
creating and suspense in gothic novel tension

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Код 184337
Дата создания 2014
Страниц 32
Источников 1
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In a dramatic tone rows audible bell, the sound of the human voice (sad tunes, cries, cries, cries, the noise of natural elements (the roar of the storm, storm, thunder), conveying the motives of fear, death, grief, loss, fate, and rock, the evil passions poetic world works Radcliffe.The fully corresponds to the definition of „the poor man, who knew better times; angry at the world that with the contempt it was rejected, and being compelled by force of circumstances to seek refuge in a secluded house full of mystery and horror, he's thirst for revenge is gloomy despot of iniquity own family, as well as those who binds to him only a strong sense of duty. «But the monk had finished speaking. His face was darker than it had been before. Pallor had covered his features, his eyes were angry and suffering. Marquis involuntarily shuddered when the twilight of evening light shone. She first got scared that he trusted him and now completely in his power. But the die was cast. Too late to think about caution. While the Marquise and her Minister was planning his heinous crime, Ellen was still in the Ursuline monastery on lake Celano. In this little abandoned the monastery she was detained sudden illness. This is apparently due to the recent anxiety, suffering, and the hard way. Ghost girl was suppressed, strange weakness weakened body. Every day she grew, despite peace and concerns of others. But Ellen did not lose hope that soon they will be able to continue its journey.Was at the end of the second week, when at last the life-giving air, Celano and peace conquered sickness. Vincenzo, who visited Alleno every day is finally have hope that he will be able to discuss their future. He feared that sooner or later stay Elleni in the Ursuline convent will be known by their enemies, and they will not hesitate to separate them. Their wedding is to take place immediately, which will allow him to protect Alleno as his lawful wife. In each of my visits to her he would have dropped at least a few words, saying his dismay, for she realized how terrifying to him. As Ellen was recovered, the young man became more and more persistent. Ellen knew perfectly well that, after obeying only their heart, she would have given my hand this noble and loving young man. But he had prevented her pride.She persuaded her dejected failures Vincenzo that remains true to this word, however, would agree to marry him only with the consent of his parents. Then she will be ready to forget caused resentment and will be happy to become his wife. Vincenzo must respect the pride that he loves. He may not demand the big concessions.Poor Vincenzo could not agree with the validity of the accusations Ellena, for he knew more than she did, cunning his mother and her injustice to Allene. At times, coming in complete despair, he was ready to agree with Elenoj and coaxing her to wait for the consent of parents and promised not to disturb their demands. However, the fear of losing Alleno, the anticipation of imminent danger, hanging over them, gave him no peace. His parents barely capable for the sake of his happiness to forget his arrogance and pride. They will not abandon their plans to separate him from Elenoj. Their love can only save the marriage. Then it before the whole world will call Alleno his wife and only then will truly protect her.Anxiety and doubts are completely deprived Vincenzo peace. Ellen couldn't ignore it and deeply felt, knowing how much pain he causes his tenacity. She was often reproached myself for cruelty, for not being able to calm him who so faithfully and completely in love with her, who saved her from his prison in the monastery and continues so gently and carefully take care of and protect.Vincenzo guessed about the fighting that occurred in the girl's heart, and he never lost hope. Finally, parting with him at their last meetings and taking with it the promise that in this day that they no longer see them, Ellen assured him that tomorrow he learns her final decision.These hours of waiting were the most alarming for Vincenzo. After leaving the convent of the Ursulines, he has long been on the lake before returning to himself. However evening again saw him at the monastery walls.For Elleni this day too, was alarming. Although the strangulated pride and resentment on the family Vivaldi kept him from immediate consent to marriage with Vincenzo, sincere love and affection did not allow her to answer him with a resolute refusal. It seemed to her that his late aunt, invisibly present next, keeps it from this a wrong step.Dying, she took with them a vow that after her death they Vincenzo will be together, and now seemed to remind her about it. Ellen