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The first and the major point is the fact that English language incompetence among international students who are willing to commence study in the U.K. primarily affects students’ academic performance. A strong evidence was presented by The Association of International Student Assimilation (AISA).
It is argued that international students who struggle with their English language skills may face complications while studying at any of U.K. higher education institution. Those students who find it unnecessary, tedious or simply underestimate the importance of learning English before coming to the country where it is widely spoken tend to attempt to handle the issue after their arrival, thus it creates more problems that a newcomer could have expected to have.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
International students and their struggles with English language
All the information below is provided in a concise version to avoid any illegal copyrighting.
Список литературы
Reference List:
• Kotter ,J. 2015, Language: Still a barrier to success for international students
• Martin ,J.S. 2003, Analysing the Contrasts in Academic Writing between Native and International Students in a UK Context
• Vance ,F. 2016 Finding International Student Success
Works Cited:
• The Association of International Student Assimilation (2015):
o “Students themselves reported difficultly in comprehending lectures due to a combination of poor listening skills and lack of vocabulary”
• J.S.Martin(2003):
o “In short, because they have written using the common structure of their mother tongue, their argument is not clear to the English reader and their writing comes across as very disorganised”
• Leech (2015,as cited in F.Vance,2016):
o “In a recent study at several British universities, it has been identified that students who attended an EAP course, either as part of their foundation year or as a bespoke Pre-Sessional Course, attained notably better grades in their first year at university compared to those who did not attend such courses”
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