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589080 |
Дата создания |
2016 |
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Chapter I. Immigration policies of countries importing labor resources
Chapter II. Immigration policy of the countries – exporters of labor resources 8
Chapter III. The problem of immigrant entrepreneurs
List of references
World experience shows that labor migration provides indisputable advantages to both receiving and supplying countries. But this can lead to and even exacerbate socio-economic problems.
To neutralize the negative impacts and enhance the positive effect received from labor migration, the tools of public policy are usually used. Mistakes in the choice of targets of migration policies cause an undesirable reaction in the form of increased irregular migration and the subsequent social activity of returning migrants. Especially obvious in this area are inefficiency of tough legislative measures and the need for indirect coordinating influences from States and governments.
The goal of this study is to analyze the phenomenon of immigrant entrepreneurs.
In order to achieve this goal it seems necessary to solve the following tasks:
1) to explore the immigration policies of countries importing labor resources;
2) to analyze the immigration policy of the countries – exporters of labor resources;
3) to research the main opportunities of immigrant entrepreneurs.
The methodological basis of the research is the complex of general scientific and private scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and others.
Structurally the work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and the list of references.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Overall, the performed analysis of entrepreneurship of immigrants disproves the idea that immigrants are greater prone towards entrepreneurship than the local population but also shows that immigrants can negatively affect the entrepreneurship of the local population.
Newcomers tend to create a specific model of ethnic enclave economy, which could have a negative impact on the labor market and the development of entrepreneurship of the local population, especially in the regions with the mass influx of immigrants from the same country.
Among the negative consequences of entrepreneurial activities of immigrants a reduction in economic efficiency and limit competition, tax evasion, declining quality of employment could be mentioned.
Список литературы
1) Borjas G., Freeman R., Katz L. How Much Do Immigration and Trade Affect Labor Market Outcome? – In: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1. – Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2007. – P. 64-92.
2) Camatota S. The Labor Market Impact of Immigration // A Review of Recent Studies. – Washington DC: Center for Immigration Studies, 2008.
3) Fairhe R., Bruce D. The Effect of Immigration on Native Self-Employment. – Institute for Policy Research at Northwestern University, 2000.
4) McCarthy K., Vernez G. Immigration in a Changing Economy. – Santa Monica: RAND, 2007.
5) Wilson K. Immigrant Enclaves: Analysis of the Labor Market Experience of Foreigners in Australia // The Australian Journal of Sociology. – 2000. – Vol. 86. № 2. – P. 294-302.
6) Sanders J., Nee V. Immigrant Self-Employment: the family as social capital and the value of human capital //American Sociological Review. – 2009. – Vol. 61. № 2. – P. 225-242.
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