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Introduction 3
1.The problem of anti-Semitism in Europe 4
2. Combating anti-Semitism 11
Conclusion 13
References 14
The topicality of the research. Modern anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are often hidden under the mask of anti-Zionism, anti-Israeli prejudice and/or anti-Americanism. Their suppliers are more Muslims than Christians. They are more left than right, they don't look racist and often disguised as "antiracist". They almost never call themselves "anti-Semites" unlike their predecessors, sixty or a hundred years ago. Indeed, new ugovori invariably fiercely indignant already one assumption that they are against Jews. Their main focus lies in demonizacija of Israel, the destruction of the so-called "Zionist generation" and the creation of the world Judenstaatrein world, cleansed of the Jewish state.
From the point of view of education, we can't cope with this "new form" of anti-Semitism, if not will inflict a blow on the forehead its changing dynamics and do not present prettii his new intellectual garb. This is not ethnic, national, racist or Nazi anti-Semitism sixty-year-old, who had their roots in Europe of the XIX century. All delegates, which we heard today, it seems, are United in their fight against this type of brutal racist anti-Semitism, United in the rejection of neo-Nazism, pravolinijsko populism and xenophobia. This, of course, is good and I welcome it. But we will achieve little, if we think that this is a real problem facing us in 2003.
Фрагмент работы для ознакомления
Modern mindedness veil covers the history of Europe is the veil behind which hide some of the most unsightly pulses Europeans. It turns out that in the statements of Europeans about multiculturalism hidden internal contradiction.
Multiculturalism actually can enrich society. And the most important proof is the story of the Jews in Europe. They gave Europe Einstein and Kafka, Freud and Arendt.
They have transformed Europe in the intellectual center of gravity - then the Europeans began to destroy and cast out from their countries. So why the self-proclaimed defenders of European multiculturalism try not to think about these brilliant examples until then, until it does something much more serious?
Scientists studying the problem of anti-Semitism, say disparaging remarks about Jews over the last two decades have become common among the educated middle class. Especially in social media, where there were such labels (hashtags), as #HitlerWasRight, and there is a significant jump in hate speech against Jews.
The current financial crisis marked in Europe not only by the growth of the queues at the labour exchanges. According to experts, more and more acute in the "old world" becomes the problem of xenophobia.
According to the researchers of the European Jewish Congress and the Israeli sociologists, the global financial crisis contributed to a noticeable increase of xenophobic attitudes and the revival of anti-Semitic stereotypes in Europe. So the surveys conducted in Germany, Spain, great Britain, Poland, Hungary, Austria and France, showed that a third of respondents blame the current crisis on the Jewish community, and 41 percent of respondents in the EU believe that the impact of Jewish businessmen in the world economy is too large.
Список литературы
1. Each Century Jewish syndrome" Soviet propaganda // Why not love the Jews. - M., 2007. - 480 C. - 1000 copies - ISBN 978-5-8125-0862-3.
2. http://inosmi.ru/world/20131020/214020118.html
3. http://infokava.com/social/1986-rost-antisemitizma-v-evrope.html
4. http://ieshua.org/antisemitizm-vyplesnulsya-na-ulicy-evropy.htm
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