
History of translation in the ancient and ancient world

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Код 583640
Дата создания 2019
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Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
1. History of development the translation studies in Ancient times ……6
1.1 Translations into Greek and their specifics …………………………..6
1.2 Translation in the Arabic world ………………………………………10
1.3 World religions and translation development ………………………..12
2. History of the translation studies development in middle Ages till today………………………………………………………………………………16
2.1 History of translation studies development…………………………. 16
2.2 The theory of translation studies in Renaissance period ……………20
2.3 Translation development in 20 century ……………………………..22
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………27
List of used literary sources ……………………………………………..29


Translation Studies as an academic discipline highlights the history of translation and translation theory. Translation is the process of transferring text from one language into another. And do we know everything about translation? Do we know about history of translation study? About how the theory of translation was developed and how it came to us?
The history of translation - is an academic discipline designed to provide the necessary information on how this art of sending information from one language to another was evolved over time. When we discus history of translation we must think of the theories and names that emerged at its different periods. Actually, each era characterized by exact changes in translation history, but these differ from one to one more. Translation played and plays an input role in the growth of world culture. It is ordinary to think of culture as general and totally separate. If we start to look at the impact of fictional translation, the option of communication clear of anything so restricted by geographic part is clear.
The authors which concerns in their works the theme of my thesis are: I.A. Chistovich, Gorbovskii N.K., Semenec O.E., Panasev A.N., Komissarov V.N., А.V. Fedorov, E.A. Sorokin, L.S. Barkhudarova, V. Vinogradov, G.R. Gachechiladze, Yu. D. Levin, Y.I. Retsker, L.A. Chernyakhovskaya, P.D. Schweitzer, B. Shore, E.G. Etkind; among foreign - J. Catford, Kelly L.I. Left, A. Neubert, P. Newmark, M. Snell-Hornby, J. Steiner, T.R. Steiner, John Holmes
According to V.N. Komissarov, "translated facing different cultures, different personalities, different mindset, different literature, different ages, different levels of development, different traditions and Installations" [1, p. 23].
Before discussing the experience of translation and the history of interpreting teachings, I will give a quote from a well-known theorists and historiographers of European translation of Henri Van Hoof, he begins his book with the history of translation in Western Europe: "If you want to write the story about a translation you must be ready to answer a number of questions: when a translation was appeared? Why we do translate? Is it always translated the same way? Have a history of translation favorable periods? The list of questions could go on. In other words the field of activity - extensive. Indeed the study of the theory of translation to studying the history of the world, the history of civilization, but through the prism of translation and the only difference is that the history of translation does not have the continuity of history on the contrary it reveals a lot of blind spots - both in time and in space. [2, p. 7].
N.K. Garbovsky gave a brief overview of the definitions of "translation", which at one time were given to A.V. Fedorov, A.D. Schweitzer, M. Lederer, J.I. Retskerom, V.S. Vinogradov, R.K. Mignard-Belorucheva, L.S. Barkhudarova and concluded that "any definition of translation, if we want to give it a concise form, will suffer certain one-sidedness.
Also complex phenomenon, it is too contradictory interpretations too ambiguous attitude to it with pleasure consuming the society "[3, p. 12].
Translation as an object, we study the theory of translation, according to N.K. Garbovsky can have the following definition: "Translation - a social communicative function of mediation between people using different language systems, which is realized in the course of psycho-physical activities for bilingual reflection of reality on the basis of his individual abilities of the interpreter, the transition from one semiotic system to another in order to equivalent, i.e., fullest, but always partial, transfer of meanings contained in the initial message from one communicant to another "[3, p. 214].
The development of world society from the viewpoint of translation reveals a stable movement of thoughts and forms of cultures regularly absorbing new influences for the reason that of the labor of translators. It dispels the supposition that the whole thing starts in the West and undermines thought of rigid limitations among East and West. India, China, Iraq and Spain have in different ways wrought European society. India formed ties by means of the Mediterranean in the sixth century BC and medical theories which were created by Greek thinkers similar to Plato and Galen originated from India.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
1. History of development the translation studies in Ancient times ……6
1.1 Translations into Greek and their specifics …………………………..6
1.2 Translation in the Arabic world ………………………………………10
1.3 World religions and translation development ………………………..12
2. History of the translation studies development in middle Ages till today………………………………………………………………………………16
2.1 History of translation studies development…………………………. 16
2.2 The theory of translation studies in Renaissance period ……………20
2.3 Translation development in 20 century ……………………………..22
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………27
List of used literary sources ……………………………………………..29

Список литературы

1.V.N. Komissarov “Общая теория перевода”
2. Henri Van Hoof “histore de la traduction” en Occident Paris 1991 p.7
3. N.K Gorbovskii “Теория перевода” p 12, [4. p 214]
4. A. Tytler “Принципы перевода” p 66
5. A.B. Fedorov Основы общей теории перевода p 14
6. Shweicer A.D. “Теория перевода, статус проблемы, аспекты” 1988 p75
7. G. Steiner “After Babel” Oxford 1975 p 224
8. Нелюбин Л. «Наука о переводе» Мировые религии и их роль в развитии перевода 2008 p 22
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12. Plinii junior writes 1983 p 122
13. Семенец О.Е. Панасьев А.Н. История перевода p 64
14.Nelyubin l.l. «наука о переводе» учебное пособие 2008 P 18
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19.цит по книге Буланин Д.М. указ. соч с 33
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21. Винокур Г.О. «Избранные работы по русскому языку 1959» с 131
22 in several works of Shaplein “Советский энциклопедический словрь” 1980 с 1515
23. Delisle J. Op. cit. P. 54—55. 41 44
24. См.: Daviault P. Traducteurs et traduction au Canada // Mémoires de la Société royale du Canada. Troisième série, 1944. T. XXXVIII. P. 67 et alii
25. Cormier M.C. Francoeur A. bibliographie(1988-1999) Lexicologie, lexicographie, terminologie et terminographie, traduction et interprétation, langues et linguistique, dictionnaires, cédéroms. Document de travail. Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. Réseau LTT. Lexicologie , Terminologie, Traduction. Montréal, 2000
26. Nida, Eugene A. Bible Translating: an Analysis of Principles and Procedures. N.Y., American Bible Society, 1947. P 54
27. Nida, Eugene A. Language Structure and Translation. Essays. Stanford (Calif.), 1975. p 125
28. Опубликована в сборнике статей №29 Московского государственного областного университета "Проблемы теории языка и переводоведения". М.:Изд-во МГОУ, 2006. - С.50-63.
29. Melnikova E.A, “Меч и лира Англосаксонское общество в истории и эпосе” 1987 с 54
30. Amos F.R. Early theories of translation New York 1920 p 3-4
31. Blake N.F. The English language in Medieval literature London 1978 p 15
32. V.N.Komissarov Общая теория перевода. Москва, 1999. P 6
33. Horguelin P. La profession du traducteur. Société des traducteurs du Québec
1974. P. 75
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35.«Синие книги» — сборники дипломатических документов. Delisle J. Op. cit. P. 23.
36. Цит. по.: Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод. М., 1975. С. 231.
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