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Sport: important part in society or just leisure activity for some people

Отчёты по практике

Задание 4. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его. Составьте не менее 15 вопросов на английском языке к тексту. Сделайте план для пересказа текста (не менее 5 пунктов на английском языке).

The Washington State Archives began strategic planning for the Digital Archives in 2000, and planning for the physical design and technical infrastructure occurred in 2002. Construction began in January 2003.

Concurrent with construction, research began on the programmatic and technological aspects of the Digital Archives. Site visits by project team members were made to the National Archives and the Library of Congress. A strategic plan was developed that included extensive involvement of staff, executive management and external stakeholders.

In June 2004, custom development on the web interface and database design began, blending the latest technologies with traditional archival theory to create a first of its kind repository. The goal of the program was to make the historical electronic records of State and Local government agencies easily accessible to the public, from anywhere, at any time. The first records brought into the facilities care were marriage records from three pilot counties (Chelan, Snohomish and Spokane) along with the Historic Census...

Контрольная работа
1 400 руб.

Английский язык (ДОУА, ББЛ, СР, 3 часть)

Практическое занятие 7

Цель занятия: научиться читать тексты, переводить их, письменно составлять высказывания по заданной тематике, совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи, отработка умения составления вопросов по тексту.

Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Перевод делается обязательно письменно - оформляется или в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future...

Контрольная работа
940 руб.

Цель занятия: научиться читать тексты, переводить их, письменно составлять высказывания по заданной тематике, совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи, отработка умения составления вопросов по тексту.

Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Перевод делается обязательно письменно - оформляется или в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.

Examination time at the end of each semester is quite tough for...

Контрольная работа
1 060 руб.
Задание 1. Прочтите текст и выполните письменный перевод выделенного отрывка.
Market Economies
The framework of a market or capitalist system contains six essential features: private property, freedom of choice and enterprise, self-interest, competition, the price system, the role for government.
Private property.
The institution of private property is a major feature of capitalism. It means that individuals have the right to own, control and dispose of land, buildings, machinery, and other natural and man-made resources.
Freedom of choice and enterprise.
Freedom of enterprise means that individuals are free to buy and hire economic resources, to organize these resources for production, and to sell their products in the markets of their own choice. Freedom of choice means thatowners of land and capital may use these resources as they see fit. It also means that workers are free to enter (and leave) any occupations for which they are qualified. Finally it means that consumers are free to spend their in any way they wish.
Each unit in the economy attempts to do what is best for itself. Firms will act in ways which, they believe, will lead to maximum profits (or minimum losses). Owners of land and capital will employ these assets so as to obtain the...
Контрольная работа
23 мая 2015
17 страниц
1 050 руб.
вариант 2

Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите письменно выделенный отрывок.
Few people better personify the French technocratic elite that has held France in a tight grip for many decades than Pierre Bilger. Bilger is the Chairman of Alstom, the giant power and railway equipment company formed out of the joint venture between Britain's General Electric Company (GEC) and France's Alcatel-Alsthom, which became a separately quoted company in 1998.
On graduating, Bilger, like many of his ENA colleagues, joined the Finance Ministry, rising quickly up its ranks. In 1982 he switched from government to industry, joining CGE, as Alcatel-Alsthom was then known, although since the company was at that time owned by the Frenchstate, the change was more apparent than real.
At Alcatel-Alsthom his big project was overseeing the formation in 1988 of the joint venture with GEC. As soon as the joint venture, GEC-Alsthom, was formed, Bilger was given the task of running it.
After a decade of working for one of the largest Anglo-French joint ventures, Bilger is well attuned to Anglo-Saxon attitudes. He speaks frequently of shareholders and of the need to keep costs down but he still remains very French. His explanations...
Контрольная работа
23 мая 2015
17 страниц
1 050 руб.
Упражнение I . Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на правила перевода сослагательного наклонения:

1. He demands that the question should be discussed at tomorrow`s meeting.
2. The manager insisted that the secretary ask for permission to stay away.
3. Mr. Howard insists that everybody should be present at the meeting.
4. The speaker recommended that all the facts should be mentioned.

