
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine

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Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21986
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21987
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21988
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21989
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21990
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21991
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21992
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21993
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21994
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21995
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21996
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21997
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21998
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 21999
Английский язык, 9 заданий + текст Mechanism and a Machine Образец 22000


Контрольная работа №2, вариант 3

Контрольная работа №1, вариант 3


Задание 1

Перепишите предложения. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную видо-временную форму активного и пассивного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The company (to manage – суметь) to sell its first diesel truck in 1930.


2. The market for diesel-powered truck (to open – открывать) in the early 1930s.


3. Now this methodological research (to sponsor – спонсировать) by Siemens.


4. AMR Corporation (to lower – снизить) its total expenses by 20 % this year.


5. We (to prepare – готовиться) for a long time, and we are ready.


6. These points (to debate – обсуждать) widely.


7. Many companies (to transfer – передавать) from government to private ownership.


8. Over the next three years sales (not to exceed – не превышать) 300 aircraft per year.


9. The domestic market (to build – строить, создавать) in the next few years.


10. Two successful shuttle flights (to complete – выполнять, закончить) so far (пока что) this year.


Задание 2

Перепишите предложения, выделите глаголы to be/ to have/ to do и определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Although Mitsubishi had to import materials, production was successful from the start.


2. The current phase of the program is to be finished in 2010.


3. The Transportation Department does plan to explore the costs of retiring (списанный) aircraft.


4. Preparations are being made for new tests.


5. These materials do not emit toxic substances if a vehicle catches fire.


6. Lawmakers (законодатели) will have a clearer picture by next year.


7. The company is on the verge (грань, край) of bankruptcy.


8. This Aerospace Group in Halifax does any repair of Canadian helicopters and may assemble the new EH-101.


Задание 3

Перепишите предложения. Выделите служебные слова it, that, one, определите их функцию и переведите предложения на русский язык. Распознайте усилительную конструкцию It is/ was … who/ that – именно…; It was no before/ until … when – только после…; This/ that is where – вот где.

1. It is the engineer who solves problems.


2. Maybe the loss of that older generation of engineers is also an influence.


3. One never knows when some new element is to be introduced.


4. One paper is based on important documents only recently discovered.


5. The author concludes his (paper) The Terror of the Machine by describing a nightmare, one from his childhood.


6. Their task is more difficult than that of their predecessors (предшественники).


Задание 4

Перепишите предложения. Заполните пропуски одним из союзных слов (who, what, that, which, where, when, whose), укажите, в каких предложениях союз можно не употреблять). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The failure (сбой в работе) occurred when the second stage did not separate from the satellite on ground command.


2. People who use maps can learn from them.


3. The show will reveal (to reveal – выявить) a market whose potential customers can make their deals (сделки).


4. Manufacturers have confirmed that they are discussing the problems of further partnership. (можно опустить)


5. Participants in the company believed that the time had come for a change. (можно опустить)


6. This agreement can lead to long-term (долгосрочный) cooperation which is very important to us and Poland.


7. He had designed two chambers which looked very similar (похожий), but whose function was not the same.


Задание 5

Перепишите предложения. Выделите инфинитив, герундий и причастие и определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Ariane 5 exploded in June 1996 while carrying four space probes (зонд).


2. For the past few years, astronomers have been working on a solution called adaptive optics.


3. Smoking or even carrying matches were prohibited in the laboratory buildings.


4. They began working in an experimental mode (режим).


5. To learn to fly one must learn to balance.


6. Young women in high school should be encouraged (поощрять) to study mathematics.


Задание 6

Перепишите предложения, распознайте и выделите инфинитивные обороты – объектный, субъектный, определительный и обстоятельственный.

1. In 1961, railroads seemed to be dying a slow death.


2. We are making every effort (усилие, старание) to restore services to normal as fast as possible.


3. The aim of the school was acquiring (to acquire – приобретать) knowledge to be applied in engineering.


4. We expect the Japanese to take over (взять под свой контроль) the ground equipment market.


5. In order to block a given wavelength, photonic crystals have been designed.


6. The decision proved to be commercially disastrous.


7. Professor V. wanted engineering students to learn something about history of engineering.


8. There are problems to be solved before parallel computers replace today’s supercomputers.


9. To save the company, Bombardier turned to specialized overland vehicles.


Задание 7

Перепишите предложения, выделите причастные обороты – определительный, дополнительный, обстоятельственный и независимый.

1. Customers want avionics expertise expanded to embrace video and audio services.


2. The Administration plan to reduce the defense budget by 2 % per year, not counting inflation.


3. The amount of light reflected by the planet indicates that it must be the size of Jupiter.


4. Boeing 747 remains the Queen of the skies, higher gross weight and quitere versions being planned.


5. The satellite market becoming greater, the ground segment of it grows as (как) the equipment business.


6. Peugeot experimented on ignition being caused by high pressure in the cylinder.


7. Congress wants military exports restricted.


Задание 8

Сослагательное наклонение. Перепишите предложения. Определите тип условного предложения, переведите предложение на русский язык.

1. “If I had not been chased (to chase – гнать) out of France, the engine might have been French”, Diesel commented.


2. If the patents are serviceable to the business of the company, the company will give due (соответствующий) reward to the patentees.


3. The same thing could be said of automobiles if you had them running through your back yard all the time.


4. If these parts (детали) get proper care, the airplane will last indefinitely (неопределенно долго).


5. If we in Canada were recognized as part of the North American industrial base, we would be fine.


Задание 9

Смотрите образцы выполнения заданий.

Mechanism and a Machine

Mechanisms are combinations of moving members such as links, gears, cams, belts, chains, and springs held in a rigid frame. In general a mechanism is defined as an apparatus for mechanically directing and transforming motions and energies of any kind.

A mechanism may be designed primarily for one or two purposes: 1) to transmit power greatly in excess of that required to overcome the frictional and dynamic requirements of the mechanism itself, or 2) to produce a desired movement of its parts. An example of the first is the slider crank mechanism in a reciprocating internal combustion engine. An example of the second is the mechanism, consisting of a link, gear sector, and pinion, that converts the movement of a pressure sensitive tube in a pressure gage to rotation of a pointer (стрелка) before the dial of the gage.

A machine is an assemblage of one or more mechanisms whose primary purpose is to transform, transmit, and control energy, that is, to do work. Another definition of a machine would be a combination of bodies so arranged as to constrain the forces of nature to produce prescribed effects in response to prescribed inputs.

Before constructing a machine to fulfil the need, the engineer must thoroughly understand the application, and mentally modify and old machine or devise a new machine as required. He estimates a certain cost for the machine and a probable time for its construction. He envisions the materials required the equipment necessary for its manufacture and testing, and the final operation in meeting the original need. The engineer converts his thoughts into drawings and materials and follows through to its fabrication.

Основная идея текста


- проанализируйте глаголы-сказуемые в предложениях


- найдите сложноподчиненные предложения и определите как они соединены


- распознайте инфинитивные, герундиальные и причастные обороты в предложениях


Questions to be answered in writing:

1. What is a mechanism? - ...

2. What are the purposes for designing a mechanism? - ...

3. What is a machine? - ...

4. What should an engineer take into consideration before constructing a machine? - ...

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