
Business evaluation in USA

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Код 589089
Дата создания 2016
Страниц 21
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1 Analysis of business’s evaluation and company’s cost management in the USA. 2
2 Factors affecting economic development of the USA 9
2.1 Political and legal factors 9
2.2 Economic issues of further development and technologies 10
2.3 Social and Cultural factors 12
3 Evaluating business effectiveness in the US 14
References: 21



Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The American economy model is becoming very popular all over the world. Economics is studied in universities in all parts of the Globe and business evaluating practices became common all around the world. This happens for two reasons. At first, the rules of economics proved to be true and workable. The second reason is that the heritage and experience of operating enterprises in the economy to which all other countries move forward is very precious. Nobody wants to make mistakes and operate a business being blind.
One of the important concepts for business evaluation is economic profit. It is the primary determinant or whether new firms decide to enter an industry and whether existing firms continue to produce or leave the industry in the long run. Another concept is capitalising future earnings. It is used to value small businesses. It considers the rate of return on investment (ROI) that you can expect to get from the business. Among the others is asset valuation method.
The most promising and contemporary method of business evaluation is total cost management (TCM). This process is based on broadly accepted principles of product cycle and it applies to all industries. It can be used by all levels of businesses and in all areas, academic, and institutional environments (customers, subcontractors, government, prime contractors, construction managers, design-build, etc.) all around the world.

Список литературы

1. Hyman, D. N. (1989) Economics. McGraw Hill: IRWIN.
2. Markgraf, B. How to evaluate a Company’s Performance. Available from: http://www.smallbusiness.chron.com [Accessed on 1 December, 2016].
3. Supyan, V.B. (2003). EconomicaSShA. SPb.: Piter.
4. Weisbrod G., Weisbrod B (1997) Measuring economic impacts of projects and programs. Economic Development Research Group. Available from: http://www.edrgroup.com.econ-impact0primer.pdf [Accessed on 3 December, 2016].
5. Williams, J. Political factors that affect development. Available at http://makewealthhistory.org [Accessed on 1 December, 2016].
6. Stephenson, H.L. (ed.) (2015) Total Cost Management Framework. An Integrated Approach to Portfolio, Program, and Project Management. Morgantown: AACE International.

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