
To open a shop is easy, to keep it open is an art' Chinese proverb

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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Rule Four - keep it simple . In fact, most of the questions are easy to solve , until you start to complicate them . This results in an incredibly complex structure of prices , discount schemes that are difficult even for your sales staff , advertising in the quarter page size that can fit six illustrations and list of eleven characteristics of the goods , with the instruction booklet , which you can understand , but having a doctoral degree , and the form is so long and convoluted that respondents may not understand the meaning of questions , and analysts can not understand the answers.Complexity - the enemy economy. The secret of success lies in the clarity of purpose , clearly aimed at achieving the end result. Meditate , socialize, do yourself and keep it simple . It may still not all marketing , but it is a way to " squeeze" the greatest results from any amount of available funds . In fact, these four rules would be redundant, and not for marketing organization in the presence of large or medium amounts of funding , but for marketing on a limited budget ( low-cost marketing ), they are the key to success.ReferenceNew Market Leader Intermediate Teacher's Book / New Market Leader. - Longman. Bill Mascull. 214 Pages.Yano Research Institute Ltd. ed. (2008), Luxury Import Brand Market in Japan 2008,Yano Research Institute Ltd. (in Japanese)Nagasawa, Shin'ya (2008), The Principles of LOUIS Vuitton -- The Strongest BrandStrategy -, proceedings of 5th International Symposium on ManagementEngineering 2008, R41, pp.l-5Nagasawa, Shin'ya ed. (2006), with Nagasawa's Laboratory in the Waseda BusinessSchool, Creating Customer Experience in Long Standing Companies: DesignManagement of Encounters with Customers, Doyukan. (in Japanese) andCorporate Synergy Development Center (Taipei) (translated in Chinese, 2008)

Список литературы

1. New Market Leader Intermediate Teacher's Book / New Market Leader. - Longman. Bill Mascull. 214 Pages.
2. Yano Research Institute Ltd. ed. (2008), Luxury Import Brand Market in Japan 2008, Yano Research Institute Ltd. (in Japanese)
3. Nagasawa, Shin'ya (2008), The Principles of LOUIS Vuitton -- The Strongest Brand Strategy -, proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Management Engineering 2008, R41, pp.l-5
4. Nagasawa, Shin'ya ed. (2006), with Nagasawa's Laboratory in the Waseda Business School, Creating Customer Experience in Long Standing Companies: Design Management of Encounters with Customers, Doyukan. (in Japanese) andCorporate Synergy Development Center (Taipei) (translated in Chinese, 2008)
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