Упражнение II. Переведите предложения. Определите тип условного предложения. Подчеркните вспомогательный глагол и инфинитив:
1. If wages rise, unemployment will increase. I тип, изъявительное наклонение
2. If we installed new equipment, we would become more competitive. II тип, сослагательное наклонение.
3. If the market for our products expands, we will have a 20 per cent increase in turnover next year. I тип, изъявительное наклонение
4. Had he known that he wouldn`t have said anything. III тип, сослагательное наклонение.
5. The demand for most goods and services will increase provided incomes are rising. I тип, изъявительное наклонение

Упражнение III. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните инфинитив и определите его функцию в предложении:

1. To offer each customer the right product or service is our purpose.
2. The employers agreed to accept the terms of the deal.
Контрольная работа
16 марта 2014
11 страниц
390 руб.

Английский язык (ДО, СпДО, ПНК, ПДО, 4 часть)

Практическое занятие 12

Цель занятия: научиться читать текст, переводить его, письменно составлять высказывания. Общаться устно и письменно.

Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

Прочитайте и переведите текст (оригинал текста взят из учебника для Оксфорда Fountain/Coursebook/Intermediate). Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.

Examination time...

Контрольная работа
850 руб.

Language in Use 1

Вопрос 1

Текст вопроса

I _____ wok hard to pass this exam.

Выберите один ответ:





Вопрос 2

Текст вопроса

He has a ______ but doesn’t have a beard.

Выберите один ответ:






Вопрос 3

Текст вопроса

Her flatmate is so _____. She does nothing.

Выберите один ответ:




heart attack


Вопрос 4

Текст вопроса

To keep fit you should ____.

Выберите один ответ:

go home

go to the theatre

go to gym

go to the party

go to gym

Вопрос 5

Текст вопроса

He can’t stay, he ___ go.

Выберите один ответ:

have to


should to



Вопрос 6

Текст вопроса

Jack always buys a lot of presents. He is really ________.

Выберите один ответ:






Вопрос 7

Текст вопроса

Choose the right word order.

Выберите один ответ:

Should I tell him about this problem?

I should tell him about this problem?

I shouldn’t tell him about this problem?

Should I to tell him about this problem?

Should I tell him about this problem?

Вопрос 8

Текст вопроса

Choose the right word order.

Выберите один ответ:

We work never on Sundays.

We work on Sundays never.

We never work on Sundays.

We never don’t work on Sundays.

We never work on...

Контрольная работа
760 руб.


1. Заполните каждый из пропусков подходящим по смыслу словом, преобразовав слово, данное справа, с помощью добавления или удаления имеющихся приставок и суффиксов


Britain’s most persistent young burglar walked free for the 33rd time yesterday. Two hours later the politicians promised to take action against offenders who the law says are too young to get imprisoned.

Youngsters aged between twelve and fifteen who often commits crimes will be held in ten new secure training centres for up to two years.

The 14-year-old, in court yesterday, was irresponsible for a mini crime wave near his home totaling 58,000 pounds sterling.

As he got free his worried mother said, “I really thought he would have been locked away.”

Her son had stolen clothes worth 28,000 pounds and committed burglary of his local chemist at least six times.

Before one has raided a shop assistant was even given his “phone card” marked with his initials and advising: “Ring the police.”

The boy, whose behavior is illegal, admitted seven charges of burglary.

The court heard he was too young to be remained in custody.

The boy’s mother added after the trial: ‘I just find it astonishing that no place can be found for him’.

I’ve tried but I can’t prevent his...

Контрольная работа
660 руб.

Вариант № 7.

I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Вставьте нужный артикль: a) a; b) an; c) the; d) -.

1. One of the ways to speculate is to buy “penny stock”.

2. She made a long telephone call from the lobby and ate a quick lunch.

3. The bank’s most important activity is an extension of credit.

4. A travel agent would give you information about the hotels.

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Заполните пропуски неопределенными местоимениями или их производными: a) some; b) any; c) no; d) их производные.

