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2016 |
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1. Formation of basic data. Creation of model
2. Construction and analysis of linear models
3. Logarithmic models
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Functioning of the market of real estate, its development and problems of pricing in this market indissolubly are also closely connected with environment factors. Thus for the local markets of real estate of the large cities the most significant at the present stage of development are the ecological factors considerably influencing formation of market value of real estate, and, therefore, and regional economy in general.
To estimate extent of influence of ecological factors on the cost of real estate it is expedient to consider the local markets of the large cities. First because one of the most burning issues of the large cities is the intense ecological situation and the raised role of the ecological factors influencing economic and social situation of the large cities. Concentration of production, technogenic factors and processes, overpopulation of the territory, mass waste of activity create and aggravate environmental problems not only in the territory of the city, but also is far behind its borders, increasing risk of natural and technogenic catastrophes.
Secondly, within the large city various local markets of real estate and specifics of development of the large city which is that districts of the city develop unevenly can be considered, conducts to that the ecological situation in the local markets will be various.
According to GPBU "Mosekomonitoring" in the downtown has the main impact on ecology autotransport (80% of pollution within the Garden ring). Also strong pollution from motor transport is felt along large highways (50-250 meters, depending on building and green plantings). The industrial enterprises are located generally in the southeast (along the Moskva River) and the city East. The "purest" areas — Yasenevo, Krylatskoye, Strogino, the region of the subway Southwest, and also outside the belt road — Mitino, Solntsevo. "Dirtiest" - Maryino, Brateyevo, Lyublino, areas in the Garden ring.
Annually GPBU "Mosekomonitoring" are published ecological Moscow maps and Moscow area on the basis who can be determined a state of environment by various indicators. The ecological map of a condition of atmospheric air in Central federal district of the capital is presented in the appendix 2.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
In the presented research creation of the multiple models revealing dependence between the cost of square meter of the one-room apartment in various districts of the city of Moscow from the level of pollution of atmospheric air and characteristics of the apartment is executed.
The linear models constructed during work were insufficiently adequate and significant for an assessment of interrelation of indicators while logarithmic models revealed stable and significant relation between ecological factors — concentration of carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide of nitrogen and cost of square meter of real estate in Moscow.
Список литературы
1. Atabiyev A.Kh. (2011). Economic instruments of ensuring ecological safety. M.: Institute of problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences market.
2. Bobrov A.L. (2012). Social and ecology-economic stability of regions of Russia. M.: MSU.
3. Bobyliov S. N. (2013). Greening of economic development. M.: MSU.
4. Government of Moscow. Department of environmental management and environmental protection of the city of Moscow. GPBU "Mosekomonitoring". [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.mosecom.ru/.
5. CYAN of GROUPS. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.cian.ru.
6. RealEstate. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.realestate.ru.
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