
Англ. язык, Индивидуальное домашнее задание 2, 3 семестр, 1 вариант, Томский Политехнический Университет

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Контрольная работа*
Код 263834
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ИДЗ 2, английский язык, 3 семестр, 1 вариант. 2 курс
получен максимальный балл ...


Variant 1
Text 1
Job safety analysis
Job safety analysis is based on task analysis and takes place in two stages. The first stage entails an examination of the task with particular attention being paid to the following points: the job title; the task operations; the details of machinery, equipment, materials and substances used; the hazards; the degree of risk, ie low, medium or high risk; the specific tasks; the work organisation; and the form of operator protection necessary. Each of these points is detailed on a standard form. The second stage of the operation assesses:
(a) the specific job operations;
(b) the hazards associated with these operations, e.g. risk of hand injury;
(c) the skills required to perform the task safely in terms of knowledge and individual behaviour;
(d) the external influences on behaviour in terms of:
(i) the nature of the influence, e.g. low temperatures;
(ii) the source of the influence, e.g. refrigeration system; and
(iii) the activities involved, e.g. stacking of refrigerated food products;
(e) the learning method, e.g. induction training in the use of low temperature protective wear, safe stacking, and the use of the alarm system.
Many organisations now produce safe systems of work on a flowchart basis, copies of which are displayed in the operational area and used in staff training activities.
1. Answer the questions.
1. What does Job safety analysis pay attention to?
2. How many stages of the job safety analysis are there?
3. What does the first stage of the job safety analysis concentrate on?
4. What are the aims of the second stage?
5. What is modern view on the job safety analysis?

Text 2
2. Before reading the text, say whether the statements are true or false. Check your ideas.
1. Supramolecular chemistry is the synonym for supramolecular science.
2. Supramolecular chemistry study lies on the boundary of several subjects.
3. This type of molecular interactions does not necessarily form the basis of the highly specific recognition, reaction, transport, and regulation processes that occur in biology.
4. Due to weak intermolecular bonds, supramolecules are in general thermodynamically stable.
5. The association and organization of functional supramolecules may lead to molecular and supramolecular devices.
6. The chemistry appeared after the Big Bang, when the temperatures went mildly.

Supramolecular Chemistry
Supramolecular chemistry or – as sometimes called – supramolecular science is located at the meeting point provided by the design and investigation of organized, informed, and functional supramolecular architectures. As a bottom-up approach, supramolecular chemistry is concerned with the next step in increasing complexity beyond the molecule toward the supramolecule and organized polymolecular systems on a nanometric size scale, held together by non-covalent interactions. This type of molecular interactions forms the basis of the highly specific recognition, reaction, transport, and regulation processes that occur in biology. Due to weak intermolecular bonds, supramolecules are in general thermodynamically less stable, kinetically more labile, and dynamically more flexible so that a type of “soft chemistry” emerges. Binding of a substrate σ to a receptor ρ yields the supramolecule σρ and involves recognition, transformation, and translocation. The association and organization of functional supramolecules may lead to molecular and supramolecular devices.
According to a consideration of Lehn there was in the beginning the Big Bang and physics reigned. Then chemistry came along at milder temperatures; particles formed atoms; these united to give more and more complex molecules, which in turn associated into aggregates and membranes, defining primitive cells out of which life emerged. In this sense chemistry is settled between the laws of physics and the rules of life.