1. Some banks are experimenting with accounts.

2. No boy at school had ever taken a scholarship to the university.

3. If anything delays you, you must let me know.

4 You can’t expect just some student to solve the problem. It requires a mathematician.

III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Заполните пропуски следующими словами: a) much; b) many;

c) (a) little; d) (a) few.

1. No matter how little money you have, you can open a bank account.

2. I have so many things to do that I don’t know which to do first.

3. Only a few of our customers have accounts.

4. Little information is supplied by stockbrokers.

IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Выберите форму глагола.

1. Small banks...

Контрольная работа
660 руб.

Английский язык (ДО, СпДО, ПНК, ПДО, 4 часть)

Практическое занятие 12

Цель занятия: научиться читать текст, переводить его, письменно составлять высказывания. Общаться устно и письменно.

Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

Прочитайте и переведите текст (оригинал текста взят из учебника для Оксфорда Fountain/Coursebook/Intermediate). Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.

Examination time...

Контрольная работа
660 руб.

Цель занятия: научиться читать текст, переводить его, письменно составлять высказывания. Общаться устно и письменно.

Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

Прочитайте и переведите текст (оригинал текста взят из учебника для Оксфорда Fountain/Coursebook/Intermediate). Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.

Examination time at the end of each semester is quite tough for students. They spend...

Контрольная работа
890 руб.

Вариант 1

I. Перепишите предложения. Укажите подлежащее, подчеркнув его

одной чертой, а сказуемое – двумя. Переведите предложения.

1. Municipal management occupies a special place in the overall system of

government in a country.

2. The administration of Moscow Region is the region’s highest executive body.

3. The chair of state and municipal management developed training programs for

managers and specialists of state and local government.

II. Перепишите предложения. Подчеркните в них местоимения и

определите их вид (личные, притяжательные).

1. I never heard my boss be late for business appointments.

2. The employees can use their initiative without asking them.

3. I think they will take her advice on this purchase, not yours.

III. Заполните таблицу, образовав степени сравнения имен


positive comparative superlative

1 late

2 more comfortable

3 much

4 less comfortable

5 the strongest

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из

них глагол – сказуемое в Simple и определите его время (Present, Past, Future).

Переведите предложения.

1. Employers will expect every applicant to have solid references.

2. The Moscow Region formed municipal and local self-government structure.

3. Municipal management explores the urgent problems of municipal management

and various models of...

Контрольная работа
760 руб.

Задание 1.

Прочитайте и переведите текст (оригинал текста взят из учебника для Оксфорда Fountain/Coursebook/Intermediate).

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.

Examination time at the end of each semester is quite tough for students. They spend endless days and nights on studying and cramming. Although some of them use cheating, copying someone’s essays or course works. And you are lucky if you are not caught by the teacher because he can punish you by a poor mark or even by excluding from the college.

Most of the student’s time is...

