
Moscow is the best capital

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Moscow is the historical capital of the Russia. The exact age of the city isn't known. In the second half of the 13th century Moscow became the center of the independent country. The it has been located on crossing of trade ways that has allowed it to grow. In XIV — the beginning of the 15th century Moscow was the large trade city. So at the end of the 15th century it became the capital of the largest country - Russia.


Moscow is the capital of the capitals. It is a heart of our country, the chronicle of times and the best city on the Earth and the biggest in Russia. More than twelve million people live and work here. It has an interesting history and plays a great role in economics and politics of the world. It is an important touristic center and a huge transportation hub. Moscow can be also called a city of contrasts: different people live here, there can be found churches of different faiths, the busy districts are located near the sleeping areas.
The city is located on the river Moscow. On the card it can be found in the center of the East European Plain. In the city there are a lot of federal public authorities of the Russian Federation and local governments. Moscow is the largest financial center. The most part of economy copes the capital. The largest banks and offices of the companies are also concentrated in the city.

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