
Analysis of the Interview Plan

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Код 77704
Дата создания 2013
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1 Interview Set Up & Methods 2
2 Interview plan and process 3
3 Interview/Evaluation Form 3
4 Interview plan checklist 4
List of references 6

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

- What in work gives you motivation?-You are able to work under pressure? Give some examples.- Describe collective in which worked-In what working atmosphere to you would be comfortable to work ? What type of chiefs to you to liking?-Have yousucceeded working in team?- What other positions you consider as possible (suitable)?- What your expectations (the vital purposes)- Why you chose this profession (that is pleasant in work why chose this specialty)- What income you consider (on time and after a trial period)-Have you got any questions4 InterviewplanchecklistAt positively decision it is necessary to prepare conclusions about the candidate, its summary with explanatory notes, to make the scheme of possible monetary compensation. All documents are transferred to the head of department who will carry out one more interview and will give the final answer if the applicant is hired. Table 1 - ChecklistCharacteristicsResume analysisPersonal data analysisTest analysisInterviewIntelligenceEruditionProfessional skillsCommunication skillsPersonal characteristicsWorkingcapacityTalentMotivationInterview will reveal knowledge, skills and abilities of applicant that is necessary to this position:ManagementskillsBeabletotakedecisionsCommunicationskillsBe able to train other peopleAlso description of precious work experience will show if applicant has necessary abilities for position:Apply and verifications of hotel policiesTo supervise and control the Front deskCommunicatewellwithothersdepartmentTo handle crisis situation like overbooking and rehousingInnovate and propose new ideas in order to improve customer satisfactionBe able to anticipate forecast and put different strategies to maximize the revenueAnticipateguest’sneedsDevelop relationship with guest in order to create customer satisfaction and customer loyaltyPost-maintenance and information processing includes the feedback organization to the candidate by results of interview – in case of positive, and the negative decision.List of referencesDedro J. HR-manager //Kadrovik, 2011, N 2Birusova O. HR in company, 2011.-N 6Chuncheva T. Interview: preparation and carrying out.-M.:Infa-M, 2011.- 218 p.

Список литературы

List of references
Dedro J. HR-manager //Kadrovik, 2011, N 2
Birusova O. HR in company, 2011.-N 6
Chuncheva T. Interview: preparation and carrying out.-M.:Infa-M, 2011.- 218 p.
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