Контрольная работа
1 190 руб.
Спорт - очень важная вещь в нашей жизни. Он играет неотъемлемую роль в защите нашего здоровья, а также способствует его развитию. Есть много видов спорта, таких как: боевые виды спорта, водные виды спорта, одиночные и командные виды спорта. Некоторые из этих видов спорта опасны, как смешанные единоборства, спортивные гонки и альпинизм.
Многие люди выбирают эти опасные виды спорта и систематически тренируются. Я думаю, им нравится это делать, потому что они могут быть своего рода недоверием, поэтому они стремятся поддержать этот момент, выполняя эти опасные виды спорта. Кроме того, у некоторых людей могут быть проблемы с другими людьми, так как они могут считаться невежливыми и грубыми способами, поэтому им нужно схватывать и практиковать боевые виды спорта, чтобы их можно было защитить. С моей точки зрения, самая удивительная особенность - это стресс в дополнение к негативной силе, которую испытывают многие люди, им нужно позволить своему стрессу, например, заниматься спортом как родео.
Я склонен видеть, что эти люди должны хорошо тренироваться профессиональными тренерами, прежде чем они начнут играть в такие виды спорта, чтобы уменьшить некоторый риск, который может произойти во время этой практики. Кроме того, некоторые ограничения должны быть сделаны для этих видов спорта, и...
430 руб.
I. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Определите
грамматические значения (функции) окончания -s / -es, т.е.
служит ли оно: 1) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа
глагола в Present Simple; 2) признаком множественного числа
имени существительного; 3) показателем притяжательного
падежа имени существительного.
1. English is the official language of the UK, but not everyone speaks
the same kind of English.
2. Alongside Cockney accent in London, most of the counties within
England have a strong local accent and dialect.
3. Margaret Thatcher (1925-) was Britain’s first woman Prime
Minister (1979-90). She became known as the Iron Lady because of
her strict control over the cabinet and the country’s economic policy.
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая
внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных и
сравнительные конструкции.
1. Britain constitutes the greater part of the British Isles separated
from continental Europe by the English Channel.
2. There are some other places of interest in the city that are as famous
as the Tower of London.
3. England is the most densely populated part (376 persons per sq
km); Scotland, with 64 people per sq km, is the least densely
populated land.
III. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, учитывая
особенности перевода...
Контрольная работа
13 марта 2017
5 страниц
730 руб.
In daily vanity, efforts, cares sometimes we ask ourselves questions: and why for me all this is necessary? whether what I spend the time for something is right? and that I really want? So is that we express ourselves in questions. Their quantity repeatedly exceeds number of people. But there is also other party – abundance of answers. The great number of the last, apparently, won't concede to answers.
         We are tormented by many riddles. It is unpleasant to us to understand that they are. But to paradox from paradoxes, probably, always to be: take away, who at us – and as the relation sign will be replaced in a moment. And we immediately will start demanding to ourselves what to reject would desire – from this that there are already so much centuries and years bespobedno we want.
         Why so? Yes because the person – too a riddle! It does everything not to do. Beginning from – lives to die, and, finishing on – speaks to hear. And any puzzles are necessary to it on purpose, at last, to be quit with them.
         Aristotle considered that philosophers are generated by inaction. It was right since, really, not hands to bend questions. But as deeply he was mistaken. Where still there is heavier work – to see what you comprehend, and never to have the termination of...
20 мая 2016
20 страниц
1 330 руб.
Вариант 4

I. Переведите письменно существительные (1-10). Выберите определения
(a – j), соответствующие существительным:
1) budget a) a general direction in which situation is changing or developing
2) brand b) the ability to do something well
3) IPO (initial public offering) с) a person or a company that somebody owes money to
4) save d) a decrease in amount, number, etc.
5) trend e) the reason why somebody does something or behaves in particular way
6) skill f) the act of a company selling its own shares on the stock market for the first time
7) motivation g) a set of products of a particular type that are made or sold by a company
8) creditor h) to keep money instead of spending it, especially by putting it in a bank account
9) fall i) the amount of money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time.
10) product line j) a name given to a product by the company that makes it, especially a trademark
II. Вставьте в каждое предложение подходящее по смыслу пропущенное слово:
brand, communication, accounts, invested, slogan, sum
1. Monthly salaries of our staff go directly into their _________.
2. This type of coffee is the ________ leader.
3. Last month they started their advertising campaign with the new corporate...
Контрольная работа
15 апреля 2014
9 страниц
480 руб.
I. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи являются слова, оформленные окончанием -s, и какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т.е. служит ли оно:
а) показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Simple;
б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного или
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
1. The lands of this farm are not far from Moscow.
2. This plane lands here every Monday.
3. He wrote an article about this engineer’s invention.
4. Their Institute houses both physical and chemistry laboratories.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, учитывая особенности перевода на русский язык определений, выраженных именем существительным.
1. This engineer is one of the best oil experts in oil industry.
2. From the very beginning many students start independent work in students’ scientific societies.
3. A lot of foreign visitors came to Moscow to see the Victory Day Celebrations.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения, и переведите их на русский язык.
1. Read this text as quickly as possible.
2. The more you work, the better you know English.
3. Modern houses are much more comfortable than the old ones.
4. They...
Контрольная работа
07 июня 2013
7 страниц
730 руб.
The Population of Great Britain
I. Прочтите текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы, следующие, за ним.
.....The main feature of the changing age structure is the increasing number of elderly people. The lot of the elderly people in Britain is a serious social problem.
Marriage trends since the 1930s have been towards a higher proportion of people marrying and an earlier age pattern. The average age for the first marriages is just over 26 for men and 24 for women. The proportion of people divorcing is growing.
As regards the proportion of urban population Britain probably holds the first place in the world. Over 90 per cent of its population live in towns.
One should note that today in Britain there are also sizeable groups of Americans, Australians, Chinese and various European communities.In the last generation British society has therefore become more multi-racial as ethnic minority groups from almost all parts of the world have made a permanent home in the country.