3. Fill in the blanks changing the words given.
How would you know if you have made a new element? Neutron ______ 1 of a small sample of uranium could be expected to produce only an ________ 2 tiny amount of element 93, perhaps a thousand atoms or so. Because they are ______ 3, such atoms should be easy to spot with a Geiger counter. But first you need to _______ 4 them from the uranium, which is radioactive too. This is why the nuclear physicists ______ 5 the help of chemists. From its ______ 6 with the work of the Curies, nuclear chemistry or 'radiochemistry' has had to work with _______ 7 tiny samples of rare elements, and has required a skill at analysis –______ 8 substances into their elemental components – that Antoine Lavoisier could never have dreamed of
4. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
1. Anaerobic biological wastewater treatment has numerous advantages over conventional aerobic processes.
2. Anaerobic biotechnologies, however, still have a reputation for low-quality effluents and operational instabilities.
3. Anaerobic bioreactors were augmented with an oxygen-transferring membrane to improve treatment performance.
4. Two anaerobic bioreactors were fed a synthetic high-strength wastewater (chemical oxygen demand, or COD, of 11,000 mg l (–1)) and concurrently operated until biomass concentrations and effluent quality stabilized.
5. Membrane aeration was then initiated in one of these bioreactors, leading to substantially improved COD removal efficiency (> 95%) compared to the unaerated control bioreactor ( approximately 65 %).
6. The membrane-augmented anaerobic bioreactor required substantially less base addition to maintain circumneutral pH and exhibited 75 % lower volatile fatty acid concentrations compared to the unaerated control bioreactor.
7. The membrane-aerated bioreactor, however, failed to improve nitrogenous removal efficiency and produced 80 % less biogas than the control bioreactor.
8. A third membrane-augmented anaerobic bioreactor was operated to investigate the impact of start-up procedure on nitrogenous pollutant removal.
9. In this bioreactor, excellent COD (> 90%) and nitrogenous (> 95%) pollutant removal efficiencies were observed at an intermediate COD concentration (5,500 mg l (–1)).
10. Once the organic content of the influent wastewater was increased to full strength (COD = 11,000 mg l (–1)), however, nitrogenous pollutant removal stopped.
5. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Токсические химические вещества (ТХВ) – это такие химические соединения, которые способны поражать людей и животных на больших площадях, проникать в различные сооружения, заражать местность и водоемы.
2. ТХВ могут находиться в капельно-жидком состоянии, в виде газа (пара) и аэрозоля (тумана, дыма).
3. Проникать в организм человека и поражать его они могут через органы дыхания, пищеварения, кожу и глаза.
4. По действию на организм человека ТХВ делятся на нервно-паралитические, удушающие, общеядовитые, кожно-нарывные, токсины, раздражающие ипсихохимические.
5. ТХВ нервно-паралитического действия – высокотоксичные фосфорорганические вещества (V-газы, зарин и др.), поражающие нервную систему.
6. Это самые опасные ТХВ.
7. Они воздействуют на организм через органы дыхания, кожу.
8. При попадании в желудочно-кишечный тракт вместе с пищей и водой они обладают многосторонним поражающим действием.
9. Стойкость их летом – более суток, зимой – несколько недель и даже месяцев; для поражения человека достаточно их ничтожного количества.
10. Признаками поражения являются: слюноотделение, сужение зрачков (миоз), затруднение дыхания, тошнота, рвота, судороги, паралич.

6. Write an annotation to the text.
Bioreactor design
A bioreactor is a reactor in which enzymes or living cells catalyze the biochemical transformations. It is frequently called a fermenter whether the transformation is carried out by living cells or in vivo cellular components (enzymes). Fermentation originally referred to the metabolism of an organic compound under anaerobic conditions. However, modern industrial fermentation includes both aerobic and anaerobic cultures of organisms. Currently, bioreactor and fermenter can be regarded as synonyms.
Stirred-Tank Bioreactor (or Fermenter).
In laboratories, cells are usually cultivated in Erlenmeyer flasks on a shaker. The gentle shaking effectively suspends the cells, enhances the oxygenation through the liquid surface, and aids the transfer of nutrients without damaging the structure of the cells.
For a large-scale operation, the stirred-tank fermenters (STF) are widely used (Figure 19.4).They are employed for both aerobic and anaerobic fermentation of a wide range of cells including microbial, animal, and plant cells. The mixing intensity can be varied widely by choosing suitable impellers and by varying agitating speeds. The mechanical agitation and aeration are effective for the suspension of cells, oxygenation, mixing of the medium, and heat transfer. The STF was one of the first large-scale fermenters developed in the pharmaceutical industries for the production of penicillin. Its performance and characteristics have been extensively studied. Large industrial STFs are usually built with stainless steel, but laboratoryscale fermenters are often made of glass with a stainless steel top plate.
Although the agitator is effective in mixing the fermenter content, it can damage a shear-sensitive cell system such as mammalian or plant cells.
The physical configuration of a typical fermenter is as follows: The height of the vessel is two to three times the vessel diameter and a fermenter is usually agitated with two or three turbine impellers. The impeller diameter to tank diameter ratio is generally 0.3 to 0.4. For multiple impeller systems, the distance between impellers is usually 1 to 1.5 impeller diameters. Four equally spaced baffles are usually installed to prevent a vortex formation that reduces the mixing efficiency. For aerobic fermentation, a single orifice sparger or ring sparger is used to aerate the fermenter. The pH in a fermenter can be maintained by employing either a buffer solution or a pH controller. The temperature is often controlled by heat transfer through a heating coil.


