
The theory of Context

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Table of Contents 2
Introduction 3
1. Definition of Context: Main Theories 4
2. Structure and Functions of Context 7
3. Types of Context 9
Conclusion 12
References 13


Context is a quite new phenomenon in linguistics. Nevertheless, today it is actively studied in different branches of linguistics and other sciences. Its importance is evident because a word or a phrase cannot be correctly understood without their surrounding and situation of communication. That is why it is important to study this phenomenon. Consequently, the theme of the present paper is very actual today.
The aim of the present paper is to study the theory of context.
The tasks of the present paper are the following:
1. To study main theories of context and make definition of the notion.
2. To examine structure and functions of context.
3. To cite main types of context.
Theoretical basis of the present paper are works of foreign researchers P. Auer, N.S. Dash, T.A. van Dijk, R. Finkbeiner, M. Ghadessy, M.A.K. Halliday, R. Kopytko, G. Leech, J. Lyons, J.L. Mey, M.D.P. Requelo, A. Verhagen, X. Xu and J. Zhu.
The structure of the work consists of introduction, thee chapters, conclusion and references.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

In the present paper we first of all have studied the notion of context and made a conclusion that context is linguistic (verbal) and non-verbal, explicit or hidden environment of words. Context is studied in various theories such as speech act, relevance, pragmatic, meaning-assignment, intermediate, social and theoretical theories of context.
Secondly, in the present paper we have examined structure and functions of context. We have resumed that the main structural components of context are the participants’ features, the relevant objects and the effect of speech act. Nevertheless, there are some secondary features which help context to perform the following functions: to eliminate ambiguities, to convey emotional implications, to supply information of omitted part, to provide the plans that precede a discourse and to control the speech.
Thirdly, in the present paper we have distinguished various types of context which are suggested by foreign linguistics: 1) linguistic context, 2) non-linguistic context; 3) situational context; 4) cultural context; 5) local context; 6) sentential context; 7) topical context; 8) global context; 9) common background knowledge; 10) channel of communication.
On the basis of the foregoing we would like to resume that the further study of the theory of context is needed due to many arguable questions in this sphere.

Список литературы

1. Auer P. From Context to Contextualization // Links & Letters. - 1996. - N3. – P. 11-28.
2. Dash N.S. Context and Contextual Word Meaning // SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. – 2008. - Vol. 5. - N2. – P. 21-31.
3. Dijk T.A. van. Discourse, context and cognition // Discourse Studies. – 2006. - N8. – P. 159 -177.
4. Finkbeiner R., Meibauer J., Schumacher P.B. What is a Context?: Linguistic Approaches and Challenges. - John Benjamins Publishing, 2012. – 253 p.
5. Ghadessy M. Text and Context in Functional Linguistics. - John Benjamins Publishing, 1999. – 340 p.
6. Halliday M.A.K., Hasan R. Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-semiotic Perspective. - Oxford: Cambridge University Press, 1989. – 126 p.
7. Kopytko R. What is wrong with modern accounts of context in linguistics? // Vienna English Working Papers. – 2003. - N12. - P. 45–60.
8. Leech G. Semantics: The Study of Meaning. - England: Penguin Books Ltd., 1981. – 386 p.
9. Lyons J. Semantics. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977. - 897 p.
10. Mey J.L. Concise Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. - 2nd edition. - Oxford, 2009. - 1183 p.
11. Requelo M.D.P. The Role of Context in Word Meaning Construction: A Case Study // IJES. - 2007. - Vol.7(1). – P. 169-173.
12. Verhagen A. Context, meaning, and Interpretation, in a practical approach to linguistics // L. Lentz and H.L.W. Pander Maat. Discourse analysis and evaluation. - Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1997. – P. 7-39.
13. Xu X. Research on the Application of Context Theory in Vocabulary Study // Theory and Practice in Language Studies. – 2013. - Vol. 3. - No6. – P. 1059-1064.
14. Zhu J., Han L. The Application of Context Theory in English Teaching of Reading // English Language Teaching. - 2010. - Vol 3. - N1. - P. 142-147.

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