1. Did mass emigration influence the growth of the population of Great Britain?
2. What are the most highly populated regions of the country?
3. What is the main reason of the birth rates decline?

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите 5.6.7 и 8-й абзацы текста.

III. Выпишите из 1-го и 4-го абзацев предложения,...
Контрольная работа
07 июня 2013
5 страниц
610 руб.


Упражнение 1. Изучите слова урока.

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски в следующих предложениях

словами и выражениями из Упражнения 1.

1. Chinese culture and language ________________.

2. It is reported that ___________between two countries currently in a

phase of far-reaching transformation.

3. It is difficult for Japanese people to _________________.

4. Official ___________ begins where the battlefield ends.

5. In Botswana_________play an important role in shaping the society.\

6. The right of all peoples of Russia to receive general education in their

________ is guaranteed by law.

7. There a two official _______ in Canada – and English.

8. This_______ is wild and deserted.

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте текст.

English is spoken in many countries of the world. But in what countries

English is the national language? Great Britain is the homeland of the English


English speaking countries are situated in different parts of the world and

differ in many ways. The weather and climate of these countries, and the way of

people's life differ. Each country has its own history customs, traditions, and its

own national holidays. But they all have a common English language. English

spread all over the world. Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New

Zealand are...

Контрольная работа
660 руб.

Упражнение 1. Глаголы to be и to have

Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы to be и to have в указанную видовременную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The Sapsan trains have two business-class coaches, seven second-class coaches and a restaurant car. The total length of the 10-car EMU be 250 meters. Each Sapsan have a seating capacity of 600. (Present Simple)

2. James Watt be a Scottish mechanical engineer, who be famous for his improvements to the steam engine. (Past Simple)

3. The 553-km Shinkansen railway have no level crossings throughout the route. (Present Simple)

4. The new diesel locomotives will reach a speed of up to 125 mph and be in compliance with emissions standards. (Future Simple)

5. By the end of the 1920s, nearly every European country have electrified railway lines. (Past Simple)

Упражнение 2. Оборот There is / are

Составьте предложения из двух частей (A-B) и переведите их на русский язык.


1. There is 2. There are 3. There was 4. There were 5. There will be


a) so many passengers on the commuter train that it was hard to find a vacant seat.

b) an escalator of only 5 steps at one of the Tokyo underground stations.

c) a total of 45,000km of high-speed railway lines running at up to 350 kph in China by 2030.


Контрольная работа
850 руб.

Задание 4.

Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его. Составьте не менее 10 вопросов на английском языке к тексту.

The first teacher is that person, with the help of which the baby gets used to new conditions for himself. According to a special program, the child is adapted to school. Methods are developed taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students. On the degree of adaptation the teacher can judge by special tests that can be conducted at one of the class hours. To get a clearer picture, testing should be done at the end of the first quarter of the training:

1. Method of "Paints". The teacher distributes the markers or paints to children, as well as sheets of paper, which show subjects related to certain lessons (figure - mathematics, pen - letter, brush - drawing, accordion - singing, etc.). Students are encouraged to decorate the drawings. If the baby stains a certain object in a dark color, this indicates the possible difficulties associated with it. The methodology allows you to determine the progress of each child in one direction or another.

