
Риски одной из международных компаний

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Код 559067
Дата создания 2016
Страниц 12
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1. Short review on IKEA company 2
2. Risk Types 7
3. Risk Matrix for IKEA in Russia 10
4. Possible risk management decisions 11
5. Country Risk estimation for IKEA in Russia 12
6. Conclusions 13
References: 15


"IKEA" ("IKEA") is one of the biggest international hypermarkets network providing furniture and goods for the house developing own trademark and a family format of shopping facilities. According to analytical agency INFOLine in Russia the company is the leader among the largest retail and small wholesale networks.
Control of an activity is exercised by the IKEA group of companies belonging since 1982, to the Stichting INGKA Foundation charity foundation created by Ingvar Kamprad. The structure includes nine divisions, including Inter IKEA Systems B.V. (franchises), IKEA Communications (advertising, polygraphs), Swedwood industrial group.
A founder of all units entering IKEA International Group is the INGKA Holding B.V holding. The board member of holding under the chairmanship of Yoran Grosskopf is the son of the founder of the company Mathias Kamprad. Since September 1, 2009 Mikael Ulsson (Olsson) became the president and the CEO of IKEA group of companies.
The business idea of IKEA is in changing to the best everyday life of many people, offering the wide range of convenient and functional goods for arrangement of the house at such low prices that as much as possible people could buy them.
Managers of department of strategic planning tirelessly investigate the target audience: her way of life, requirements, income. All this helps to understand that it is necessary for buyers today and that it is required to them in three years.
Ingvar Kamprad very long time wanted to bring the company to the Russian market. In spite of the fact that a set of attempts were failure, he didn't give up hope, and in 2000 in Moscow the first IKEA MEGA shop has been open.
The interests of the IKEA company in Russia are represented by the "IKEA Russia and Ukraine" company which includes two organizations — LLC IKEA Mos (development of a network of shopping centers "MEGA") and "IKEA the House"

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

The company has virtually no serious risks of working in addition to environmental risks in the Russian environment, exchange rate risk and inflation risk. The company has a target audience Poston and running a long time, the risks insured by a special department that does not allow serious financial losses. The risk environment is manifested in the fact that the Russian state is constantly changing the rules of the market and constantly improve the taxation of making Russian people poor - people's incomes are falling, inflation in the country is growing. As a result, the company is forced to keep almost dumping prices which increases the cost and increases the growth of variable costs.
About the strategic risk we can say that The company sees Russia as a country that gives a lot of opportunities. Over the past 5 years, retail sales increased by 96.7%. In the first 8 months of 2010, Russia's trade turnover showed an increase of 11.2%. Russian consumers show an increasing interest in foreign brands, while statistics show that the average Russian spends about 51% of their personal income on retail purchases.
Moscow took the 9th place in the list of the most successful in the field of retail trade of cities with a score of 4.075 million dollars - more than Milan (10 th), Frankfurt (17) or Mancheter (22). The average Muscovite spends an average of 7,500 dollars a year for shopping.
Russia has become a leader on growth and trading platforms across Europe over the past 3 years. Not surprisingly, about 41% of retailers learn about the potential of Russia, eager to open their shops there.
However, since 2010 it has been frozen plans for the construction of new shopping centers "IKEA" in the Voronezh region, Perm, Novosibirsk (area under the second stage of the company acquired in March 2010), the other regions. Until 2013-2015 years delayed the construction of Europe's largest shopping center in Mytishchi near Moscow (1 billion project cost). However, high customer demand, continuing the positive trend on the Russian market the best furniture retailer and brand recognition, "IKEA" prompted the management of the company to reflect the opening of another, separate from the STC "MEGA" store "IKEA" in the Moscow region. In the short-term priority is the development and modernization of the existing shopping center "Mega" and "IKEA", which implies first and foremost the parking construction and access roads for the buyers. In late 2010, plans were announced to expand the acceleration and deceleration lanes to exit the Ring Road near the "MEGA Teply Stan".

Список литературы

1. Мagazine «Kommersant». http://www.kommersant.ru
2. Magazine «Company». http://ko.ru
3. IKEA official site. http://www.ikea.com
4. IKEA Russia official website. http://www.ikea.com/ru - 5.

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