
Мастит у коров, профилактика и лечение.

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Код 558957
Дата создания 2015
Страниц 10
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Introduction 4
1 1. Definition and types of mastitis 5
1 2. Treatment of mastitis
3. Prevention of mastitis 7
3 Conclusion 12
References and sources 13



Field surveys of major livestock diseases have ranked mastitis as number one disease of dairy animals. Mastitis is the inflammation of the mammary gland and udder tissue, and is a major endemic disease of dairy cattle. It usually occurs as an immune response to bacterial invasion of the teat canal by variety of bacterial sources present on the farm, and can also occur as a result of chemical, mechanical, or thermal injury to the cow's udder. Mastitis shortens lactation period of each animal, reduces amount of milk per lactation and, in addition, mastitis impairs the quality of milk and milk products through discarded milk, reduction in milk yield, premature culling of animals and replacements. Hence, mastitis continues to be the most costly disease of dairy animals.
The purpose of the work is to study mastitis in dairy cows and to describe the best ways of mastitis treatment and prevention.
The structure of work is the following: chapter 1 provides general knowledge about mastitis and its types, chapter 2 is dedicated to description of existing methods of disease’s treatments and, finally, in chapter 3 the best ways of prevention of mastitis in dairy cows are described.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления


Mastitis pathogens may infect cows during the dry period and as well as when cows are lactating. It is extremely important to identify and recognize the source of the infections, as approaches to control, prevention and treatment since the effects of the pathogens may differ according to whether the infection occurs when the cow is dry, or in lactation.
Treatment is possible with long-acting antibiotics and also with alternative therapies such as homeopathy. Although, mastitis cannot be totally eliminated from a herd, however, the incidence can be held to a minimum.
Mastitis is most often transmitted by contact with the milking machine, and through contaminated hands or other materials, in housing, bedding and other equipment. Practices such as close attention to milking hygiene, the culling of chronically-infected cows, good housing management and effective dairy cattle nutrition to promote good cow health are essential in helping to control herd mastitis levels. Less mastitis means less risk of antibiotic contamination of milk or meat products. It means more secure domestic and international markets.
Cows should be kept comfortable and in good health. Farmers will also enjoy higher financial gain from increased production, higher payment for quality milk and reduced costs of treatment and culling.

Список литературы

References and sources

1. Khan M. Z., Khan A., Basic facts of mastitis in dairy animal: a review, Pakistan Vet. J. 26(4) (2006) pp. 204-208
2. Kudi A. C. , Bray M.P., Niba A.T., Circus D. , PlymouthMastitis Causing Pathogens within the Dairy Cattle Environment, International Journal of Biology 1(1) (2009) pp. 3-13
3. Harmon R. J., Physiology of mastitis and factors affecting somatic cell counts, J. Dairy Sci. 77 (1994) pp. 2103-2112
4. Jones G. M., Bailey T. L., Understanding the Basics of Mastitis, Virginia Cooperative Extension 404-233 (2009) pp. 1-5
5. Pyörälä S., Treatment of mastitis during lactation, Irish Veterinary Journal 62 (2009) pp. 40-44
6. Schroeder J. W., Bovine Mastitis and Milking Management, Mastitis control programs AS1129 (2012) pp. 1-16

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