2. The method "What I like in school." Teacher suggests drawing a drawing on a given topic. The image shows the psychological state of the child. Pay attention to the guys whose drawings are far from school life....

Контрольная работа
1 180 руб.

1. Выберите правильный вариант, обращая внимание на существительное.

1. _______ work more than women.

a) men b) mans c) man

2. They became successful _______ .

a) businessman b) businessmen c) businessmans

3. This is _______ picture.

a) Nick and Peter's b) Nick's and Peter's c) Nick's and Peter

4. _______ delegates took part in the conference.

a) two hundreds b) the two hundred c) two hundred

2. Заполните пропуски, используя артикли a/an or the.

1. ___ USA is washed by Atlantic Ocean and Pacis is Ocean.

2. Have you got ___ headache?

3. My sister is ___ dentist.

4. Would you like ___ apple?

5. ___ Belovs are from Moscow.

6. Let's arrange ___ party at ___ weekend.

7. I heard ___ news on ___ radio.

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами (to, at, in, for, by).

1. The winter sports were included in the programme ___ 1924.

2. Peter studies ___ the pedagogical faculty.

3. Is English difficult ___ you?

4. There are 30 days ___ November.

5. It takes about half an hour to get home ___ my bike.

6. I won’t go there. Everybody will laugh ___ me.

7. Have you over been ___ Moscow?

4. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму, используя Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1. When the weather ___, we ___ for a walk.

a) will clear b) cleared c) clears; a) go h) went c) shall go.

2. He ___ not at the club yesterday.

a) is b)...

Контрольная работа
620 руб.

Деловой иностранный язык

Контрольная работа

2 курс (бз), 4 курс (бс)


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.


There is a classic definition that “Leaders do the right thing and managers work toward the organization's goals using its resources in an effective and efficient manner." In a traditional sense, large organizations may have different levels of managers, including top managers, middle managers and first-line managers.

Top (or executive) managers are responsible for overseeing the whole organization and typically engage in more strategic and conceptual matters, with less attention to day-to-day detail. Top managers have middle managers working for them and who are in charge of a major function or department. Middle managers may have first-line managers working for them and who are responsible to manage the day-to-day activities of a group of workers.

Note that there are different types of managers across the same levels in the organization. A project manager is in charge of developing a certain project, e.g., development of a new building. A functional manager is in charge of a major function, such as a department in the organization, e.g., marketing, sales, engineering, finance, etc. A product manager is in charge of a product or service. Similarly, a...

Контрольная работа
850 руб.

Задание 4. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

Прочитайте следующую информацию о различных профессиях. Задайте вопросы к каждому параграфу. Выскажите своё мнение (примерно два предложения на английском языке): какая Вам профессия понравилась, а какая нет? И почему?

Read the following information about different jobs in real. Translate, ask questions about each profession and write which profession do you like or dislike and why?

Mortgage Broker is an independent contractor who helps bring borrowers and lenders together by originating residential and/or commercial loans offered by multiple wholesale lenders.

Mortgage Lender is a mortgage loan company that originates, services, and sells loans to investors or purchasers.

Surveyor. Usually on land deals, this person takes a legal description of the property and maps out the exact boundaries. The legal description in many cases re- 38 fers to physical landmarks. Those landmarks can change over time – and there may be unintentional or intentional encroachment by neighbors over time. Neighbors may have even been given permission, for example, to put a driveway on a neighbor's property, but when the house is sold, the driveway can become a point of contention.

Title Companies. Once the purchase contract on a property is completed,...

Контрольная работа
1 910 руб.



Российский президент отправил «из России с любовью» в Италию, Сербию и США самолеты с помощью. Но теперь и Россию настигла жестокая реальность эпидемии, пишет датский журналист. Неужели в Москве будет как в Нью-Йорке? Плотность населения и образ жизни в этих городах похожи.