decided tomorrow to answer Vincenzo that agree to become his wife.In literary aesthetics of hotelstv tangible search of a new language that would have evolved a model of artistic world, alternative everyday, permeated logic ratio underlying nravoopisatelnyh prose of the 18th century. At first glance, the creators of the Gothic genre retain external series of events associated with the idea of hazard (strange, incomprehensible accidents / gruesome surprise cases). However, much more important for them - the rhythm of the inner story «terror/horror», dynamics of the emotional feelings of fear. The key to creating a mysterious atmosphere, bearing in mind the characters and the reader «novel secrets» series of bright images and impressions, is the musical language of the intangible nature of sound, capable of transmitting shades of psychological States hero who find themselves in difficult situations.«So, he was the master of the house, understood Ellen, and she felt quite bad premonition when her escort soon told her that her journey is over. She barely stopped from despair and panic. Therefore, it was deliberately brought here, in this abandoned house in the wild, deserted shore to lay it on the mercy of the notorious bandit and a scoundrel. Pride and evil will awnings triumphed. The poor girl has legs gave way and she fell to the floor.When she recovered and was bending over her, his companions and the master of the house, her first thought was to ask them about compassion, but fearsthat it would give her suspicions, stopped her. Therefore, citing fatigue, she asked to take her to a dedicated her room. Her guards looked at each other in indecision, and then offered her the first split with them dinner, which is now ready. Ellen how gracious he refused dinner, and they have no choice as to fulfill her request. Spalatro, taking a lamp, led her through the hall on the upper floor, where he opened the door of a small room.- Where is the love? - perplexedly said Ellen, looked around the empty room.- There, on the floor, said Spalatro, pointing to a mattress on the floor, over which hung the remains of rotting canopy. - If you need the lamp, I will leave it for a few minutes, then go for it."Do you want me to spend the night in complete darkness? piteously, and scared exclaimed Ellen.- To leave you a light bulb? Yes, you had the house will burn, " muttered sourly Spalatro.No matter how implored him Ellen, saying that with lamp it is not so scary, he was adamant, but suddenly, strangely looked at her and asked:- Not so bad, you say? You don't know what I was asking.- What would you say? - cried the girl. - Tell me, I entreat you.Spalatro from surprise even stepped back, looking at her with evident astonishment."Be merciful, unable to stand, cried out Ellen. - I'm vulnerable, I need help...- What do you fear, just a few steps? - finally, when asked Spalatro, and then quickly added: " what I shall deprive you of the lamp, so mercilessly?Ellen, again, fearing that once the word can give him, said that it would consider an act of mercy, if he was not deprived of its light at night. She is depressed, afraid to sleep in an unfamiliar place, and the light bulb would help her calm down.- Is incomprehensible to us your whims, besides the lamp in the house alone, and we have still much to do. My guests sit in the dark and wait, when I will return. Okay, leave you light for a couple of minutes, but no more.Ellen was forced to agree. When Spalatro came out, she heard a rattling pushed the bolt. She was here a prisoner».Appears on the scene more powerful actors and gain control over this vicious, but hesitant soul; resorting alternately to the promises, threats, it involves in a conspiracy against virtue and even the lives of the orphans, which JIa Mott out of gratitude, and in the name of honour and hospitality obliged to cherish and protect.Heroine, who, as usual, dressed in a robe of innocence, purity and innocence (a heroine of the novel, as a white dress - female), not devoid attractive original features. She is grateful to the members of the family of La Motte and continue to feel for him affection and trust in their honor, even when the wife La Motta showing ill will, and the father of a family behaves as a traitor, and this makes it interesting and individual features.The conclusion:So in this the novel does not seek to force the reader to think, deep in the human feelings, not arouses passions scenes, full of tragedy, not giving food curiosity vivid description of events and mores of more light, not trying skilled humor to cause laughter. In other words, this novel does not resort, in order to influence the reader, nor to Comedy, nor to the tragedy and yet be determined and powerful attracts the interest with another tool: it excites (say shortly) a sense of fear, drawing valid danger or referring to superstitions. Therefore, such