
Critical evaluation of the marketing strategies of a fashion or luxury brand

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Код 589193
Дата создания 2016
Страниц 13
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Introduction 2
1 Brand Analysis 3
1.1 Company history 3
1.2 Vision and mission 4
1.3 Ownership 5
1.4 Business description 5
1.5 Business performance 7
2 Market Analysis 8
2.1 The market demand 8
2.2 The competition 9
2.3 The distribution system 11
References 12
Bibliography 13


The given research aims to give critical evaluation of the marketing strategies of a luxury brand, namely the company known as Massimo Dutti. Recently the company has enlarged its markets and become one of the brands, distributed by the Indetex Group.
According to the aim of the research, the following goals are to be reached:
• To carry out brand Analysis by giving details on company history, its vision and mission, ownership;
• To provide description on its business performance;
• To produce market analysis by looking at the market demand, the competition and the distribution system.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Table 5 – Advisable improvements and core features in promoting
As it can be seen, the most attractive segment of the market is women with high income. The advantage of this segment is calculated to be 27%. The type of competitiveness is considered to be satisfactory. The advertisement should be based mainly on the uniqueness of the brand as well as updated product range. However, to improve the competitiveness, it is necessary to pay more attention to comfort. The rate for the products is negative (-1.5).
Innovations have been named a factor driving business development. Enhanced focus on business innovation development will be made in the nearest future as well as become a usual part of the company life. Leaders within the Massimo Dutti are confident in their decisions in the field of innovation: they say they have implemented tools that can protect innovation and support their efforts to the most capable employees, as the quality of leadership can be used as an indicator of the effectiveness of innovation. What is more, objective assessment of leadership skills has been given to some employees as strong or very strong. Therefore, it can be concluded, that company has every advantages to win the employees, since it has a straightforward detailed policy and efficient leaders as well as implementation of the recent innovations both marketing and H&R departments.

Список литературы

1 Chang, Wei-Lun, Hsieh-Liang Lin. (2010). The impact of color traits on corporate branding. Afr. J. Bus. Manage 4.15.
2 Hall, D., Stamp, J. (2004). Meaningful Marketing. Oxford: Oxford Press.
3 Keller, K. L., Lehmann D. R.(2003). The brand value chain: Optimizing strategic and financial brand performance. Marketing Management (May/June).
4 Keller, K. L. (2003). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, 2d ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
5 Kohli, C.,. LaBahn, D.W. (1997). Creating effective brand names: A study of the naming process. J. Advertising Res. (January/February).
6 Kotler, P., Keller, K.L. (2006). Marketing Management. 12th ed. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
7 Schmitt B. H., Simonson A. (1997). Marketing Aesthetics: The Strategic Management of Brands, Identity and Image. Free Press, New York.
8 Swann Sc. (2012). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Product Design, Innovation, and Branding. International Marketing: Creative Research on Branding.
9 Trout J. (2001). Big Brands, Big Trouble. Oxford: Oxford Press.

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