
Communication Policy of Victoria`s Secret-Digital Communication (на английском языке)

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Источников 7
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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Catalog under Raymond's control took form of an high-class version of Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie index being more opulent than catalog available under future leadership of The Limited. In 1982 the VS catalog cost only $3.New York Times informed that VS's monetary success catalogues' inclined other catalogues who altered to present lingerie as "dreamy and physical but elegant" "in which models are photographed in ladylike poses against stylish backgrounds."This led to VS dominationin catalog field for "sexy lingerie and nightwear." Catalogs allowed for consumers to review entire range of product hand-outs, along axes of color,style and fabric. VS accepted catalog orders using telephone 24 hours each day.Catalog mailing rose for 20 years from 1978 peaking at 400 million mailings per annum in 1998. From 1998 through to 2002 mailings declined to 350 million yearly.VS's catalog offers a more various range of retail.Los Angeles Times described catalog in 2000 as having achieved "an almost cult-like following."In 1995 VS began constructionof its e-commerce website which company started after 3 years of development at 6 p.m. December 4, 1998, by using domain VictoriasSecret.com. 20 minutes later first order was placed on website from Littleton, Colorado, customer sharply at 6:20 p.m.It was reported that 3 year development was a result of company's concern of rolling out half-baked website that could "discourage return visits".Viewers who logged onto VS's website to see company's first webcast of its fashion show on February 3, 1999, were totally unable to see webcast due to Internet infrastructure VS's selected was powerless to meet user demand which caused some users to be incapable to see webcast.Decade later in 2008 VS launched its website in Spanish.ConclusionFame, worldwideproductknowledge, extra1,000 stores and strong presence boosted revenues at VS. Brand hits on all cylinders – design,hiring, execution, consistency and product. Free media, fresh productand brand new supermodels upholdattention and noise. While VS opened its first U.K. flagship in London, investors are edgy with its slow intercontinentalextension in view of its sales energy and trade nameappreciation from China to U.S. CEO Les Wexner is going oncarefully, trying markets in Canada, U.K. and Middle East.ReferencesChristopher P. Victoria's Secret Is Sexy Again // Bloomberg Business week. December 4, 2006. Groves M. Victoria's Secret Won't Keep Secret Anymore // Los Angeles Times, September 18, 1989.Lodish L.M., Morgan H.L., Archambeau S. Marketing That Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any Sized Company. Pearson Education. p. 30, March 21, 2007. Melise R. Internet crimes, torts and scams: investigation and remedies. Oxford University Press. January 15, 2010.Sanders T. Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends. Random House Digital, Inc. pp. 34-37, July 22, 2003.Quick R. Victoria's Secret Has Lesson for the Web: Lingerie Exerts Pull – 'Cybercast' of Underwear Was Such a Smash That Many Were Left Out in Cold // The Wall Street Journal, February 5, 1999Traub M., Lisa Marsh Marvin Traub: Like No Other Career. – Assouline Publishing Corporation. pp. 145–173, September 15, 2008.Wedlan C. "The Pillar of Panties" // Los Angeles Times. August 11, 2000.

Список литературы [ всего 7]

1. Christopher P. Victoria's Secret Is Sexy Again // Bloomberg Business week. December 4, 2006. Groves M. Victoria's Secret Won't Keep Secret Anymore // Los Angeles Times, September 18, 1989.
2. Lodish L.M., Morgan H.L., Archambeau S. Marketing That Works: How Entrepreneurial Marketing Can Add Sustainable Value to Any Sized Company. Pearson Education. p. 30, March 21, 2007.
3. Melise R. Internet crimes, torts and scams: investigation and remedies. Oxford University Press. January 15, 2010.
4. Sanders T. Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends. Random House Digital, Inc. pp. 34-37, July 22, 2003.
5. Quick R. Victoria's Secret Has Lesson for the Web: Lingerie Exerts Pull – 'Cybercast' of Underwear Was Such a Smash That Many Were Left Out in Cold // The Wall Street Journal, February 5, 1999
6. Traub M., Lisa Marsh Marvin Traub: Like No Other Career. – Assouline Publishing Corporation. pp. 145–173, September 15, 2008.
7. Wedlan C. "The Pillar of Panties" // Los Angeles Times. August 11, 2000.
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