Коронавирус может превратить Москву в новый Нью-Йорк

Жесткий экономический кризис и усилившаяся эпидемия коронавируса подрывают популярность Путина

Йорген Уллеруп

Всего несколько недель назад Владимир Путин объявил, что эпидемия коронавируса в России под контролем благодаря своевременным мерам властей.

После этого президент взял на себя роль мирового спасителя и отправил «из России с любовью» в Италию, Сербию и США самолеты с помощью в виде медицинского оборудования.

Но теперь мрачная реальность догнала и авторов этих самоуверенных заявлений и акций помощи, задуманных как кампания доброй воли от имени Путина и его обложенной санкциями страны.

Эпидемия далеко не под контролем. Кривая количества зараженных, например, в Москве, неуклонно идет вверх, и российский эксперт опасается, что пандемия ударит по столице с той же силой, что и по Нью-Йорку.

«В Нью-Йорке скученность на улицах, особенно в Манхэттене, такая же, как в Москве внутри Садового кольца. Люди контактируют очень активно: жители города...

2 080 руб.

Задания к тексту 4

1. Переведите фразы на английский язык, используя содержание текста 4.

Английский вариант



accept at face value

original price

take care of your interests

respect the interests of others

resolve conflicts

start negotiations from the extreme position

ultimate goal

it may serve as the subject of negotiation

to agree to the terms

to accept /reject the first offer

make unilateral concessions

work out a solution

build long-term business relationships

2. На основании содержания текста 4 определите истинные или ложные данные высказывания


1. Being assertive means accepting the first offer.

2. Sellers should ask for less than they expect to receive.

3. Buyers should offer less than they are prepared to pay.

4. It’s a good strategy to make the first move.

5. It’s a good idea to reject the first offer.

6. You should use any methods to destroy your opponent.

7. A win-win outcome is vital for building lasting business relationships.

3. Прочитайте диалог, обращая внимание на лексику переговоров. Ответьте на вопросы


What items of the contact were negotiated?

What was the outcome?

Задания к тексту 3

1. Определите, к какому виду письма относится данное письмо

2. Из текста письма на...

Контрольная работа
1 460 руб.

II вариант

Задание 1. (Тема: Знаки фонетической транскрипции) Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции.

Образец: lid [lıd]:

tin [tɪn] – олово;

rhythm ['rɪð(ə)m] – ритм;

dear [dɪə] - дорогой, милый;

mere [mɪə] - озеро; пруд;

sneer [snɪə] – высмеивание;

me [miː] – косвен. падеж от I - мне, меня, мной;

lea [liː] - луг, поле;

lee [liː] - защита, укрытие;

neat [niːt] - ясный, точный;

sheet [ʃiːt] – простыня;

mete [miːt] – граница;

text [tekst] – текст;

head [hed] – голова;

tale [teɪl] - рассказ; сказка;

rail [reɪl] - перила, поручни;

day [deɪ] - день; сутки;

chair [ʧɛə] - стул; кресло;

care [kɛə] - забота, попечение;

bear [bɛə] - носить, нести;

there [ðɛə] – там;

term [tɜːm] - срок, определённый период;

girl [gɜːl] - девочка;

burn [bɜːn] - гореть, пылать;

band [bænd] - тесьма, лента;

cut [kʌt] - резать, разрезать;

come [kʌm] - приходить, подходить;

bar [bɑː] - брусок, кусок;

clasp [klɑːsp] - скреплять, застёгивать;

clerk [klɑːk] - клерк, оф. служащий;

heart [hɑːt] – сердце;

fly [flaɪ] – муха;

nine [naɪn] – девять;

lie [laɪ] - ложь, обман;

lye [laɪ] – щёлок;

might [maɪt] - энергия;

mire ['maɪə] - трясина, болото;

how [hau] - как, каким образом;

cloud [klaud] - облако;

tower ['tauə] – башня;

hour [auə] – час;

lot [lɔt] – жребий;

toy [tɔɪ] - забава, игрушка;

dose [dəus] – доза;

go [gəu] - идти, ехать;

roe [rəu] –...

