
Critical Reflection and Analysis of the portfolio

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Код 77646
Дата создания 2013
Страниц 7
Источников 9
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1. Job Analysis 2
2. The benefits of using social media to attract applicants 3
3. The benefits of a job description 4
4. Person specification 5
5. The effectiveness of the interview 6
List of reference 8

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

( Blank I.A., 2007)Front desk manager’sduties arenot difficult, but psychological stress. Age is not pre-retirement, because a stress at work serious. One of the main characteristic is sociability therefore we look for students, workers of creative professions. Thus places of work shouldn't be too much. Motivation of such employee is simple – stability, flexible hours. The salary has to be low. Front desk manager has to possess such qualities as skill to communicate, responsibility, sense of duty", learning ability. These characteristics testify that the company looks for not the genius of a creative with aiming at career growth, and quiet and it is desirable not so ambitious performer.General Requirements:Having positive and professional attitudeHigh motivation, Customer orientedStrong leadership with the ability to guide, coach, motivate and give vision to teamGood communication both spoken and written in EnglishProficient in WindowsAbility to stand during entire shift.Organized, results oriented with the ability to be flexible and stressful   Communication skills both verbally and written, with all level of employees and guests in an attentive, friendly, courteous and service oriented manner. Be able to multitask and prioritize departmental functions to meet deadlines. Maintain high standards of personal appearance and grooming, which include wearing nametags. Effectiveness in handling problems, including anticipating, preventing, identifying and solving problems The effectiveness of the interviewInterview is one of the most responsible stages in recruitment. Interview has perfect theoretical base and long-term practice of application confirming its effectiveness. The question which interview answers whether the candidate will steadily show demanded behavior in working situations (Gareth Roberts, 2007).Carrying out interview to the candidates is labor-consuming and responsible. As practice shows, most of all the mistakes aremade at this stage. Good preparation for a meeting with candidates helps the HR manager to avoid many difficulties connected with recruitment. Mistakes in a choice of the employee lead to deplorable results: the candidate comes to work; the company spends time, money, efforts in adaptation, training of the employee and not always receives necessary result.List of referenceBasovsky L.E. HR Management / L.E. Basovsky - M: Infra-M, 2008. - 240 p.Blank I.A. How to find a good worker/ I.A.Blank -M. : Nick Center, 2007. - 592 p.Gareth Roberts Recruitment and Selection: A Competency Approach.-CIPD Publishing, 2007.- 256 p.Lou Adler Hire with Your Head: Using Power Hiring to Build Great Companies.- John Wiley & Sons, 2009.- 352 p.Recruiting in social media//practice of trade, 2012.- № 8Recruitment 2.0.//http://www.luxoft-personnel.ru/press/articles/recruitment_2_0/Rob Yeung Successful Interviewing and Recruitment.-Kogan Page, 2008.- 160 p.Sheremet A.D. Human resource management of the modern organization: studies. grant. / A.D.Sheremet, A.F.Ionova. - 2nd edition.- M: Infra-M, 2007. - 479 p.Sullivan J. A WOW Recruiting Opportunity — Micro-Videos on Twitter and Instagram// http://drjohnsullivan.com/a-wow-recruiting-opportunity-micro-videos-on-twitter-and-instagram/, July 08, 2013

Список литературы [ всего 9]

1. Basovsky L.E. HR Management / L.E. Basovsky - M: Infra-M, 2008. - 240 p.
2. Blank I.A. How to find a good worker/ I.A.Blank -M. : Nick Center, 2007. - 592 p.
3. Gareth Roberts Recruitment and Selection: A Competency Approach.- CIPD Publishing, 2007.- 256 p.
4. Lou Adler Hire with Your Head: Using Power Hiring to Build Great Companies.- John Wiley & Sons, 2009.- 352 p.
5. Recruiting in social media//practice of trade, 2012.- № 8
6. Recruitment 2.0.//http://www.luxoft-personnel.ru/press/articles/recruitment_2_0/
7. Rob Yeung Successful Interviewing and Recruitment.- Kogan Page, 2008.- 160 p.
8. Sheremet A.D. Human resource management of the modern organization: studies. grant. / A.D. Sheremet, A.F. Ionova. - 2nd edition.- M: Infra-M, 2007. - 479 p.
9. Sullivan J. A WOW Recruiting Opportunity — Micro-Videos on Twitter and Instagram// http://drjohnsullivan.com/a-wow-recruiting-opportunity-micro-videos-on-twitter-and-instagram/, July 08, 2013
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