
Advertising campaign formulation and execution

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Код 120240
Дата создания 2011
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Choiceofexecutors. Drawing up of references.It is necessary to develop idea, the reference, a dummy, rollers for an advertizing campaign, etc. It is a creative work, and demands certain professionalism. Campaign carrying out in a uniform key as campaigns, instead of series isolated actions, is more effective. To provide demanded professionalism and coordination the advertizing agency is capable. Picture 4 - Passage advertizing informationReally qualitative advertizing campaign can be developed for the enterprise if its idea is based on competitive advantage. Process of communications which advertizing is can be presented as follows: Most full, without essential losses, the ideas bearing a chain from the enterprise to the consumer and includes a certain minimum of the important information. If competitive advantage is such minimum, the advertizing purposes, most likely, will be reached.Preliminary tests.Preliminary tests of advertizing can be spent research in "laboratory" conditions and experiment in the local market, depending on a concrete situation. "Laboratory" tests is revealing of opinions of target audience about advertizing appeals and it can form a choice basis, both references, and advertizing agency.Most often method of revealing of target audience opinions is used so called focus groups. Focus group consists from 6-8 participation, satisfying to target audience definition. In relaxed atmosphere it is shows variants of the advertizing appeals developed for campaign of the enterprise. Next discussion of merits and demerits of references is initiated. Discussion, with the consent of present, registers in a dictophone. The subsequent analysis of records allows choosing optimum from the offered references.Purchase of a place and time in advertizing vehicles, advertizing placing. Purchase of a place and time in advertizing vehicles is carried out, as a rule, by employees of advertizing agency after the coordination with the advertiser of the media plan offered by advertizing agency. At carrying out of small advertizing campaigns it can make and the employee of department of advertizing (marketing) of the separate enterprise. The organization and carrying out of publicity. In the course of carrying out of publicity it is important to carry out current control over their performance and in case of need to make operative changes. ConclusionThe advertizing campaign represents system of the interconnected publicity covering the certain period of time and providing a complex of application of advertizing tools for achievement by the advertiser of the certain marketing purpose.Foreign and domestic experience in advertizing area shows that complex and consecutive carrying out of the publicity developed taking into account marketing strategy, gives considerably high effect, than separate, not connected among it an overall aim and separated in time.It is possible to tell that all advertizing activity of the advertiser is set of advertizing campaigns. Having displaced aspect of concept, it is possible to notice that the advertizing campaign is the basic tool of advertizing strategy realization by firm, one of elements of tactical planning of advertizing activity.Carrying out of the advertizing company is carried out by several stages. For getting success of advertizing campaign, it is necessary to consider set of various factors. Professional advertizing figures know about it, as well as what it is unacceptable to exclude any stage of campaign.
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