Контрольная работа
850 руб.

Практическое занятие 8

Цель занятия: научиться читать тексты, переводить их, письменно составлять высказывания по заданной тематике, совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи, отработка умения составления вопросов по тексту.

Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов)

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

This kindergarten is known as “The Sun.” Almost 160 children, ages 2 to 7, make up eight classes of children. Each class is grouped together by age.

In the kindergarten, there are spaces created just for children: an art room, a gym, a music room, a game room, and a “museum” for professionals’ and children’s paintings. In addition to the regular classrooms, there are bedrooms, cloakrooms, and bathrooms for each group.

The kindergarten opens at 7:00 a.m.; however, the majority of the young children are brought to school by their parents anywhere from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. Whenever the child arrives, she or he is always greeted with a smile. From 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m., the children do their morning exercises, then wash their faces and brush their teeth. Next, they eat their breakfast.

Around 9:00 in the morning, the game...

Контрольная работа
710 руб.

Цель занятия: научиться читать тексты, переводить их, письменно составлять высказывания по заданной тематике, совершенствование навыков устной и письменной речи, отработка умения составления вопросов по тексту.

Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов)

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

This kindergarten is known as “The Sun.” Almost 160 children, ages 2 to 7, make up eight classes of children. Each class is grouped together by age.

In the kindergarten, there are spaces created just for children: an art room, a gym, a music room, a game room, and a “museum” for professionals’ and children’s paintings. In addition to the regular classrooms, there are bedrooms, cloakrooms, and bathrooms for each group.

The kindergarten opens at 7:00 a.m.; however, the majority of the young children are brought to school by their parents anywhere from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. Whenever the child arrives, she or he is always greeted with a smile. From 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m., the children do their morning exercises, then wash their faces and brush their teeth. Next, they eat their breakfast.

Around 9:00 in the morning, the game activities begin. These...

Контрольная работа
1 140 руб.

IV вариант

Задание 1. (Тема: Знаки фонетической транскрипции) Напишите следующие слова в транскрипции.

Образец: lid [lıd] - крышка:

mill - [mɪl] – мельница;

Sphynx - [sfinngsk] – сфинкс;

shear - [ʃɪə] – стричь; стрижка (шерсти);

beer - [bɪə] – пиво;

mere - [mɪə] – болото, озеро, пруд;

tier - ['taɪə] – лента, тесьма, шнурок;

be - [biː] – быть;

flee - [fliː] – убегать, избегать;

flea - [fliː] – блоха;

sheep - [ʃiːp] – овца;

cheap - [ʧiːp] – дешевый, скупой;

rheme - [riːm] - рема;

pet - [pet] – домашний любимец;

tread - [tred] – поступь, шаги;

late - [leɪt] – поздний, задержка;

bail -[beɪl] – залог, заклад;

lay - [leɪ] – класть, накрывать (стол);

lair - [lɛə] – берлога;

dare - [dɛə] – вызов;

there - [ðɛə] – там;

bear - [bɛə] - медведь;

nurse - [nɜːs] – сиделка, медсестра;

nerve - [nɜːv] – нерв;

thirst - [θɜːst] – жажда;

bad - [bæd] -плохой, скверный;

hut - [hʌt] - лачуга, хижина;

son - [sʌn] – сын;

scar - [skɑː] - рубец, шрам;

clerk - [klɑːk] - клерк, офисный служащий;

task - [tɑːsk] - задача; задание; урок;

hearth - [hɑːθ] - дом, домашний очаг;

cry - [kraɪ] – крик, плач;

mile - [maɪl] – миля;

pie - [paɪ] - пирог; пирожок;

tye - [taɪ] – желоб для добывания руды;

right - [raɪt] - правый, правильный; верный;

sire - ['saɪə] - ваше величество, сир; отец, предок; жеребец;

town - [taun] - город;...

Контрольная работа
850 руб.
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