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582925 |
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2018 |
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Introduction ………………………………………………………………..………3
Сhapter 1.Categorial characteristics of numerals and pronauns………………….5
1.1 Categorial characteristics of numerals………………………………………… 5
1.2 Categorial characteristics of prononus………………………………………... 7
Summary of Part 1 ………………………………………………………………..10
Chapter 2. Functional characteristics of nunerals and pronauns…………………11
2.1 Functional characteristics of numerals………………………………………..11
2.2 Functional characteristics of prononus……………………………………….13
2.3 Exercises ……………………………………………………………………...14
Sumary of Part 2 ………………………………………………………………….18
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………..21
Bibliography……………………………………………………………………... 23
The problem of pronouns is one of the most difficult problems in the English language. Pronouns are traditionally defined as part of a speech that points to objects, signs and quantities, but does not name them. This understanding is not at present generally accepted. In order to include pronouns in the system of parts of speech, it is necessary to consider in more detail the features of the meaning and formal indices of pronominal words.
A numeral is a part of speech that includes words denoting the number (one, two, three, four, five) or the ordinal number of the object (first copy, second car, third house). The numerals are also not easy to use, as it is distinguished by a significant variety of synonymous forms, stylistic variants that deserve close attention both in terms of studying the resources of morphology, and in terms of preventing morphological and stylistic mistakes in speech.
The relevance of the selected topic is due to the need to further comprehend the problem of pronouns and numerals.
The purpose of the work is to show the place occupied by pronouns and names in the English style.
The object of this work are pronouns and numerals, and the subject is the role of pronouns and numerals in English.
The following tasks were set:
- to show the semantic and functional-stylistic features of pronouns;
-to remove morphological-stylistic errors in the use of pronouns;
- to determine the peculiarities of using the names of numerals in different styles of speech;
The work consists of an introduction, two sections, an opinion, and a list of references.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Introduction ………………………………………………………………..………3
Сhapter 1.Categorial characteristics of numerals and pronauns………………….5
1.1 Categorial characteristics of numerals………………………………………… 5
1.2 Categorial characteristics of prononus………………………………………... 7
Summary of Part 1 ………………………………………………………………..10
Chapter 2. Functional characteristics of nunerals and pronauns…………………11
2.1 Functional characteristics of numerals………………………………………..11
2.2 Functional characteristics of prononus……………………………………….13
2.3 Exercises ……………………………………………………………………...14
Sumary of Part 2 ………………………………………………………………….18
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………..21
Bibliography……………………………………………………………………... 23
Список литературы
1 Gordon EM, Krylova IP A Grammar of Present Day English, Moscow, 1980. p. 268-304
2 Weichman GA New in English grammar, M., 1990.220 p.
3 Internet: Rubtsova MG Teaching reading of English scientific and technical literature. Lexical and grammatical handbook, Moscow, 1989 (http://www.surgery.eastcomm.ru/lib/eng/rubtsova/par1_8.htm)
4 Internet: Berkner SS, Penkov BV Some of the Lexico-Semantic features of the American Secondary School Language of the Second Half of the 20th Century (Pupils and Teachers) / Language Communication and Social Environment, Issue 1, Voronezh, 2001 (http: // tpl1999.narod.ru/WebLSE2001/BerkPenk.htm)
5 Verkhovskaya IP, Rastorgueva TA, Barmina LA English verb.Difficulties of use in speech, M., 1987.350 p.
6 Izraelevich EE, Kachalova KN Practical Grammar of the English Language, M, 1953. p. 67-239
7 Ilyish BA The Structure of Modern English, Leningrad, 1971. p. 66-73
8 Internet: http://rusgram.narod.ru
9 Clouse RA A Reference Grammar for Students of English, M., 1979.341 p.
10 Koblov G. Ya.English language, M., 1972.245 p.
11 Mikhelson TN, Uspenskaya NV A Collection of Exercises in the Basic Sections of the Grammar of the English Language. Practical Manual, Leningrad, 1978. p. 182-236
12 Redford E. Why do the English say so, M., 1964.230 p.
13 Smirnova LN Course of English for Scientists, L., 1990. 289 p.
14 Internet: http://www.anriintern.com/leseng/641_660.html
15 Intern: englspace / online / lesson22 / index.shtml
16 Internet: accent.hotmail/languages/english/pronoun.html
17 Internet: langust / unit_ur / ureg_037.shtml
18 Internet: gambit / ~ wolf / home / hornby.htm
19 Internet: sch-yuri.narod / student / veikman / veik3.htm
20 Georgian I. IA Just about the main thing.Grammar of the English Language, L., 2001.360 pp.
21 Dyukanova MN Practical Grammar of the English Language, Moscow, 2001, 224 p.
22 Gee R. - Grammar of the English Language, L., 2001, 46 p.
23. Belyaeva M.A. Grammar of the English language: a textbook / М.А. Belyaeva. - Moscow: Higher School, 2006. -333p.
24. M. Blokh. Theoretical grammar of the English language: textbook / M.Ya. Bloch. - Moscow: Higher School, 2005. - 178s.
25. Espersen O. Philosophy of grammar: textbook / O. Espersen. - Moscow: Moscow, 2004 - 400s.
26. Zverkhovskaya E.V. English grammar.Theory. Practice: a tutorial / E.V. Zverkhovskaya. - M .: Onyx 21, 2010 - 304s.
27. Ilyish B.A. Modern English: a textbook / B.А. Jabotinsky. - M .: Literature Publishing House in Foreign Languages, 2007 - 347p.
28. Ivanova II, Burlakova VV, Pocheptsov GG, Theoretical grammar of the modern English language: a textbook / I.Ivanova. - Moscow: Higher School, 2008 - 285s.
29. Raevskaya N.M. Theoretical grammar of the modern English language: a textbook / Н.М. Rayevskaya. - Moscow: Higher School, 2004 - 236c
30. Shevchuk DA Practical and theoretical grammar of the English language (English grammar) / DA Shevchuk. - M: EKSMO, 2009, - 292p.
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