books strong image of external events, while their characters, like pieces on many landscape paintings, entirely submitted to the place of action and are only those features that allow them to successfully meet the main objects of the artist - the rocks and the trees. The characters (and here also there is a link between romance and romantic narrative) have just typical, but not individual traits. Grim tyrant count, you old hag housekeeper - the Keeper of many family tales, talkative maid, frivolous fellow servant, one or two of the scoundrel, performers all blacks Affairs, the heroine is the embodiment of all perfections, and sacrifice all sorts of quirks rock - that's Arsenal novelist, as well as the author of romances; if these actors are properly dressed and Express in language that suits their circumstances and properties, it can be expected that readers or listeners will laugh about comic dialogue or shed tears over tragic.The huge role of the «Gothic» entourage in creating this atmosphere «sublime» sweet, reverent horror, stunning imagination: the majestic mountain peaks, impregnable castles, gloomy forest thicket, clinging to the rock monastery, the ruined Abbey with a huge empty halls and labyrinths of caves, which seem to have no end. Silence, darkness, desolation... You could even say that the invisible magnetic center novel become not twists of the plot, and the bleakness of the castle Adolfo («Rudolfskai secrets»), or the Abbey of Saint-Clair with the surrounding Fonttwister forest («the novel in the forest»), or the Carmelite monastery (the«Italian»).The images of the pitch in the first two cases made in the name of novels. They reign over perception of readers, and the consciousness of the characters. Such deformation of the personality on the second plan «scenic surroundings» - a characteristic of pre-aesthetics. The Central importance of the person acquires only from the actual romantics.More clearly manifested the gift of Mrs. Radcliffe in „Sicilian novel, which was published in 1790, and, as we remember ourselves (and we then absorbed novels extremely greedy), has attracted considerable attention of reading audience. In this book I found a way imagination is the main characteristic feature of the author. The reader carries rapid, brilliant series of adventures, with spectacular car chases, during which the fate of the characters hangs in the balance, stimulates action surroundings reminiscent of a magnificent Oriental tale. But still in the novel is notable deficiencies, natural inexperienced author. Scene linked artfully enough, casually described to characters not given the individual traits; the plot is based on the normal template, passionate lovers, tyrants-parents, homebrew rascals and wardens and others similar to them, with insignificant differences in appearance and family customs and crying, and was raging on the pages of novels already for a quarter of a century before Mrs. Radcliffe. However Sicilian „novel“ attracted many readers, as far exceeded normal printed materials, which were popular among readers „Lenholl-press“, - products of the poor, old and boring. Mrs. Radcliffe deserves unconditional praise for what it is first, thanks naturalness descriptions and expressiveness of the story, made in literary prose beauty and fantasy, which met earlier exclusively in poetry. Fielding, Richardson, Smollett, even Walpole, though, and wrote on a topic, exciting, were writers. And Mrs. Radcliffe landed the title of the first poetess novel genre (not counting the indispensable accessories verses genuine rhythm).„Forest Roman“, which appeared in 1791, immediately approved a leading place of the writer in favorites by her literary direction are the advantages it has proved and the subsequent works. In the new novel Mrs. Radcliffe had restrained their imagination and has subordinated its requirements orderly narrative. The writer has taken a lot more skill than before, in the description of the characters, although they conceived, perhaps, not very original; correspondingly increased and success. Especially talented outlined - interest novel is caused mainly by the instability of his character; in general can be described as rather weak and vicious person than a villain, but he is constantly close to becoming an instrument of violence, which in the soul does not approve. However, although Mrs. Radcliffe, undoubtedly, much more easily than before, began to think and to finalize their characters, and so proved his superiority over most novelists, still not this side of her skill has brought to it popularity. Interesting, even charmed the audience with amazing built intrigue; the author managed to convince the reader anxious sense of mystery and horror, to awaken sharp curiosity accompanying chapter by chapter, episode by episode. Interest everyone experiences: from the scientist-the recluse to