Variant 1
Text 1
Job safety analysis
Job safety analysis is based on task analysis and takes place in two stages. The first stage entails an examination of the task with particular attention being paid to the following points: the job title; the task operations; the details of machinery, equipment, materials and substances used; the hazards; the degree of risk, ie low, medium or high risk; the specific tasks; the work organisation; and the form of operator protection necessary. Each of these points is detailed on a standard form. The second stage of the operation assesses:
(a) the specific job operations;
(b) the hazards associated with these operations, e.g. risk of hand injury;
(c) the skills required to perf orm the task safely in terms of knowledge and individual behaviour;
(d) the external influences on behaviour in terms of:
(i) the nature of the influence, e.g. low temperatures;
(ii) the source of the influence, e.g. refrigeration system; and
(iii) the activities involved, e.g. stacking of refrigerated food products;
(e) the learning method, e.g. induction training in the use of low temperature protective wear, safe stacking, and the use of the alarm system.
Many organisations now produce safe systems of work on a flowchart basis, copies of which are displayed in the operational area and used in staff training activities.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Answers: 1. Irradiation 2. Extremely 3. Radioactive4. Separate5. Need6. Beginning7. Incredibly8. Separating4. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Anaerobic biological wastewater treatment has numerous advantages over conventional aerobic processes. 2. Anaerobic biotechnologies, however, still have a reputation for low quality effluents and operational instabilities. 3. Anaerobic bioreactors were augmented with an oxygen-transferring membrane to improve treatment performance. 4. Two anaerobic bioreactors were fed a synthetic high-strength wastewater (chemical oxygen demand, or COD, of 11,000 mg l (–1)) and concurrently operated until biomass concentrations and effluent quality stabilized. 5. Membrane aeration was then initiated in one of these bioreactors, leading to substantially improved COD removal efficiency (> 95%) compared to the unaerated control bioreactor (approximately 65 %). 6. The membrane-augmented anaerobic bioreactor required substantially less base addition to maintain circumneutral pH and exhibited 75 % lower volatile fatty acid concentrations compared to the unaerated control bioreactor. 7. The membrane-aerated bioreactor, however, failed to improve nitrogenous removal efficiency and produced 80 % less biogas than the control bioreactor.8. A third membrane-augmented anaerobic bioreactor was operated to investigate the impact of start-up procedure on nitrogenous pollutant removal. 9. In this bioreactor, excellent COD (> 90%) and nitrogenous (> 95%) pollutant removal efficiencies were observed at an intermediate COD concentration (5,500 mg l (–1)). 10. Once the organic content of the influent wastewater was increased to full strength (COD = 11,000 mg l (–1)), however, nitrogenous pollutant removal stopped.Answers (translation):1.Анаэробная биологическая очистка сточных вод имеет ряд преимуществ по сравнению с обычными аэробными процессами.2. Анаэробные биотехнологии, тем не менее, до сих пор славятся низким качеством очищенных сточных вод и эксплуатационной неустойчивостью.3. Анаэробные биореакторы были дополнены мембраной, передающей кислород, для улучшения процесса очистки.4. В два анаэробных биореактора были введены синтетические сточные воды с высокой концентрацией загрязняющих веществ (химическое потребление кислорода или ХПК 11000 мг/л (-1)) и они одновременно работали до тех пор, пока не стабилизировались концентрация биомассы и качество очищенных сточных вод.5. Аэрация мембраны была в дальнейшем предложена в одном из этих биореакторов, что привело к существенному улучшению эффективности очистки по ХПК (> 95%) по сравнению с неаэрированным контрольным биореактором (приблизительно 65%).6. Анаэробному биореактору, дополненному мембраной, потребовалось значительно меньше базового дополнения для поддержания относительно нейтрально уровня pH, и он показал на 75% более низкие концентрации летучих жирных кислот по сравнению с неаэрированным контрольным биореактором.7. Биореактор с мембранным аэрирующим устройством, однако, не смог повысить эффективность очистки азотистых веществ и произвел на 80% меньше биогаза, чем контрольный биореактор.8. Третий анаэробный биореактор, снабженный мембраной, был задействован для исследования влияние процедуры запуска на удаление азотистых загрязняющих веществ.9. В этом биореакторе, наблюдалась отличная эффективность очистки ХПК (> 90%) и азотных (> 95%) загрязняющих веществ при промежуточной концентрации ХПК (5500 мг/л (-1)).10. После того, как содержание органических веществ входящих (поступающих) сточных вод было увеличено до полной концентрации (ХПК = 11000 мг/л (-1)), очистка азотных загрязняющих веществ приостановилась.5. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Токсические химические вещества (ТХВ) – это такие химические соединения, которые способны поражать людей и животных на больших площадях, проникать в различные сооружения, заражать местность и водоемы. 2. ТХВ могут находиться в капельно-жидком состоянии, в виде газа (пара) и аэрозоля (тумана, дыма). 3. Проникать в организм человека и поражать его они могут через органы дыхания, пищеварения, кожу и глаза. 4.

Список литературы

уч. пособие, англ. яз, ТПУ
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