российской Федерации» от 26 июня 1992 года N 3132-1 (ред. от 05.04.2005). – Справочная система гарант
3. Федеральный конституционный закон «О Правительстве Российской Федерации »от 17.12.1997 N 2-ФКЗ (ред. от 01.06.2005). – Справочная система гарант.
4. Федеральный закон «Об общих принципах организации законодательных (представительных) и исполнительных органов государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации» от 6 октября 1999 года N 184-ФЗ (ред. от 21.07.2005). – Справочная система Гарант.
5. Федеральный конституционный закон «О судебной системе Российской Федерации» от 31 декабря 1996 года N 1-ФКЗ (ред. от 05.04.2005). – Справочная система Гарант.
6. Федеральный закон «О прокуратуре Российской Федерации» (ред. от 15.07.2005) от 17 января 1992 года N 2202-1. – Справочная система гарант
7. Абдулаев М. И., Комаров С. А. Проблемы конституционного статуса Российской Федерации.- СПб.: Питер, 2009.
8. Баглай М. В. Конституционное право Российской Федерации: Учебник. – М.: Издат. Группа ИНФРА-М – НОРМА, 2009.
9. Комментарии к Конституции Российской Федерации под редакцией Б.Н.Топорнина, Ю.М.Батурина, Р.Г.Орехова. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 2009.
10. Конституционное право. Учебник. / Издание третье, переработанное и дополненное. / Под ред. А.П. Сергеева, Ю.К. Толстого. М.: ПРОСПЕКТ, 2007.
11. Николаев Ф.В. Конституционное право. - М.: Юристъ, 2004.
12. Основы конституционного строя России./Под ред. В.В.Лазарева. -
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