medium-income families gathered in the evening around the candle to deep in the realm of fantasy, to rest from the pressures of everyday life. The story became more diverse and alive, and even more amazed by descriptions of ruins and forests that surround them; they are so different is pleasant and relaxing, the dark, creepy pictures can bring to life only those in the nature has bestowed the eye of the painter and the spirit of the poet.In 1793 Mrs. Radcliffe visited on the Rhine, not daring to insist on being right, we still incline to the opinion that Rudolfskai secrets“ were written, or, at least, fixed after this trip; dilapidated castles German knights, rogues, located on the wild romantic banks of the famous river, inspire, probably her imagination and added brightness of its colours (compared with the „Forest novel“). The surroundings of lakes Westmoreland that Mrs. Radcliffe was visited by approximately at the same time, were also expected to provide a powerful incentive for her fantasy: the wild and beautiful places, nature embodied the very beauty, who loved to paint Mrs. Radcliffe. His impressions from these countries it gave the audience in 1794; its superbly written the paper was entitled „Journey to Holland and so on.Of course, the audience much awaited from the writings of Mrs. Radcliffe; for „Rudolfskai secrets“ booksellers found it possible to offer her a huge sum of 500 pounds. Often it happens that a new attempt to win favor with readers former reputation is the author worst enemy. Everywhere there are high expectations; critical spirit, before thanks to a pleasant surprise, losing first place-approval now, ispanas vigilant, ready to fall on the writer for any fault. However, the popularity of Mrs. Radcliffe withstood the test and after „Wolfskin secrets“ has not diminished; on the contrary, has increased. The very title of the novel fascinated, and the public, with a keen interest rushed to the book, in the end, there was no satiety. In large families volume all the time passed from hands in hands - sometimes they even tore it apart; complaints from people who were prevented from reading the book was a tribute to the author's talent. But in the dwelling of a lonely cripples or forgotten all adherent of celibacy sochiniteley waited otherwise - and higher - recognition: under the authority of her mighty spells bewitched the reader to forget about his departure, illness, human indifference and secret sorrows. Perhaps we would not be mistaken if we compare such a reading of opium: the constant, habitual use it destructive, but very beneficial in moments of pain or apathy, when the head is heavy, and sick at heart. If those who scolds indiscriminately all such works, weighed as genuine pleasure they give to the reader, and more than all, how many soften the frustration, as comfort in the misfortunes, the reasons philanthropy would have tempered his smug critical fervor or religious intolerance.Many people are too restless to get pleasure from perfectly depicted, but heavily clouded games passions in Richardson, other dimwitted unavailable jokes Lesage, sullen natures alien to the natural and the liveliness of Fielding-and yet, for all their hard to tear from the «Forest of the novel» or «Wolfskin secrets». The reason is that curiosity, hidden love for the mysterious, and the beginnings of superstition nest in many minds and common among ordinary people much more than the original taste to the comic or the true sense of the tragic. The unknown author of the «Ways of the literature», help who boasts that he is against the usual horror stories.In our opinion all of highly skilled descriptions belong to Mrs. Radcliffe, excite ultimately the same genus - and even less strong - interest, and feelings of ordinary rural legends about ghosts. However, it is critical opinion is grounded not better than the previous one. Yes, to have the feeling of tension and fear, typical of her novels, you simply touch the appropriate springs, which, however, when reusing quickly wear out and lose power. Soon the readers, like Macbeth, weary of all the horrors and become indifferent to the silly and contrived love suffering in the background cardboard moon.In this kind of literature there is no taste or style or genre - are only some of the attributes of love, fear and death, but there's no love, death, or fear. To read such works extremely difficult, because not very well written the novel, it is a banal story, there is little to no action, it does not capture the imagination and looks more like a parody of suspense. Perhaps this is only due to the fact that the readers of the 21st century, it is extremely difficult to perceive the first literary works of the writer of the 18th century, especially when the suspense genre was only at the very beginning of its development.

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