
Gradation in Different Types of Texts

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Introduction 2
1 General Notion on Gradation 3
1.1 Definition of Gradation 3
1.2 British Linguistic School’s Approach 4
2 Gradation in Different Types of Texts 7
Conclusion 10
Bibliography 11


Latin word ‘Gradatio’ translated as ‘gradual increase’. This linguistic term refers to a figure of poetic language, which uses syntactic repetitions and an arrangement of words and expressions that there is an increase of semantic significance of the preceding word or the descent of the meaning of the expression. However, there is still the question of gradation application in other types of texts.
Consequently, the goal of the research is to look at gradation in different types of texts. In order to achieve the goal, the following objectives are set:
1) To provide general notion on gradation (climax) in the foreign scientific discourse;
2) To look at possible definitions of gradation in general and by British Linguistic School;
3) To define peculiarities of British Linguistic School approach;
4) To study gradation in different types of texts.
The given paper consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography and mainly applies such methods as restructuring of the existing information on gradation. The clarification of term invariants (gradation and climax) is also provided.

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Thus, it can be concluded that stylistics studies the special media of language which are called stylistic devices and expressive means. Expressive means and stylistic devices form three large groups of phonetic, lexical, syntactical means and devices. Each group is further subdivided according to the principle, purpose and function of a mean or a device in an utterance. Graduation is one of the art tools for creating figurative speech. This stylistic device (figure) is characterized by a growing sense of the importance of words or phrases or vice versa.
Firstly, climax in journalistic texts carries excretory-logical and evaluation functions. Text-forming, emotional reinforcement, expressional and characterological functions are less frequent for journalistic texts. The evaluation function is one of the most typical.
Secondly, logic function is not only one of the most frequent functions of climax in speeches and oratory discourse; it dominates over all other functions. Apparently, this is due to the need to allocate up to date information on the general background. Less typical for oratory types are emotional reinforcement and characterological functions.
Thirdly, fiction is characterized by such climax stylistic features as emotional reinforcement, excretory-logical, expressional functions. Characterological and creating rhythm functions are less frequent. In the language of fiction, climax use has its own peculiarities, which consists of the functional-stylistic varieties of climax presented by emotionally-expressive type.
The prospects of the future research possibilities are conceded to be both in more detailed study of gradation functions in different types of texts and more discourse-driven researches.

Список литературы

1 Allan, K., Burridge, K. Forbidden Words. Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, 2006.
2 Bullinger, E. W. Figures of Speech Used in the Bible. London, MerrilPrint: 2012.
3 Cain, S.A. The Climax and Its Complexities. The American Midland Linguist. Vol. 21, No. 1 (Jan., 1939), pp. 146-181.
4 Corbett, E.P.J. Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. New York, Oxford University Press: 1971.
5 Zaban, B.K. The Pillar Function of the Speeches of Wisdom: Proverbs. 8.3 The Gradation… Berlin, Boston: Walter&Co, 2012.
6 Sarchi, LL.D. An Essay on Hebrew Poetry Ancient and Modern. London, ABC: 2014. P. 29.
7 Toolan, M. Language in Literature: An Introduction to Stylistics. A Hodder Arnold Publication: London, New York, 2008.
8 Walker, J. A Rhetorical Grammar: In which the Common Improprieties in Reading and Speaking. London, Briton: 2014.
9 Wales, K. A Dictionary of Stylistics. Pearson ESL, 2007.
10 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Oxford University Press: London, 2010.
11 Stylistic Devices Dictionary. London, WebPoint: 2012.

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